Chapter 1620

For the practitioners, human beings are composed of soul and body. The body is only the skin, and the soul dominates all human thoughts and behaviors.

Therefore, if they want to find 100000 obedient people, they only need to find 100000 obedient souls!

With souls, they can let these souls occupy other people's bodies!

It's incredible for tianshuangxing people to exchange souls for a good person, old bottles and new wine. But for Longfei and others, it's just a small skill, basic operation!

In this way, if you want to mess up Changtai City, the most important thing is to find at least 100000 souls.

And this is not a problem for Long Fei!

Before, Long Fei took three space carriers and the fleet of old Feder to fight together. Although he won a big victory in the end and turned old Feder's two warships into his own, in that battle, a large number of light warships were shot down, and the flesh of the soldiers in these light warships were also bombed.

However, before the soldiers went to war, they were given a soul amulet by their superiors, which was made of willow. After their bodies were destroyed, as long as they were not destroyed by the spirits, their souls would hide in the soul amulet.

After the war, these souls were basically taken into the five elements ring by Longfei, hoping to find the right body one day and let them be reborn.

The number of these soldiers is not much, only about two thousand.

But at the same time, the rebels and defenders of Tiangong City fought together, and tens of millions of people took part in the war. The whole city was in chaos! Although the death rate is not high, but the number of participants in the base is too large, the number of deaths reached the level of one million!

More than 400000 people died on Longfei's side!

These people don't have a soul amulet. After many people died, their souls gradually disappeared. However, they also have the heart and the obsession. If their souls gather for a long time, they are all collected by Longfei and sent to the five elements ring.

The five elements God ring is the place to raise souls. These souls can exist for a long time in it!

In the end, Longfei collected the souls of 130000 people, but more than 40000 of them are not complete. What Longfei collected is only residual souls, but excluding these incomplete souls, there are 90000 complete souls!

Enough for this time!

At present, in the private room of the hotel, Longfei's Jianggong Yuanying enters the five elements ring directly.

Among the five elements, there is a landmark mountain, the immortal mountain, which is as high as a cloud. Even long Fei doesn't know how high the mountain is and where it leads!

At the beginning, Longfei got Huanyang grass from the unknown island and transplanted it to immortal mountain. Because Longfei often irrigated it with life dew, it now propagates very fast.

Yuan Ying of Jianggong stands at the foot of immortal mountain. He makes a seal with both hands, recites the true formula, and then roars: "everyone, listen, gather!"

There are a lot of smoke rising from everywhere, and then quickly gathered in front of Longfei. Finally, he stood in the air in front of Longfei and became his original appearance, which is similar to that of a real person, but his shape is fuzzy.

When these people saw long Fei, they all cried out excitedly:

"leader long, is there something important that suddenly calls us?"

"Can we come back to life?"

"If leader long wants us to do anything, just give orders and make sure it's done properly!"

Long Fei raised his hand and pressed it for a while, and said with a smile: "ha ha, this time we really want to revive you..."

"Oh Long live the Dragon leader

"Grass! The leader of the dragon is eternal, the heaven and the earth collapse, the sun and the moon are destroyed, and the leader of the dragon is still handsome. How can you say long live the leader of the dragon? "

"That's it, you idiot?"

Just quiet down the scene of instant boiling!

Although they can live well in the way of soul body, if they have the chance to be a complete person, who would like to be a ghost?

There is a big difference between the soul body and the whole person. They can't do many things that human beings can easily do. For example, people can eat and enjoy all kinds of food in the world, but the soul can only smell.

Long Fei had no choice but to wait for everyone's cheering, and then let everyone be quiet again. Then he said the situation of Changtai city again, and finally said: "everyone, I will release you soon. After you occupy those people's bodies, there is only one thing to do, that is, to make a lot of noise for me! The city Lord's house may suppress you. Don't be afraid. If you are killed, I will take back your souls. "

"If there is a war, give me courage to move forward. If anyone is greedy for the body, afraid of life and death, I will let his spirit die as soon as I find out!"

"Even if your body won't die in the riot, after that, you must return your body to its original owner, and you will come back and wait for the next chance. Because there are super chips in the brains of those bodies. It doesn't matter if you occupy those bodies for a short time. If you take a long time, it only takes about half a month, you will be affected by the super chips and become the brain powder of the alliance of heaven and earth! ""Well, cut the crap and listen to me next..."

