Chapter 1258

The horse faced soldier led long Fei and others to the three wooden houses. At the same time, he asked, "what do you do when you eat? Do you plan to bring it by yourself, or do you plan to eat the set meal provided by the government? "

Zhao Guozhu and others brought enough dry food. They were about to say that they would provide it for themselves, but Long Fei had already said, "what are the meals you provide?"

"The meals we provide are divided into four grades: A, B, C and D. the main grades are..."

The horse faced soldier was about to explain the difference to Long Fei when he heard long Fei say, "well, you don't have to introduce it. You want a!"

However, as soon as long Fei's voice fell, the horse faced soldier's face became constipated and said, "great Xia, in your identity, you should at least order a class C set meal. The class a set meal really doesn't fit your identity."

Long Fei feels that something is wrong. The best packages are not in line with his identity. Is there a better package than Grade A?

"What's the highest level of your meal?" Long Fei asked.

"The most advanced package here is the D-class package." Said the horse faced soldier.

Li Qingyu was stunned and asked, "what grade is grade A? Is it not as good as grade D?"

"Grade A is not as good as grade D. Because class A is the worst. " Horse faced soldier, the old God said.

“…… Nima Long Fei almost choked on his own saliva.

Wuda is really special. In other places, a is the highest. Here Ding is the highest!

Little butterfly and Princess nine can't help chuckling when they see that the wise and powerful master has been shriveled.

"Brother long, don't you just have a bite of rice? Whatever is good or bad, just eat enough. " Zhao Guozhu said.

But Long Fei doesn't think so!

In fact, in the realm of Longfei, eating is not necessary for him. He eats not so much to provide energy for his body, but purely to enjoy the process of eating and the delicious food.

So, it's impossible for him to eat something that is not good to eat in order to satisfy himself!

"Well, then, we'll have it all in the fourth grade." Long Fei had to change his way.

"Good! Great Xia is really a great man in the world! Just give me the money and I'll give it to the stove. Then the canteen staff will deliver the meal to your room on time every day. " Said the horse faced soldier.

Long Fei directly took out two ingots of gold and gave them to the horse faced soldiers. After the horse faced soldiers led them to the wooden house, they went to go through the meal procedures for them.

There are three wooden houses, one for Xiaodie and Princess nine, one for Longfei and Zhao Guozhu, and one for Zhao Guozhu's five disciples.

When everything was arranged and it was time for dinner, they were given a set meal of grade D. let alone the set meal provided by the government canteen, although it was more expensive, it tasted really good. Nine people gathered around and ate with relish.

"Two younger martial sisters, we won't eat your things for nothing. After tomorrow's competition, we will work hard to win a good place! Take you to the ruins Said one of Zhao Guozhu's disciples.

"Yes, yes. As long as you enter the ruins, even if you just get a little good things, you can get back your investment. " Another disciple said.

"Although we didn't get the qualification to enter the ruins when several ruins were opened, the two younger martial sisters must believe us. This time, we will make history!" Another disciple said.

In this case, when several disciples were in the restaurant of elder Jin in silo Town, they said that Zhao Guozhu stopped them at that time, but this time he just sighed and did not stop them.

Now more than two years have passed since the last relic was opened. In the past two years, in order to get the entrance ticket of this relic opening, almost the whole sect has been fighting!

Zhao Guozhu personally presided over the ceremony and selected five disciples with excellent qualifications. He smashed the resources of the sect on them without cost. The whole sect smashed the pot and sold iron. He bought all kinds of panacea that can quickly improve their physical fitness and fed them all.

It is also because of these reasons that the Qingfeng school has become so poor! The foundation of the whole school is almost hollowed out!

However, these resources are not in vain. Now these five disciples have finally become masters. Zhao Guozhu hopes that he can take them and win the qualification to enter the ruins. "

however, according to the rules jointly formulated by the Wulin and the government, anyone who has obtained the qualification for the case can bring 20 people in. They want to bring their own people in!

Therefore, almost every school that comes to participate in the qualification competition has brought a lot of people, and even some big schools have brought more than 1000 people!

But Zhao Guozhu only brought these five disciples!

Because in addition to these five people, the others of Qingfeng sect are too weak!

Zhao Guozhu knows that the ruins are not blessed places. There are many dangers in them. Even if the six of them have obtained the qualification to enter the ruins, he will bring the others of Qingfeng sect into the ruins. I'm afraid that after they enter, they may never get out again!

