Chapter 1690

Solov and Youda Youma were all shocked when they heard old Chester's words. They didn't think of this layer just now.

A moment later, solov said with disbelief: "how can it be! Carol, they... "

He pointed to his own head, which means that Carol's head is embedded with a super chip, so it's impossible to betray.

Old Chester grinned bitterly and said, "ha ha, in the past, are there few people who betray us? Now there are countless traitors in the big prison in every city of tianshuangxing

At the beginning, Tiansong alliance cleaned up the major cities and arrested all the people related to the eyebrow drop. At least one third of the people in each city were arrested! It's an astronomical number!

These people can be traitors!

"But those people are not soldiers! According to our previous conclusion, the enemy has not penetrated our army, and Carol, they have never touched the eyebrow drop Solov added.

"Long Fei's method is haunting. Maybe it was when he woke them up or hurt them before that that, he did something to these people." Said old Chester.

Solov was speechless for a while. He looked at Youda Youma, but Youda Youma just sighed.

In order to prevent Longfei from moving his hands and feet, they just let Longfei save ten people in each warship before, and when all the people were rescued, they also ordered Carol to kill all the ten people who were first rescued by Longfei!

The purpose is to prevent them from being attacked by Longfei. They have already become Longfei's people. Unexpectedly, they can't be prevented. Finally, they won Longfei's move! Solov immediately thought of another thing and said, "it's still not right. We've been monitoring the fleet, including the situation inside the warships. If those rebels want to eliminate those who have not, there will be a fierce battle. I know Carroll will control the camera to prevent us from seeing the battle, but he can't hide such a scale of battle, can he? "

"Maybe it took the rebels only a short time to take control of the situation, or even no large-scale fighting at all. So Carol can easily hide it from us You da you Ma said with some frustration. "This How is that possible? Now that the number of mutineers is too small to launch light warships to fight, it means that there are too many mutineers. How can those mutineers wipe them out in a flash? " Solov also

felt untrustworthy.

"Who knows the means of the alliance of heaven and earth? Anyway, we have to fight back against the prestige fleet! We can't let them fight, we just dodge and don't fight back! " Said old Chester, gritting his teeth.

"Fight back You da you Ma finally said decisively!

"Yes! My Lord Old Chester agreed, and then ordered the Zhentian fleet to attack the Yangwei fleet. At the same time, he tried to get out of the battle and could not fight with the other side! When the number of warships of the heaven and Earth Alliance is far less than that of the Tiansong alliance, they can win. Now if the Yangwei fleet has really defected, there are just 120 warships with 76 motherships and 44 motherships of the heaven and Earth Alliance, and the forced Zhentian fleet now has only 65 motherships, even if there are more than 100000 light warships in the Zhentian fleet Warships are not the enemy's opponents. After all, the weapon power of light warships is far worse than that of space carriers!

In this case, retreat is the best policy!

Mengdi, the site commander of the Zhentian fleet, has been bent to death! Just now, he was afraid that the Yangwei fleet would take his credit. He just tried his best to deal with the enemy and didn't guard against the nearby Yangwei fleet. Unexpectedly, the Yangwei fleet aimed its guns at them and shot down several motherships with "bang bang".

Depressed is, Yang Wei fleet commander Carroll said that everything is a misunderstanding, Yang Wei fleet's Mothership is crazy is the warship out of order! Carroll's explanation is very reasonable, and because these commanders are embedded with super chips in their minds, mondy doesn't believe Carroll will mutiny. Therefore, without the clear instructions of old Chester, he doesn't dare to fight back against Yang Wei fleet, but just keeps dodging. As a result, there are several warships under the attack of Yang Wei fleet and the World Alliance fleet, Completely destroyed!

It used to have 85 motherships, but now only 65 are left in the blink of an eye, which really makes mondy unbearable! His eyes are red, want to revenge, but no command and dare not fight back, now finally get the order, immediately desperately began to fight back! But he also knew that these warships under his command were no longer the enemy's opponents, so he followed the order

to fight and withdraw, hoping to get rid of the enemy.

Guan Ruyu and Lin Susu found that the other party wanted to run, and immediately began to chase and intercept, completely annihilating the Zhentian fleet! A pursuit war is launched at a high altitude. Energy bombs, antimatter armor piercing missiles, antimatter space torpedoes and other weapons fly around in the air, marking brilliant tracks in the air. From time to time, light warships are blasted in the air, turning into a gorgeous fireball, and even space carriers are disabled! This is no longer space. It has entered the gravitational layer of Tianshuang. The blasted wrecks of light warships and the crippled space carriers all fly to Tianshuang. Finally, they hit Tianshuang like a small star. They are flying to the skyThere are huge pits on the surface of the double stars, and the energy of the earth's vibration extends in all directions, causing great damage!

