Chapter 1529

After he finished his inquiry about the Lord of the devil's land, he asked someone to take the Lord of the devil's land to a rest. At the same time, he immediately informed the commanders in chief of the other three fleets and asked them to come to his flagship to discuss important matters.

When the commanders of "thunder", "lightning" and "Honghuang" arrived, he immediately replayed the dialogue with the Lord of the demon kingdom.

The image is holographic. The commanders in chief of the other three fleets looked at it as if they had just participated in the inquiry.

The video information is very complete, from the light patrol ship found the Lord of the devil's land to the end of West Germany Mason's inquiry.

Although the video is relatively long, the other three people watch it very carefully. They not only pay attention to every shot, but also pay attention to every detail.

When the whole video was over, West Germany Mason said solemnly, "what do you think, colleagues?"

"First of all, you can be sure that this man is the master of the devil kingdom!" Said the commander of the lightning fleet.

"Isn't that nonsense? If this man doesn't play the role of commander of dragon circle, he should know. After all, now we have confirmed that these people are aliens. " Said the commander of the thunder fleet.

"Through the response and performance of the Lord of the demon Kingdom, including the tone of speech, eyes, movements and so on, I can basically confirm that the Lord of the demon kingdom can be trusted. But what he said may not be credible. " The commander of Honghuang fleet nodded.

The commander of Honghuang fleet, named mengke, is the most intelligent of the four. He is not only proficient in microexpression, but also proficient in psychology. He has a good command of combat. His Honghuang fleet is also the fleet with the most fighting skills and achievements among the four fleets.

Therefore, he was also the leader of the four, and his position was half a level higher than that of the other three commanders.

However, what he said just now made the other three men a little confused. The commander of the lightning fleet immediately said, "commander monk, I don't understand what you mean. If the Lord of the devil's land is believable, then what he says should also be believable. Why do you say that the Lord of the devil's land is believable, but his words may not be believable? "

Commander monk said with a smile: "I say that the Lord of the devil kingdom is credible, which means that the Lord of the devil kingdom is still our people. Subjectively, he will not cheat us, but what he said may not be true. In other words, he thinks the news he gets is true, but it may be false. "

West Germany Mason suddenly realized and said: "I see. You mean long Fei never trusted the Lord of the devil's land. He just gave the Lord of the devil's land the illusion that he had won the trust of the Heaven Earth Alliance. The information brought by the Lord of the devil's land is what Long Fei and others deliberately let him know. Therefore, the Lord of the devil's land thinks that the news is true and reliable, but it may not be so. "

This time, the commander of the lightning fleet also understood and said, "if this is the case, then the Lord of the demon Kingdom escaped from Longfei, and then told us so much news, isn't it all under the control of Longfei? Is long Fei using the Lord of the devil's land to send us the wrong message, luring us into the big formation, and then destroying us completely? "

It has to be said that the IQ of these guys is really online. They even divided five by two to guess the truth of the matter!

Seeing Munch nodding, he rubbed his brows and asked, "well, what commander Munch means is that we can't listen to the Lord of the devil's land and get into that so-called loophole?"

There was a moment of silence, and no one immediately expressed his position.

It was a difficult choice.

Once they decide to listen to the Lord of the demon Kingdom, kill them. If commander mengke's judgment is correct and everything is the plot of Longfei, their fate will be unpredictable. It is very likely that the fate of the three fleets five years ago is a lesson for them!

But mengke's judgment is only subjective judgment after all, and there is no evidence. If what the Lord of the devil kingdom said is the truth, not the plot of Longfei, they may lose the chance to destroy Longfei group!

They have been waiting here for five years. How long will they have to wait?

In fact, they knew in their own hearts that although they had blocked the heaven and Earth Alliance, they only blocked the vast majority of their people and could not let them out.

They can't block Long Fei and other leaders. In the past five years, Long Fei has gone out several times, killed three city lords, plundered a large number of warship accessories, as well as high-end experimental equipment and consumables!

And every time Long Fei takes people out, he can return to the base without leaving a corpse!

In the last two years, Long Fei and others did not come out again, but it did not reassure him and mengke and others, on the contrary, it made them more worried. They felt that the reason why Long Fei didn't come out of the base in the past two years was not that they were afraid of them, but that they were holding on to big moves!

When Long Fei comes out of the base again, I'm afraid it's not a small fight like before, but a real big move!