The official competition will start tomorrow, so Zhao Guozhu doesn't want to reprimand these five specially trained students, so as not to undermine their self-confidence and be harmful to tomorrow's competition.When the five disciples saw that the master didn't reprimand them, they were even more excited. They not only whimpered, but also wished they could give a performance to Xiaodie and Princess nine on the spot to prove it to them!

Little butterfly and nine princesses just have a meal while secretly looking at the master, laughing in the heart.

Long Fei did not say a word, but ate his own food quietly.

It's not that long Fei likes to play a pig and eat a tiger, pretending to be forced to fight in the face. But he knows that if he shows his strength now, he will be targeted by everyone!

Of course, even if these people are all aimed at Longfei, Longfei can also level them! But Long Fei has some scruples about the ruins to be opened. For him, the ruins is a completely strange place. Before he can't figure out the situation inside, it's better to keep a low profile, so as to avoid capsizing in the sewer.

The next morning, the qualification match officially started!

The first game is extensive. The seeded players don't take part in it. Those non seeded players are driven into a big circle with a diameter of one kilometer and surrounded by a fence. Thousands of people fight in this big circle. Thirty minutes later, the gate of the big fence opens and those who can walk out of the big gate automatically enter the next round.

According to the rules of the competition, players entering the fence can attack anyone in any way! Even if you are willing to attack your own teammates!

However, there are rules that no one can die! You can only beat people and lose their fighting capacity, but you can't kill them!

Of course, if it is a fight, there may be death! Therefore, the death is inevitable, but if anyone is caught in the murder, he will not only compensate the family members or the sect of the dead for a large sum of money, but also be disqualified! Even if his sect finally gets the qualification to enter the ruins, he can't enter!

This is the way that Utah officials use to control mortality.

The so-called seed player is the master who has entered the ruins before. Because these people have a rolling advantage over many people, they don't take part in the first round and go straight to the second round.

None of the nine people on Longfei's side had entered the ruins before, so they were all driven into the big fence.

Although the big fence has a large area, it can't hold many people inside! It's almost crowded, people touching, one after another, raising hands and feet, you will meet people!

There are more than 60 gates in Dashilan, each with a huge signal gun. When all the non seeded players entered the fence, the soldiers closed more than 60 doors together, lit the signal gun, and in the loud noise, the fighting in the fence began!

Although the rules stipulate that everyone can attack anyone, even his own sect, no one is stupid enough to attack his own sect! After all, as long as one person of each sect is qualified to enter the ruins, they can bring 20 people to enter!

Therefore, as long as they firmly stand on the side of their own sect, even if they don't stand out of the fence at last, as long as someone in the sect is qualified to enter the ruins, they will still be qualified to enter the ruins at last.

Everyone wants to beat other people who are not in his own sect, because the fewer people left, the less competition there will be.

Therefore, although it is stipulated that people can't kill people, the fighting is still very fierce, and people are red eyed at the beginning! Holding the weapons in hand, desperately greet each other!

"Butterfly! Princess nine! Don't worry! We protect you One of Zhao Guozhu's disciples roared, and five people immediately surrounded Xiaodie, Princess nine and two beauties in the middle.

Long Fei couldn't help but roll his eyes angrily. He said in his heart, "grass, you guys are the most beautiful. In your eyes, it seems that Lao Tzu is also a weak man who can only spend money? Why don't you protect me? You guys don't want me to be finished earlier, which will not affect your pursuit of my beautiful apprentice? "

Although Zhao Guozhu once suspected that long Fei was an expert at secretly destroying Wu Renyi, the leader of Wu River Gang, he was still around long Fei. He used his sword to knock over several enemies for him and roared: "brother long, you must be careful. Don't leave me!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just take care of yourself As long Fei said, he used his empty hand to enter the white blade, snatched a white wax stick from a guy's hand, swept it out, and turned over three enemies!

Zhao Guozhu's five disciples didn't pay attention to Longfei's battle. They had long wanted to show off their super invincible force in front of the two beauties. Now the opportunity finally came. They fought their lives to protect Xiaodie and Princess nine.

But what makes them vomit blood is that the people who are in a panic all around just launch a charge against them, and the circle they form does not exist!

A group of people had to fight for themselves, fighting desperately!