Chapter 1392

Small conference room of feiyunzong headquarters.

The holographic images of long Duoduo and Zhong Yunhan just stand in front of the public as if they were real beings. They talk about many things in the past. There are also joys and sorrows, swords and swords, guns and bullets, and joys and sorrows. However, they just say that in a Buddhist way, as if they are not talking about their own past, but just a period of peace A story that has nothing to do with you.

Facts have proved that it is completely correct for the two of them to use this Buddhist way of speaking. Otherwise, a group of people in the small conference room would have been in tears for a long time and would not have been able to watch this three-dimensional holographic video completely.

It turned out that on that day, Long Fei and his expeditionary army of feiyunzong entered the space passage and went on an expedition to purple star. As a result, the space passage collapsed. In the space storm, the people were completely scattered. Fortunately, Long Fei did not separate from his eldest son, long Bo, and arrived at the destination of Ziyuan star by accident. However, long Duoduo and Zhong Yunhan, as well as more than 100 people who were in the same spaceship with them, all went to tianshuangxing!

Fortunately, although their UFO broke down in the space storm, it didn't disintegrate directly like Longfei's UFO! This gives them a chance to survive!

Because the physical structure of tianshuangxing people is not much different from that of people on earth, and tianshuangxing also has UFOs, so after tianshuangxing people found them, they didn't doubt their origin at all. They just thought that they were also indigenous people of tianshuangxing and sent them directly to the hospital. Finally, more than 100 people on longduoduo's flying saucer actually lived more than 80 lives, and only more than 20 people died!

After they survived, they began to look for Long Fei, Wang Xiaonan and other people. Of course, they didn't dare to say that they were aliens. Otherwise, they might be taken away by some departments for slicing research. They just said that those people were their lost friends. They asked the major media and people from all walks of life to help find them.

However, they have been looking for many years, and have not got any news from Long Fei and others. Disappointed, they were basically sure that the only one who came to tianshuangxing was their space flying saucer. The rest of them either disappeared in the space channel or went to other places.

They have also judged that Longfei and other people who have not come to tianshuangxing are most likely to go to the purple star! After all, their original target planet is purple star. The place where the space passage accident happened is probably closer to purple star, so after the space passage accident, people are more likely to arrive at purple star. They ran to the double star by themselves, which was a complete accident.

Of course, they are also comforting themselves when they think so. After all, in that case, it is most likely that all the others died! After all, the space channel collapse, it is too terrible! They are lucky to survive!

After long Duoduo and others determined that they were the only people who came to tianshuangxing, they made up their mind to return to earth sooner or later! Back to your loved ones!

In order to achieve this goal, they must have a firm foothold in tianshuangxing.

Then you have to stand at the top of the planet! After all, they need to mobilize a lot of resources to return to the earth. If they can't stand on the top of the planet and want to return to the earth, it's totally wishful thinking!

In order to achieve the goal, they began to move forward on a down-to-earth basis. They began to gradually integrate into the life of tianshuangxing, and gradually understand the planet and the survival rules of the residents on the planet.

The volume of the celestial twin is more than three times larger than that of the earth, but its climate is similar to that of the earth. It can be regarded as an enlarged earth. It also has Tropic of cancer, North and south poles, and the northern and southern hemispheres change throughout the year.

However, the number of countries on Tianshuang is far less than that on earth. There are only more than 100 countries, and they are divided into two camps. One camp is headed by a country named Tiansong, which is called Tiansong group; the other camp is headed by a country named Guyu, which is called Guyu group. Long Duoduo and others settled in the ancient fish kingdom.

The reason why tianshuangxing's country is divided into these two camps is mainly because there are essential differences between the two camps on the issue of longevity.

In order to prolong their own lives, the people of tiansongguo group will not care about everything, even the life and death of others, directly plunder the life energy of others, and use it in a critical situation!

They have researched and manufactured special Super chips, which are embedded in other people's bodies and used to plunder other people's life energy and transform it into their own life energy, so as to increase their life span. It's just like what the future tech people on earth did.

This method of plunder is doomed to sacrifice some people's lives to complete a few people's lives!

No one is willing to give his life to others! People who use this method to prolong their lives can only continue to launch foreign wars, plunder the population, and then plunder the life energy of these people for their own use!

