Chapter 1284

As soon as long Fei saw that the wolf was running with his clothes in his mouth, he was in a hurry! His clothes are precious! And now he can't put his mind outside. If the wolf runs away, it will be hard to find it again!

The world is so big, where can I find it?

In a hurry, the mana in his body surged, and suddenly he patted the water!

Miracle happened!

At the moment when he patted his hand to the surface of the water, the lake suddenly turned into a water dragon in the air. He jumped at the giant wolf with his teeth and claws open. Then he swallowed the giant wolf. Then the water dragon turned back and dived into the water. It turned into the lake again, but the giant wolf turned into a pile of blood!

Long Fei's clothes are floating on the lake!

Long Fei was stunned immediately!

Just now, he inadvertently used another spell!

He was pleasantly surprised, and immediately waved to his clothes. A magic power rushed out, wrapped his clothes and fell on him!

Long Fei's heart moved again, and his body flew straight out of the water. Then he floated quietly on the surface of the lake, and then his hands hovered in the air, and he drank softly in his mouth: "black dragon rises!"

The surface of the lake near him suddenly surged, and then soared into two water dragons bigger than the one just now. They raised the sky and let out a long cry, just like the DNA chain of human body, intertwined with each other and flew straight into the sky!

With the rising of the two water dragons, the surface of the lake will drop rapidly!

Only when Long Fei felt almost done, did he gently touch the two water dragons with his hands and quietly shout, "blast!"

Two water dragons suddenly "boom" a burst open, and then "Hua" a fall to the surface, like the Milky Way upside down, magnificent!

With the waterfall falling to the surface, the originally calm lake suddenly surged with waves! The whole lake is also in turmoil! Long Fei looks at the turbulent lake, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his right hand facing the lake, gently wiping it in the air, just like smoothing a sand painting, the turbulent Lake calms down instantly!

The waterfall in the sky is still falling into the lake, but it can't splash any more!

Long Fei is finally convinced that his mana has been restored! I can use my mana flexibly again!

But ---

why? How did your mana suddenly recover? I don't seem to have done anything, do I? It's just a bath. Isn't the lake so special? What's its magic power? It seems impossible!

Long Fei was standing on the lake wondering, when a little butterfly's voice came from the bank: "master, your mana has been restored?"

Although the place where Xiao die and Jiu Princess take a bath is far away from here, the noise from Longfei's side is so big that both the water dragons are going to the moon. Naturally, they have seen it for a long time, so they quickly put on their clothes and come here.

"Recovered! Try it as soon as you can! " Li Qingyu heart read a move, "whoosh" fly to the lake, fell in front of the two apprentices.

Little butterfly immediately waved to the lake, and the ice began to freeze quickly on the lake, and the ice became thicker and thicker. At this time, the nine princesses beside little butterfly also waved, and the frozen lake began to melt quickly again, turning into dark green water again!

"Master, our mana has been restored! Really recovered! But why? " Nine Princess surprise of say, surprise under, he unexpectedly like a child, jumped several times!

Long Fei shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I'm just wondering!"

"Ha ha, whatever! It's good to recover, master. Shall we go back now? " Xiaodie said happily. It's really nice to get back.

Long Fei nodded, and then soared up. Xiao die and Jiu princess also followed the master and flew to the camp together. At the same time, Long Fei whistled to the flat headed tiger who was wandering around.

The flathead tiger soon flew back, but the three apprentices of Longfei, who had just recovered their flying ability, did not stand on the back of the flathead tiger, but flew to the base by themselves.

However, when they arrived at the camp along the low altitude, the three suddenly lost their flying ability and fell down from the air. The three masters and apprentices were caught off guard. They didn't have time to make any response and fell to the ground!

Although the three people just flew low and were only about 30 meters away from the ground, Xiaodie and Princess Jiu were still thrown and lay on the ground bared their teeth!

Long Fei was born with a body. When he flew to Guangzhou City, he fell down from the sky and smashed a huge pit on the ground. Of course, nothing happened at this time. He quickly ran to the two disciples, pulled them up, and repeatedly asked, "are you ok?"

"Master, we have Something's wrong, we can't use our magic power again! " Butterfly said.

