Chapter 1979

It happened at an unknown blood station in Tianlei kingdom. The dialogue is just the tip of the iceberg.

Under the promotion of Tianlei army propagandists, almost all over the country, some people are talking about Tianlei army and its victory!

The war of tianleizong in the past had a huge impact. It not only directly attacked the arrogance of those who had taken refuge in the blood sucking demons and were willing to be the running dogs of the blood sucking demons, greatly improved the status of ordinary people, but also set off a greater wave of public opinion in the cultivation circle!

Ordinary people don't know the magic, so they only know that the Tianlei army is very strong and defeated the blood sucking demons. However, they don't know how strong the Tianlei army is.

But these practitioners can have a relatively clear concept of these things.

So they are more shocked by the strength of Tianlei army in this battle!

Although Tianlei army has won several victories before, it has blinded countless people and shocked people, but the previous shocks are not as big as this one!

In the previous battles, the Tianlei army and the blood sucking demons were all confrontations of conventional forces. Who wins and who loses depends on whose strength is stronger and whose combat methods are more correct. There are few magic weapons.

Because no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, even the extremely rare immortal weapon will not play an important role in such a large-scale battle.

However, this time, the magic weapon of the Tianlei army into the battlefield completely overturned their three outlooks!

It is said that the two super large magic weapons that Tianlei army put into the battlefield, even the little devil can be easily killed! The little devil has no power to fight back in front of the super magic weapon!

That's the devil!

Although he is a little devil, he is also a devil after all!

Even if the real Terran fairies are not necessarily the opponents of the little devil king, but now Tianlei's super magic weapon, killing the little devil king is like killing a dog!

Even more than a thousand years ago, when the Terran had not only countless ordinary earth immortals, but also nine earth immortals, they didn't have such strong fighting power, did they?

Is it true that since more than a thousand years ago, after the war of the kunxing Kingdom, the countless humiliations people have endured are coming to an end? Are the Terrans really going to overthrow the vampires?

Many sects are more interested in the origin of the backbone of the Tianlei army. They send people to inquire about the news everywhere, trying to find out where the leaders of the Tianlei army suddenly came from and how they can have such strong fighting power!

There are also many sects that have not lost their blood, leaving the clan directly to join the Tianlei army.

However, most of the clans who went to take refuge in Tianlei army were small clans.

These small sects have few possessions, even the mountain gates are temporary, and their leaders' cultivation level is not high. Most of them are not distracted. Naturally, no one will be detained in the king's city. Therefore, the leaders of these small sects don't care much. They say go, take all the disciples and leave immediately!

Some sects even burn their original sects when they leave! Express the determination to take refuge in Tianlei army!

This battle has a wide and far-reaching influence, even beyond the expectation of Long Fei and others!

This war has a milestone significance!

Before the war, although people were surprised by the victory of Tianlei sect, almost everyone thought that the victory of Tianlei army was short-lived, and the blood sucking demons would soon be able to put out the Tianlei army.

but after this war, countless people changed their views on the heaven thunder, and began to realize that the army might really be doing something great. Even if they could not wipe out the vampire clan completely, I would probably give a good world for the Terran, and let the Terran has the final say.

In this way, the number of people going to Tianlei sect is several times more than before!

Of course, it wasn't the ordinary people who got the news that the four reinforcements had been destroyed first, nor were they the majority of the Terran practitioners, but the king of the thunder Kingdom, modoreva.

Although the blood sucking demon army that attacked tianleizong is said to have been destroyed, some people have escaped. Although the number is small, there are some.

These lucky people did not return to their own country, but directly came to the King City of Tianlei Kingdom and told the news to King modoreva.

When modoreva got the news, he was playing chess with a chess expert. When he heard that the four support soldiers had been destroyed, modoreva was stunned!

Four armies, more than 400000 people, are all elite soldiers. The lowest level is also the beginning of the golden elixir. Moreover, each army has a little demon king to lead the team in person, a total of four little demon kings!

How many people are there in Tianlei army? The only barrier of Tianlei army is the three-tier mountain protection array of Tianlei sect!

However, as for the three-tier mountain protection array of tianleizong, the army has also made an evaluation. It thinks that with the strength of reinforcements, it can be broken at a little cost!