Next, Long Fei established an establishment for 130000 people, divided them into 13 divisions. The following are regiments, battalions, companies, platoons, and shifts, basically copying the army's style. The officers were taken up by more than 2000 officers and men who died in the battle with old Fred.

These officers and men have been strictly trained. They have high command ability and military literacy, which are enough to command this operation!

Long Fei made a general arrangement, and the specific things were handled by these officers and soldiers. He directly gave the five elements commandment and returned to the noumenon.

As soon as they had finished preparing the plan of action for the ten elements and five elements, they arranged for the soul to leave the hotel.

Lin Su Su, Long Hai, long bin, Chen Yongsheng and others are in charge of soul arrest, while Li Qingyu is in charge of soul collection and release.

Because in the whole Changtai City, all the people who have bought the eyebrow drop have been arrested, so the rest of the people have not bought the eyebrow drop. They are all loyal fans of Tiansong alliance!

Lin Su Su and others don't need to judge whether the other person is their own. When they see a person, they immediately use their skills to detain his soul out of his body. Long Fei immediately releases one of his own soul into his body from the five element ring. At the same time, they put Lin Su Su and others' detained soul into the five element ring.

Although the minds of these souls have been polluted by super chips, they can be regarded as enemies, but they can still be transformed by keeping them.

With tacit cooperation and swift action, they released all the 130000 souls in only two days and two nights, even the incomplete souls.

There are three souls and seven souls in a person, and the soul is incomplete. The lost soul is different, and the performance in the human body is also different. Some will show dementia, thinking is not sensitive, some will show weak body, can not live long, and so on.

No matter what kind of performance, it's better than letting the other side stand on the opposite side of himself, so long Fei is ruthless and releases those with incomplete souls.

When Long Fei and Lin Su Su and others are busy changing souls, they show the consequences of moving all the granaries in Changtai city empty.

First of all, the big grain merchants suddenly found that the grain in their own granary was gone!

The doors and windows of the house are good, but the grain in the warehouse is gone like that! Without knowing it, even so many security personnel didn't find any clue!

The most amazing thing is that this situation does not happen to one or two grain merchants, but to all grain merchants!

There are so many grain merchants in Changtai city. All the warehouses where people keep grain have been stolen. What's more, the stolen ones are clean and there are no grains left!

That's weird!

Many people would like to ask the thief who stole grain, did you vacuum Lao Tzu's grain depot? Or are you rats, licking the floor of Laozi's warehouse?

When these grain owners were angry and distressed, they immediately reported to the relevant departments of the city master's office, asking to track down the thieves, bring them to justice, and recover their own grain!

As a result, without waiting for the relevant departments of the city Lord's government to file a case for them, Changtai city broke a super big news: those official granaries were also stolen!

All the official granaries in Changtai city have been stolen!

And like those private granaries, there are no grains left, just like dogs licking! It's all from the person in charge of the grain depot to the watchmen at the bottom. They all know nothing about it!

In fact, those who don't know the inside information simply don't know that the loss of these official grain depots is totally different from those private grain depots!

Those private grain depots were stolen, but the official grain depots were stolen!

But at the beginning, every time Long Fei took the grain from a grain depot, he would erase the memory of the person who knew the inside story. Even in the end, Long Fei deleted the memory of the two silver warriors who had been following Alva. Only Alva's memory is preserved.

Alva's memory can't be deleted, because Longfei wants him to do many things for himself.

Those in charge of the official grain depot lost the memory of dragon flying to move the grain, so they naturally thought that their grain was also stolen!

The nature and function of the official granary is totally different from that of the private granary. One of the grain in the official granary is for the personnel of the Tiansong alliance, including the people of the city's main government and the departments under the city's main government. The population of a city is so large that the base number of the management personnel is also very large, and it also supplies the military food of the city.

Changtai city is a small city, there is no army, but there are millions of security personnel!

In addition to providing food for these people, the official grain depot also plays an important role in regulating the free grain market in Changtai city. If there is more grain in the free market, the government will buy some, if there is less, it will release some, which is also regarded as the food security of the whole city.

As a result, even the official grain depot has been stolen!

What else does the city Lord's office take to protect the people of Changtai city from eating?Changtai City exploded immediately!