Chapter 1562

The red button on the operation platform of the patrol ship flashed, Huang Tianming pressed it, and a fat man's figure appeared on the screen.

Fat man is very fat, like a pig that can only walk on two legs, fat head and big ears, obvious double chin, as if it is too fat to breathe. His name was Taki. He was a general and commander in chief of two cruisers.

Huang Tianming doesn't know each other, so he just looks at the tower base in the surveillance screen.

"Are you two stupid? Don't you know this is general tarchi? Haven't you seen general tarchi yet? Do you want to die? " From the monitoring screen came the reason why iron does not become steel.

Although there is only one fat man in the surveillance screen, Huang Taiming and Huang Taiming understand that there is not only one fat man on the opposite side!

Fortunately, they already knew each other's name and position, so they said with one voice: "I've seen general tarchi."

Then Huang Tianming asked again, "I don't know what general Taki ordered?"

General Taki didn't investigate Huang Tianming's impoliteness, but said, "SOM, what's going on over there?"

SOM is the guy who is replaced by Huang Tianming. Taki doesn't know the inside story. Huang Tianming becomes SOM again. So Taki naturally takes Huang Tianming as som.

Taki was fully responsible for the operation, and the purpose was to find out whether there was any change in the post midden base, and whether it was the same as before.

At the beginning, the four fleets destroyed the base of the United forces of heaven and earth. If it is not the same now, it means something is wrong.

"To the revered general tarchi. Everything is normal here! " Huang Tianming said immediately.

"No one's in or out?" The fat man in the surveillance screen asked with a slight frown.

"No, everything is normal! But... "

"But what? Say General tarchi said solemnly.

"However, every time there is a rainstorm, we can see that loophole in the void array will appear again." Huang Tianming said.

"Have you ever been in?" Huang Tianming asked.

"Of course, I've been in. It's still deserted, but..."

"Why not? Can you finish everything at once? " Taki said discontentedly.

Huang Tianming almost scolded, heart said: "NIMA! I want to finish it all at once, but every time you interrupt me before I finish, how can I finish it all at once? Are you dog days reasonable? "

Huang Tianming was not angry, but he said with a smile: "general Taki, according to our observation, although the base of the Heaven Earth Alliance is still in a mess, it seems that there are traces of human beings in this mess! I think there may be a lot or a little change in it, but we can't confirm our ability. Maybe if general tarchi goes to have a look, he should be able to see something. " Huang Tianming said.

"Just now you said that everything was normal. Now you say that there is something wrong with the base of the heaven and earth allied forces. Are you going to die? Since there is such a situation, why don't you report it earlier? " Taki said angrily.

"We just found out this situation recently. Originally, we wanted to go in a few more times and report to the higher authorities after we had a thorough understanding of the matter. Now that general tarchi has arrived, we naturally need to report it." Although Huang Tianming was defending himself, he had already put on a look of trembling.

Naturally, he pretended to be like this on purpose, and he also said such words on purpose. The purpose was to arouse Taki's attention to the heaven and earth allied forces, enter the void array, arrive at the base of the heaven and earth allied forces, and personally check the situation.

In fact, Huang Tianming and his partner underestimated the will of the Tiansong alliance. The order from Taki was to enter the void formation, arrive at the base of the heaven and Earth Alliance, and see for themselves what's going on inside.

Because of the existence of the virtual array, not to mention the satellites in space, even if they have reached the top of the virtual array, they can't observe the situation of the joint forces base in the virtual array!

If you want to get inside, you have to understand!

"What a piece of trash!" Taki scolded and ended the call with Huang Tianming.

"Mingzi, what do you call this tower base? Will you go in and have a look? Will our temptation succeed? " Asked the companion.

"Listen to his voice, I'm sure I'll go in! Hey, hey, let's wait to see a good play. " Huang Tianming said with a smile. At the same time, his eyes had moved away from the display screen and looked up out of the porthole.

Now, even if they don't go through the radar on the patrol ship, they can clearly see with their naked eyes that the two patrol ships have reached their sky.

After the two warships arrived at the top of the void array, they continued to fire into the sky. The thunder was incessant. At the same time, the lightning was shining. The big raindrops fell from the sky. It wasn't too dense just after it opened, but just a moment later, the lightning and thunder were dense to horror!