"Master, are you unable to use your magic power? Why on earth is this? Is someone playing with us on purpose? " Nine princesses chagrin of say, she almost want to collapse.

"I also want to ask why! It can't be someone playing with us, can it? Who can be so idle? " Long Fei said.Although he said so, he was also a little surprised in his heart. If someone is really teasing them, what kind of realm does this person have to be? How powerful is it?

I can't imagine!

Little butterfly and nine princesses see Long Fei's face is not very good-looking, in the heart is shocked, little butterfly is more uncertain said: "master, is not really what God is playing us? Or what curse did we suffer when we entered Guangzhou City? "

Long Fei thought about it, and finally shook his head and said, "it's impossible. I've never met such a powerful monk! I feel that we are suddenly unable to exert our mana again because of the environment here. "

"Environment related? But It seems that there is nothing special about the environment here. " The ninth princess also looked around and said.

This is an ordinary mountain forest, but there are not many trees around. There are no trees in their camp. The campfire they lit before is still burning. The red flame occasionally makes a crackling sound, which is the sound of the burning branches bursting.

The winged tiger and two tianpengniao, who had been resting by the campfire, stood up and looked at Longfei with wide eyes. The black stone on tianpengniao's back looks swarthy in the moonlight, like a big turtle lying on their back!

Several big guys didn't know that Longfei three suddenly lost the ability to perform their flying skills and then fell from the air. They thought Longfei three were training their anti wrestling ability!

Long Fei is also observing the surrounding environment, trying to find out what's special about this place, but they look around and find nothing unusual in the end!

"Go! Move around and have a look. " Long Fei suddenly said, and then walked toward the distance, while walking, while constantly trying to cast mana.

Little butterfly and nine princesses follow Long Fei, doing the same action!

When they left the original place about 50 meters, they suddenly restored their casting ability without warning! He fell back four or five meters, and then he couldn't cast his magic again!

"Ha ha, it seems that there is no other reason, just the terrain! We continue to move forward, along the way constantly test, to see if there will be unable to cast mana situation! At the same time, observe the terrain and find out the difference between the terrain that can cast and the terrain that can't cast! To find out what's interfering with us! " Long Fei said.

So the three experimented and moved forward. As a result, none of them was unable to exert their mana until they walked out a few miles!

After walking a few miles further, Long Fei finally stopped and said, "forget it, I don't think we need to try any more. It seems that there is something wrong with our camping place, and other places are normal."

"It's a coincidence that the world is so big, there is a problem in that place, and as a result, we are in that place! Master, what shall we do now? And back? " Asked the ninth princess.

"I think it's better not to go back? We can't exert our magic power in that place. If something goes against us, why don't we set up camp here again? " Butterfly suggested.

They don't even have a tent. Of course, it's because they don't need it, so they don't carry it.

Therefore, Long Fei did not object to Xiaodie's proposal, and immediately decided to set up camp in this place again. He raised his head and whistled for the winged tiger and tianpengniao to move to their side.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, more than 50 transparent throwing knives were gathered between his fingers. Then Longfei waved his hand again, and more than 50 throwing knives flew to the nearby woods and chopped the dead branches on those big trees. There was a sound of crackling and chirping in the woods. Many dead branches fell to the ground. With another wave of Longfei's hand, these dead branches would fly to Longfei's side in line and pile up in a pile.

When Longfei wanted to use his magic power to light the dead branch, four winged tigers and two Tianpeng birds fell from the air and fell to Longfei's side.

For six guys who can fly, the distance of ten kilometers is only minutes!

Long Fei didn't pay attention to them. Instead, he continued to cast his magic to light the dead branch. But he sadly found that he couldn't cast his magic again!

"It's the same size!" Long Fei can't help but subconsciously scold a, then say to small butterfly and nine princesses: "you two try, can you still exert mana?"

Little butterfly and nine princesses tried, nine princesses immediately shocked say: "we also can't! But we were able to cast magic just now, but now we can't! How strange

Long Fei suddenly smile, said: "ha ha, this thing is not strange, I finally know why sometimes we can use magic, sometimes not! There's only one reason! "

"Why?" Little butterfly and nine princesses suddenly speak in the same voice!