Chapter 1421

They are afraid that the direct landing will attract the attention of passers-by and cause unnecessary trouble, so just now when they were talking about those magic buildings, they were also looking for a suitable landing place.

Zhong Xiaoyi was very familiar with Tianyang City, and soon found a suitable place. With the help of Long Fei's divine sense, he found that there was no one around and there was no danger. So he took everyone to the forest park directly, and then divided them into four groups: Guan Ruyu and Lin Susu, Long Hai and Xiao die, nine Princess and long bin, Long Fei and Zhong Xiaoyi, a total of four groups, Ask for information separately. If you are in danger, send a messenger to inform others immediately.

After arriving here, their personal communication device has long been out of the coverage of the base LAN, and has been unable to communicate, but other functions can still be used as usual.

Long Fei and Zhong Xiaoyi go through a street in Tianyang city. After walking for a while, Zhong Xiaoyi frowns and says, "uncle, something's wrong."

"Do you feel that this city is unpopular and desolate?" Long Fei asked.

In fact, when he scanned the city with divine sense in the air, he found that in the whole city, except for the armored combat vehicles wandering in the street, and the vigilant and armed security patrol personnel, there were few other people walking around.

Even in those tall buildings that will grow, there are many houses that are empty. Let the big trees growing on the walls block the balcony and windows.

Even if there are still people living in the house, most of the people in it are like old people over 70 years old, few young people and few children!

This is really not normal!

Zhong Xiaoyi can't see the situation in those buildings, but he can see the situation in front of him.

He frowned more deeply and said, "uncle, we have just walked a street, but we have never met a passer-by. It's daylight. It's not normal! I feel like we are walking into an empty city, even a ghost city! Is it that when Tiansong Alliance Group defeated Tianyang City, too many people died? They even slaughtered the city? These bastards of Tiansong Alliance group are really to blame for their death! "

At last, Zhong Xiaoyi's face is angry, his mind is full of fire, the scene of corpses everywhere, his relatives, his friends, his playmates, lost their lives in the blood and fire!

Long Fei's brow also slightly wrinkled, said: "it seems not like this. The leaders of Tiansong Alliance group need life energy. For them, everyone is their life energy pool, is their wealth! They are destroying their own wealth by killing people, so they may kill some people to vent their anger or frighten people, but they will never kill people on a large scale! Moreover, if they really slaughtered the city at the beginning, it should be the old people whose life energy has declined, not the children and young adults. After all, only the young adults and children can provide them with the most life energy. But now I can feel that the people in this city, except the public security officers, are all old people. There are few young people and almost no children! "

"Why is it like this? Uncle, you said Does this have anything to do with my mom and dad? " Zhong Xiaoyi asked with a worried face.

He was really worried about his parents, so once he found something abnormal or bad, he immediately contacted his parents.

Long Fei patted him lightly on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, I don't think so."

He pointed to the building opposite a T-junction and continued: "there are many old people living in that house. Let's go into the house and inquire about the situation, then everything will be clear."

Zhong Xiaoyi nodded and followed Long Fei to the building opposite the T-junction. However, as soon as they took a few steps, they turned out a black armored vehicle from the corner of the T-junction.

Long Fei and Zhong Xiaoyi rely on their "deception" and are not afraid of their investigation, so they do not dodge, but still swagger forward.

To their surprise, the turret of the chariot turned flexibly, and the thick muzzle aimed at them instantly. Then the security members inside yelled to them: "listen to the two people in front, don't you want to live? Get the hell out of here! Don't come out! Numb, the martial law has been issued long ago, and you are all turned a deaf ear to it. If you volunteers hadn't risked your lives and stayed here with loyalty and courage, I would have arrested you immediately! "

Long Fei listened to each other's shouting, but he was at a loss.

What martial law, what volunteers, what loyalty, what are they talking about? Why do you say Lao Tzu is loyal and brave? Which eye did he see that?

Long Fei can't help but look at Zhong Xiaoyi around him. Although Long Fei has read a lot of books in the National Library of post midden country and learned a lot about the local conditions and customs of tianshuangxing, what he knows is still limited compared with the long history and vast area of tianshuangxing, which is far less than Zhong Xiaoyi, who was born and raised in China.

However, when Zhong Xiaoyi saw his uncle's inquiring eyes, he frowned and shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know what was going on.Just as they were communicating, another roar came from the chariot: "didn't you two hear that? If you don't leave immediately, we'll shoot you on the spot! I know you are wandering in the street to help us, but you don't need it! You just need to hear from us at home! If you need to fight, we will inform you naturally! "

When the people in the chariot saw that long Fei and Zhong Xiaoyi didn't listen to him, they left immediately, obviously a little angry,

however, the more each other said, the more confused Long Fei and Zhong Xiaoyi became.