Tiansongguo group not only often launches aggressive wars in Tianshuang, but also sends many star warships to search for other living planets in the universe, then occupy these planets and plunder the life energy of human beings on these planets.This is how the team of future scientists and technicians who invaded the earth at the beginning. However, those people were bold enough to find that the earth has a large population after they came to the earth. They even cut off the connection with the parent planet and began to dominate all the earth's resources. Unfortunately, they also made a fatal mistake. When they were in danger, they could not get help from the parent star! As a result, Longfei led the Terrans on earth and completely eliminated them.

But the people of guyuguo group are against this despicable plunder!

They believe that there is no mistake in the pursuit of longevity.

After all, no matter in which world, which space, or which planet, the pursuit of long-term vision has always been the ultimate dream of human beings. The monks of purple star and all planes of the earth, in fact, work hard to practice, in order to one day be able to become a road, get eternal life, heaven and earth die, and I will not die!

But human beings can't harm others in order to prolong their life! As the saying goes, do not do to others what you do not want. Since you know that you are always thinking about extending your life, how can you not know that others also want to live more years? How can we plunder the life energy of our fellow human beings?

People in the ancient fish Kingdom also want to prolong their life, even if they only live for a few more decades. But they will never plunder. They will only continue to develop their own intelligence and develop drugs that can also prolong their lives!

Although taking medicine, it is better to plunder other people's life energy for their own use, but this part of people would rather gradually grow old and finally go to the end of life, rather than despicably plunder other people's lives!

As a result, the two groups have been at the tip of the needle to maimang, not to give in to each other, want to swallow each other! One side wants to wipe out the bandits and pests of Tiansong Kingdom, so that they will not harm others. Return to the sky, double stars, a heaven and earth. On the other hand, they want to take all these bastards from guyuguo and bury super chips on them so that they can continuously provide life energy for themselves.

However, although both sides are not pleased with each other, and the leaders of the two groups may even abuse each other in various public places, both of them want to eliminate each other and never suffer from the future, because the combat effectiveness of the two groups is almost the same, and the strength of the two groups is equal, neither of them dare to start first! In the end, it's amazing that there has been no real large-scale fighting for many years, just a few skirmishes.

Long Duoduo and his wife not only gained a firm foothold in the ancient fish kingdom through this precious peace time, but also successfully entered the highest scientific research institution of the ancient fish kingdom with Zhong Yunhan's intelligence and strong scientific research ability.

Fifty years ago, the old president of Guyu finally died, and the whole country ran for a new president. Zhong Yunhan took part in the election. As a result, many of Zhong Yunhan's scientific research results benefit people's livelihood and facilitate people's lives, and his campaign speech is also very moving. Coupled with the hard work of countless people, Zhong Yunhan finally won the election and became the new president of guyuguo. At the same time, he naturally became the leader of guyuguo group!

So far, long Duoduo and Zhong Yunhan are almost at the top of the planet, and they have mastered countless resources in their hands! So long Duoduo and Zhong Yunhan began to make a detailed plan, ready to return to the earth!

To return to earth, there must be two conditions. One is to have a space ship that can travel through the stars. This is not a problem at all for the ancient fish kingdom. Just over 100 years ago, Zhong Yunhan developed the space flying saucer on earth. Now the technology level of the ancient fish kingdom is more advanced, and the performance of space ships is better.

The second condition is that they must know the earth's coordinate position in the cosmic galaxy map! If they don't know the coordinate position of the earth, they will not be able to build a space channel, and naturally they will not be able to reach the earth.

But when long Duoduo, Zhong Yunhan and others came to tianshuangxing, it was an accident. They didn't know how they came, so they didn't know the specific interstellar coordinates of the earth!

So Zhong Yunhan organized a large number of people to study the position of the earth all day long, and even sent a lot of space exploration teams, but to his disappointment, he never found the position coordinates of the earth!

Long Duoduo and Zhong Yunhan don't worry too much. After all, it's useless for them to worry. They can only take their time. Fortunately, they have a long life and a long time to struggle. They believe that they will succeed one day!

But let them not think of is, before they find the earth's position coordinates, the sky double star is suddenly steep!

The Tiansong group, which had always exercised restraint against them, finally stopped exercising restraint and started fighting against them!