Fortunately, under the battlefield is a boundless desert, not a gathering area, otherwise I don't know how many innocent people will die! At the headquarters of Tiansong alliance, Youda Youma looks at the fireballs on the big screen in front of him, and his heart gradually sinks. He knows that the Zhentian fleet is over!

there are not as many warships killed by the enemy as they were before, and now they may not be as successful as the enemy.

Although the Zhentian fleet is struggling to escape, it is also fighting back, but after all, it is outnumbered. The fleet of heaven and Earth Alliance can not only effectively intercept their attacks, but also spare the strength to give them a fatal blow!

The air battle lasted eight hours. At last, the fleet of Yangwei fleet and the United forces of heaven and earth joined hands to completely annihilate the Zhentian fleet at the cost of destroying 21 motherships!

This time, the Allied forces of heaven and earth did not take advantage. They carried it hard and wiped out the Zhentian fleet!

Since then, there will be no earthshaking fleet in the world!

When Long Fei learned the news, he secretly called out a pity.

To tell you the truth, the thorough annihilation of the enemy and the destruction of the enemy's warships and soldiers is not the most ideal result in Long Fei's heart. The most ideal result in his heart is to capture the enemy's warships and officers and soldiers with super cowhide bombs! In that way, they will not only get warships, but also become qualified soldiers of the United forces of heaven and earth after the transformation of those soldiers. Now, with such a hard bar in the front, they will hurt the enemy 1000 times and lose 800 times. In the end, a complete space carrier will not be captured


But after all, it was a victory. Although Long Fei felt sad for those killed in the battle, he was not in a bad mood.

Youda Youma was in a very bad mood. He flipped the table in a rage. His face was so gloomy that he could screw it into the water. No one in the whole command room dared to speak. Even sorov didn't speak for a moment.

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom, there is a sense of doomsday.

But within a few days, the eagle fleet, the Yang Wei fleet, the Zhentian fleet, a total of more than 230 space carriers, hundreds of thousands of light warships, the annihilated, the annihilated, the surrendered, all disappeared!

Tiansong alliance has not experienced such a disastrous defeat since its establishment! It's a big event to lose a space carrier at ordinary times. Today, we lost so many carriers all at once!

These motherships are the backbone of Tiansong alliance. After they are destroyed, I really don't know what Tiansong alliance can use to fight against the alliance.

Many people have realized that the battle just passed is a decisive battle between Tiansong alliance and Tiandi alliance. This battle will change the pattern between the two sides!

From then on, the Tiansong alliance will no longer have an advantage over the Tiandi alliance! Before this battle, although the heaven and Earth Alliance won many victories and opened up three base areas, these people at the core of the power of Tiansong alliance did not really pay attention to the heaven and Earth Alliance, or though they had already paid attention to it, they absolutely did not think that the heaven and Earth Alliance would win the final victory. At most, they set off a wave After the final fate of being destroyed!

Now they don't think so. They realize that it may be them who will fail in the end! Youda Youma spent a lot of energy to calm down his mood, and his face was still gloomy. "Sorov, immediately order all the space carriers of Tiansong alliance to assemble! Form a new fleet, called the Death Squadron

, and look for opportunities to defeat the fleet of the heaven and earth allied forces! "

Solov, who has been worried, was shocked!

Death Squadron, my Lord, are you aware of the danger? Did he begin to feel insecure?

Sorov's heart was filled with sadness.

For example, today, the alliance has not many fleets outside, and it is too far away from tianshuangxing to return at all. Only the garrison carriers of strategic cities can be mobilized.

However, what will those cities do after the carriers are transferred? Who will guard? Each of these strategic cities used to have about two space carriers, which were responsible for defending the cities and preventing them from being attacked by the enemy. In order to eliminate the Allied forces of heaven and earth, one carrier was deployed from each city, totaling 200 carriers. Originally, they wanted to form a huge fleet, but because of the sudden action of the Allied forces of heaven and earth, they were forced to divide into three parts, 15 of which were incorporated A fleet of eagles was formed, one hundred of which formed the Yang Wei fleet, and eighty-five of which formed the Zhentian fleet.

I wanted to completely annihilate the Allied forces of heaven and earth, but instead of annihilating the enemy, all of them were annihilated by the enemy!

Now Youda Youma has again ordered the remaining carriers to gather and reorganize. What should we do if those strategic cities are attacked?

Solov wanted to ask, but he didn't ask in the end. Now, if they want to destroy the Allied forces of heaven and earth, they can only transfer warships from other cities. It's not the time to consider the city guards.

"Yes! I'll give the order to the strategic cities immediately. " Solov said simply.Long Fei nodded and said to a technical staff nearby, "cut minister Lanny's signal to me."

"Yes The technical staff was busy for a while, and the figure of science and technology minister Lanny appeared on the big screen.