Who knows how big can Longfei do?Long Fei is just a few dozen people, dare to fight with their whole fleet, if all the troops come out together, how terrible it would be?

Therefore, they feel vaguely that this opportunity brought by the Lord of the demon kingdom is likely to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Once missed, I'm afraid I will never have it again!

After all, the Lord of the demon Kingdom also said that Longfei was repairing the loophole. Once the repair was completed, there would be no loopholes in the so-called void formation!

So, if you want to play, the sooner the better!

"Come on, it's a big matter. Let's not make our own decisions. Let the leader make the decisions. What do you think? " Said monk with a long sigh.

"Agreed!" The other three commanders made a statement at the same time.

Youda Youma, the leader of Tiansong alliance, hated that people below would report to him. He thought it was incompetent to report everything to him.

Therefore, if it wasn't for the four people who felt it was really difficult to make a choice, they would not report to the above.

They soon got in touch with the supreme command center.

After watching the interrogation video about the Lord of the devil's land, the command center leaders, including the alliance leader, carefully listened to the report of West Germany Mason. After some discussion, they formally ordered the four men and the four fleets of Munch to prepare for the attack. The headquarters immediately sent the technical fleet to change the local weather. As long as the opportunity is ripe, the whole army will attack!

"Yes All four agreed!

With the command of the command center, they will not have any hesitation. No matter whether the Lord of the demon kingdom is cheated by Longfei or not, no matter whether the front is life or death, they have to go forward bravely!

The other three commanders returned to their fleets and issued orders. All the four fleets were busy.

The warship that was under maintenance on the ground will take off immediately. The space carrier will replenish the energy for the light warship. All the fighters will return to their original positions, check their warships, check their weapon systems and communication systems, check the control instruments and the space carrier, and be ready to attack at any time!

The sky and the earth around the void array are all in a tense atmosphere of war preparation.

On the third day, a large-scale space carrier came to the sky of the void array.

This space carrier just arrived from the headquarters is not a combat ship, but a technical warship. It can give other warships a lot of technical support, such as communication, such as space interference, such as electromagnetic interference, such as changing the battlefield weather, etc.

This warship is here to change the local situation.

The Lord of the devil's land has said that the power of the alliance of heaven and earth is linked to the weather. The more sunny the weather is, the more powerful it is. The worse the weather is, the less powerful it is. And that loophole only appears when the weather is bad.

Unable to wait for the arrival of this natural weather, the alliance decided to artificially change the weather on the battlefield.

After the huge space carrier came to the high altitude above the void array, launch windows were opened on the ship body, and then long cannons extended from the launch window and pointed in all directions. The huge space carrier seemed to become a huge hedgehog!

Then the long barrel began to launch a strange blue ball, each one has the size of a basketball, flying very far, and then boom, instantly into a dazzling white ball, emitting a lot of heat, as if each one is an artificial small sun!

The water vapor on the ground sways up into the air in the form visible to the naked eye. Countless big trees are gradually withering. Just now, the green leaves gradually turn yellow, and finally fall to the ground, swirling with the wind.

At this moment, in the base of the alliance of heaven and earth, Long Fei and his gang are looking up at the sky and everything outside. Although the enemy's space carrier is in the sky, they have amazing eyesight and the blessing of the void array, so they can still see what is happening outside.

Looking at the withering forest trees outside the array, long bin could not help grinning and saying in shock: "I'll wipe it, Dad. How can I feel that their move is similar to your" time God pupil - disillusionment "

"What are you looking at? No wonder people say you're a Martha. It's just that I don't pay attention to the observation. Once my father's "eye of time - burst" is used, both people and trees will wither instantly, and people or animals will become a pile of dead bones. But don't you see that the withering of those trees is gradually withering? Although the speed of withering is relatively fast, it is a gradual process after all, not an instant change. " Long Jie immediately rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes, yes! You see, those animals didn't turn into dead bones immediately. Instead, they all began to look for shady places and places with water. They couldn't hold on any longer and would lose their lives. This shows that the enemy's means can only quickly squeeze the water in the body of animals and plants, which is much worse than dad's "eye of time - destruction." Long Shu also accepted long bin.

"Just the two of you are smart. See what you can do. I just said that. You really thought I didn't see anything. Cut Longbin said with disdain.

All of a sudden, the situation suddenly changed outside the battle!