Chapter 1499

"Of course not!"

The middle-aged man pointed with a whip at the front of the pullers who had stopped to gasp, as well as a large group of pullers who also stopped to gasp, and continued: "they were all the people who had committed great crimes against my great alliance of Tiansong. Now they are being punished, and I am their executioner."

"What crime have they committed?" Purple mansion yuan baby black face asks a way, even if be to commit a crime, also can't torture them with this kind of inhuman way?

"They used to be opponents of the great Tiansong alliance. They followed Zhong Yunhan, the former leader of the ancient fish alliance, and they did not know how many excellent soldiers of our Tiansong alliance they killed. They must accept the most severe punishment!" When Zhong Yunhan's name was mentioned, the middle-aged man's face was gnashing his teeth. I

when Zifu Yuanying heard that the middle-aged man mentioned Zhong Yunhan's name, he immediately moved in his heart and asked, "does this elder brother know where Zhong Yunhan and his wife are now?"

"It's highly confidential. How can I know as an ordinary person? But one thing is for sure, that couple of bastards have committed many crimes. They have committed a lot of crimes. They will not die easily. Their fate will be more miserable than these people! " Said the middle-aged man.

Zhong Xiaoyi has been missing his parents for a long time. What he hates most is that others insult his parents. At this moment, the middle-aged man not only insults his parents, but also directly insults them. Suddenly, his brain is full of green veins, and he is about to start making fist with both hands.

As soon as long Fei looked at him, he knew that he couldn't control his emotions. He immediately took a look at him and whispered to him: "what do you want to do? Forget what happened in Ruyi city? How many big things do we have to do? "

Zhong Xiaoyi suddenly turned his head to one side. The hand that he had clenched his fist was released, but his heart was full of haze. These chariot pullers had only participated in the original battle and would suffer such inhuman torture. His parents were the culprits!

What will they suffer?

Zhong Xiaoyi did not dare to think about it. When he thought about it, his heart hurt, and the whole person seemed to collapse!

At this time, the driver had swung the whip and whipped forward again. The whip made of cowhide stirred the air and made a sharp whistling sound. Then, they whipped heavily on the two people at the same time. The ragged clothes of the two people suddenly had another cut, and even their skin was covered with a red bloodstain.

This time, even Zifu Yuanying felt extremely angry and almost couldn't help it. However, when his eyes swept over the two beaten pullers, he gave up his plan and secretly told others not to do it.

So they just stood on the side of the road and watched the long line struggling to pass them. Then they continued to walk on the road. When the long line disappeared, long bin asked indignantly, "Dad, I don't understand. Just now, why didn't you let us do it?"

as like as two peas, but not only the dragon flying family is the same as the dragon flying master, but also the soul of the dragon flying master, so Longhai and long bin are also calling his father.

Long bin asked, others also turned their eyes to Long Fei, and the same question was in their eyes.

Long Fei sighed and asked the others, "do you think we should have done it just now?"

"Brother long, I know that you are afraid that you will bring in more powerful reinforcements after making a move, which will damage our major affairs. But if you can make a border just now to isolate this place, and then we can use our magic power, we can kill these drivers without knowing it. When we leave immediately, who knows that we did it? " Lin Su Su frowned and said, just now she looked at the miserable appearance of those pullers, and she couldn't bear it.

"We can do it, but how do you think we should do it? Who do you want to destroy? Who are you going to save? "

"Of course, the elimination of those who drive the car, save those who pull the car. You see how pitiful those people are Butterfly said immediately.

Long Fei said with a bitter smile: "ha ha, you are wrong. If we just choose to fight, none of us can save us. Not only those drivers but also those pullers will die."

"Why? Can the pullers kill them in front of us? These drivers are just stronger ordinary people. We can kill them with our hands. They don't have a chance to do anything to the pullers. " Nine princesses are also a face to feel puzzled of say.