We want to help you? We want to help you a ghost! We want to kill you, believe it or not?

But they know that at this time as long as they hurry home, nothing will happen.

So long Fei immediately said, "Sir, calm down. We're going home. We're going home."

With that, Long Fei takes Zhong Xiaoyi and runs to the target building opposite the T-junction.

Although the chariot in front of him was not enough for Long Fei to slap, Long Fei came here to inquire about the news, not to fight. Moreover, Long Fei does not have a general estimate of the combat effectiveness of Tiansong group, so he does not dare to seize the security personnel in the chariot as a tongue to extort a confession. After all, the other party's system affects the whole body, so it's better to be careful now!

They quickly ran to the T-junction, ran across the road, and walked to the gate of a community. The gate of the community is not the simple electric telescopic door on the earth, but the heavy stainless steel gate.

"Uncle, this kind of gate is controlled by the central control system. You need to brush your face to get in. It seems that we can't get in!" Zhong Xiaoyi said in a low voice, but he turned his head slightly, peeped at his back and continued, "the armored car is still staring at us, probably to see if we belong to this community. What about that? "

Long Fei had no pressure to smile and said: "don't worry, if your uncle can be blocked by such a broken door, what else can we talk about saving your parents and destroying Tiansong group?"

As long Fei spoke, when he stretched out his hand, a fist sized emerald green water mass appeared on his palm. Then the water mass changed and turned into a human face. This is an old man's face, which is vivid and vivid.

"Make your mask look like him." Long Fei said to Zhong Xiaoyi.

Zhong Xiaoyi is wearing a new type of mecha. The most amazing thing about the new type of mecha is that it can evolve into different states. Otherwise, it can evolve into weapons. Moreover, when the helmet is opened, the mask can also evolve into different shapes, just like the world's most brilliant disguise technique.

Zhong Xiaoyi immediately understood that the old man who appeared in front of him must be the permanent resident in the community. Without any hesitation, he immediately manipulated the new mecha and opened his helmet.

The helmet of the new mecha is quite different from that of the motorcycle helmet. The helmet is completely attached to the human head. It also has hair and face. It seems that it gives a person a wig or a mask. No matter it is a wig or a mask, it can change shape at will.

as like as two peas, Zhong Xiaoyi has been able to use the new type of machine. Under his control, the mask of the helmet quickly becomes an old man's image, which is exactly the same as the face mask that he uses in life.

As long Fei's heart moved, the dew of life returned to the eight wasteland cauldron in his body, while he used a blind trick to turn his face into the image of another old man.

The facial makeup images of the two old men were just sensed by Long Fei with his divine sense. They are all regular residents of the community. Long Fei and Zhong Xiaoyi use their faces to brush their faces. Naturally, there will be no problem. There is a "Di" sound coming from the access control system, and the heavy stainless steel door is slowly opened, so they enter.

Zhong Xiaoyi turns to look at the armored car at the intersection and finds that it's not until the two of them enter the gate that they drive away.

"Poof! that was close! Thanks to my uncle, otherwise I'm afraid I'll have a conflict with them. " Zhong Xiaoyi said, patting his chest gently.

"It doesn't matter if there is a conflict. We have to fight sooner or later, but it will cause a little trouble to our current action." Long Fei said with a smile.

As long Fei talks, he takes Zhong Xiaoyi into a building. Instead of taking the elevator, they follow the stairs directly to the 11th floor. When they come to a door, Long Fei reaches out and knocks on the door.

But just as long Fei knocked on the door, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

Because he was not familiar with the place of life here, he was worried about accidents, so just now his divine consciousness had been locking the situation in the room. He found that there were six old men in the room, two of whom were playing chess, and the other four were watching. There's no real gentleman who doesn't talk about watching chess. All of them are twittering and expressing their opinions. An old man with white beard, who used to be a chess spectator, now excitedly directly touches the chess pieces on the table to demonstrate his routine. Another bald old man who is a go spectator, grabs the chess pieces and retorts. In the end, the two of them are playing chess, and the two of them are playing chess together What a spectator!

They are playing Chinese chess. The character "Ma Zou Ri" is like "Zou Tian" and "pawn" does not look back when crossing the river. Long Fei guessed that this should be a game promoted by his sister and brother-in-law in Guyu kingdom. At the beginning, Zhong Yunhan was an expert in this field.However, when Long Fei knocked on the door, he suddenly found that a group of old men in the room were all flustered!