How can the whole army be destroyed now?"It's impossible! All of you who lie about the military should die! " A moment later, Leiva's thinking returned to normal, and he yelled at the person who told him!

"Lord demon, everything we say is true! At the beginning of the battle, we really controlled the situation of the battlefield. At the end of the battle, the enemy had no power to fight back. We saw that the enemy would be completely destroyed, and tianleizong would fall into our hands. But at this time, the enemy's reinforcements suddenly arrived! " A guy said carefully.

"Reinforcements? You said the thunder army came to help? According to our previous information, all the members of the Tianlei army had been trapped in the Tianlei sect before the war. Where did they come from? " I don't believe it!

"We don't know where the reinforcements of Tianlei army came from. They suddenly appeared in the battlefield from the broken space channel, and they have powerful magic weapons. Their magic weapons are very huge, just like a huge castle, which can display powerful attacks. The four little demons lost their lives under the attack of that huge magic weapon..."

Mordoreva was a little upset when he heard that. He directly separated a wisp of spirit and went into the other party's sea of knowledge. He read the memory of the other party's sea of knowledge. So the scene of the battle appeared clearly in mordoreva's memory like a movie.

A moment later, a wisp of the spirit of modoreva flew out of the other party's sea of knowledge, merged with his body again, slowly sat back on his throne, and gently waved to several guys who came to report and those who played chess with her, so that they could retreat.

Modoreva didn't speak for a long time. His mind was full of pictures of the war.

He felt fear!

He had never seen the huge magic weapon of Lei Zongliang. He didn't know the name of the magic weapon, and he didn't know whether the magic weapon had any weakness, but he was really scared by the powerful attack power of that thing!

In his heart, he silently assessed whether he could kill the other party if he met the huge monster, but after thinking about it, the final conclusion turned out to be that he had no chance of winning the super magic weapon!


Modoreva suddenly scolded, slapped on the table, the table and the chessboard pieces on it exploded, turned into powder, flying around, making modoreva's body become blurred.

When the smoke cleared, modoreva's figure became clear again, and modoreva's mood returned to normal. He got up and left the chess room and went to a training room.

In the middle of the training room, there was a crystal ball, the size of a fist. Modoreva stretched out his hands to make a few fingerprints. Then the palm of his right hand slapped three times in the center of his eyebrows, and a white light flew out of modoreva's eyebrows and shone on the crystal ball.

On the crystal ball immediately appeared a continuous action of the picture, like a video, simulation of tianleizong just past the battle!

Because these pictures were read by modoreva from the sea of other people's knowledge, and when they were printed into their minds, they were not faithfully recorded like a camera. Their brains made conscious choices.

so these pictures as like as two peas are not identical, but generally they are not very different. Especially, the image of the two spaceflight carriers is very large, magnificent and clear.

The Imperial City, millions of kilometers away from the Imperial City, is sitting on his knees in his own training room. The demon emperor, who is practicing on the wall, suddenly opens his eyes slightly. As soon as he reaches out his right hand, a crystal ball appears in his palm.

as like as two peas, what's more, the crystal ball of the two and the magic crystal ball of the magic emperor are larger than the crystal ball of the more than two of the Mo Du Lei tiles.

The picture of modorava's transmission to the spirit crystal is now transmitted to the Spirit Crystal of the demon emperor at the same time.

Looking at the battle on the screen, the devil emperor frowned and burst into flames in his eyes!

The battle turned out to be like this, which was unexpected to the emperor. The magic weapon that almost occupied the whole picture made the emperor even more frightened!

He was also the first time to see such a magic weapon against heaven!

After he saw the whole picture, he separated a wisp of ghost into the big spirit crystal ball.

As far away as modoreva, millions of kilometers away, we can see that in the crystal of spirit in front of us, there is something about the great and tall magic emperor.

"I've seen Lord devil." Modoreva bowed respectfully to the demon emperor in the crystal ball.

The demon emperor nodded to him and said calmly, "modoreva, I've seen all the pictures you sent. What are you going to do next? Do you want me to help you again?"

"Thank you for your concern. My body has completely recovered and I can fight now! I'm going to mobilize all the super experts of Tianlei kingdom to attack Tianlei sect. If I can't conquer Tianlei sect this time, I'll cut off my head and kick it for Lord magic! "

Modoreva said viciously.