There are countless flashes of lightning from the air, but they can't reach the ground all the time. When they fall about 2000 meters from the ground, they seem to be blocked by something."NIMA, the scientific and technological power of Tiansong alliance is admirable. Even after a few shots, it's easy to call the wind and the rain and lead the thunder. I'm afraid even the Jindan friar can't do it like this?" Huang Tianming sighed as he watched the thunder and lightning outside the patrol ship and the heavy rain pouring down.

"Ha ha, so what? They still can't break the void array set by the leader himself! Wait and see. All right, man, their end is coming. As long as they dare to enter the void array, it will be a dead end. " Partner confidently said.

Between the two people's words, the water waves appear in a corner of the void array, as if it is really a water surface rippling!

Of course, general Taki in the cruiser also saw the strange situation here. He once participated in the last battle to completely destroy the heaven and Earth Alliance base. He knew that the place where the water surface rippled was the entrance of the great formation. Only by entering from here can he enter the great formation safely and smoothly and arrive at the heaven and Earth Alliance Base!

Then the ship flew to the head of the two ships and made a quick dive!

"Ouye! We have two more warships! "

"It's a pity it's a little small."

"What? Do you still want to get a space carrier? Be content, two cruisers are good

Huang Tianming, on the other hand, is excited to clap high five with his partner.

But at this moment, general Taki, who broke into the void array, felt that something was wrong!

The last time he piloted a light warship into the void formation, what he saw were plants and animals on the ground, as well as warships that were anchored on land and didn't have time to take off!

That time, they rushed through the wavy interface, and then came to the sky above the base of the heaven and earth allied forces as if in a blink. But this time, they only saw a vast expanse of white in front of them, as if their vision was very broad, but they could see nothing in their vision!

General tarchi can't even find another warship!

The two warships originally rushed in together, not far apart. Why are there only their own warships left now? What about the other warship? Why disappeared out of thin air?

General Taki was wondering. A clear voice from another warship came from the communicator: "general Taki, where are you? General tucky, where are you? Yes, please

Although the other side's tone sounds normal, as if very calm, there is nothing wrong with it, but Taki can hear it, his partner must be very scared! After all, no one has ever encountered such a thing.

"Oh, my dear partner, I can't see where you are either. My eyes are just white. It seems that my vision is very broad, but I can't see anything! Fortunately, we can still hear each other's voices. Don't panic. We'll continue to land. We'll always land on the ground! " General Taki said with a strong calmness.

What the proud general said was simple, but he didn't know. At this time, he had lost the ability of orientation perception. He didn't know the southeast, northwest, and where could he command the warship to land safely?

General tarchi soon discovered that something was wrong!

After a period of time, not only did they not get out of trouble, but they were strongly attacked. Finally, both warships were knocked down to the ground. Then they were shocked to see a huge space carrier and a large group of people appeared in front of them

General Taki's two warships had been under the control of the headquarters. When they plunged into the void, they naturally got rid of the control of the headquarters! Headquarters lost contact with two warships!

"Something's wrong! There's something wrong with the base. If I guess right, our two cruisers are finished! "

In a small conference room of the headquarters, Youda Youma, the leader of the alliance, sighed. The old guy did have two brushes, and he actually guessed the truth.

His voice was just on the way, and Chester, the star defense minister next to him, suddenly looked at a three-dimensional large screen in front of everyone's eyes and said, "alliance leader, look, what's this?"

Youda Youma takes a close look and finds that a huge white and foggy sphere suddenly appears on the original clear and incomparable large screen. It seems to be a nebula and is flying to Tiangong city 2000 kilometers away!

Yau Da Yau Ma frowned deeply. He couldn't figure out what the white nebula was, but when he looked at the 360 fleet, he suddenly realized it!

There are no stars in the white cloud, but a space carrier!

Because he saw that there were only three of the four space carriers left in the 3600 fleet!

Poor "great" alliance leader did not know that there was not a space carrier in the white fog, but a whole of three! The reason why he saw that there were three space carriers in the 3600 base was that the two space carriers in the devil's land had already flown out and completed the formation with the 3600 fleet!

The devil's land is located in a special place and is not in this space, so the space satellite can't monitor the situation inside, so Youda Youma naturally doesn't know the situation inside.

"Niang xipi! What the hell is going on with the 360 fleet? Get in touch with me right away! " Yau Da Yau Ma yells.