"Didn't you see the eyes of the people who pulled the carts just now? There is no anger, no malice in their eyes, only boundless regret and pain! Even after the last two people took a whip, there was no hatred in their eyes! They just regret what they have done before, and even hope that the pullers will punish them more severely! What does that mean? Can't you think of it? " Long Fei said with a bitter smile.

"It means that they have been implanted with a super chip in their brain!" Butterfly said immediately.

"Indeed! Do you still think we should have done it? " Long Fei's eyes swept the crowd and asked.They stopped talking, but there was pain on their faces.

If the other party's brain is really implanted with a super chip, as long Fei said, if they take the hand, it is not to save them, but to harm them!

After they give their hand to the driver, the pullers will not appreciate them, but will stand with the pullers who have been torturing them and attack them together!

As prisoners, they also lost both legs and hands. Their means of attack are not many. They can only mobilize the life energy of the whole body and send out the most powerful attack!

However, even if they are the most powerful attack, it is impossible to hurt Long Fei and others, but after a blow, they will become dry mummies, so their attack is a complete death blow.

Of course, Zifu Yuanying and others have a way to stop each other from launching a fatal attack. They just need to stun them.

They can even use their magic power to kill all the drivers, so that they don't know that they killed them.

But then what?

They can't take these people away, and they will never run away!

There are only two choices for these pullers, either waiting for rescue or turning themselves in.

There are only two endings for them, one is to continue to pull the car and accept the pain! The other is that the Tiansong alliance will be angry with them and kill them on the spot!

To praise the ferocity of the alliance, the second is more likely.

There's another question. Do those people who drive really deserve to die?

They must have been implanted with super chips in their brains, so they are also poor people, but they don't suffer as much as cart pullers.

So, it's better to ignore it.

Seeing the sadness on everyone's faces, Zifu Yuanying said, "let's go, don't think too much. If we want to save them, the only way is that our research team can produce the new super chip as soon as possible! When their thinking is no longer controlled, they can roar out the most powerful voice and fight for themselves! "

"Paralyzed, the bastards of Tiansong alliance are just a bunch of demons. Since they have been implanted with super chips, he is loyal to Tiansong alliance. Why punish them? They just punish for the sake of punishment! Son of a bitch, devil Long bin can't help but scold.

But Zhong Xiaoyi looked up to the sky with a long sigh and whispered, "well, I don't know what's going on with my parents now."

All of them could not help sinking. His face is also very ugly. Yes, what's the matter with Zhong Yunhan and his wife now? Even if they are still alive, are they still complete?

What if they had their hands or legs cut off?

You know, although Longfei's elixir of life and death is powerful, it can only be a person of life and death. After the bones, nerves, blood vessels, muscles and other body tissues are gone, as long as there is enough life dew, people can live in the shortest time!

But once the bone is gone, it can't be reborn!

Only if the lost bones can be found again, can they be healed quickly!

Because there is a market town not far ahead, they want to go to the market town to have a look, have something to eat, and then fly directly to meet with Longfei. So, instead of flying into the air immediately, they walk directly into the market town.

Not far from the entrance of the market town, they saw a butcher selling meat. Large pieces of meat were hanging on the long meat shelf. At first, Long Fei and others didn't pay attention. They thought it was beef and mutton, but after a glance, they were shocked to find that it was not beef and mutton, but human meat!

White thigh, bloody neck, a stainless steel plate on the ground, and a pile of heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, intestines, head, thigh bone of clean meat and so on. It's like pig water selling pork.

The stall owner is a fat man with greasy face. Seeing Long Fei and others coming, he warmly greets them: "Yo, do some guests want to cut meat? The price is fair and the old and the young are not deceived. "

When he saw that long Fei and others didn't look very good, he thought they didn't like their own goods, so he said, "ha ha, if you don't think my goods are fresh enough, I still have them sold now in my shop, so I guarantee they are fresh."

Behind the meat shelf is a small house. The door is open. Zifu Yuanying and others look through the door and see that there are more than ten iron cages inside. There is a person curled up in each iron cage. He is naked and shivering with cold. His face is full of despair!