Chapter 2095

If the blood sucking demons want to fight back against the Tianlei army, they must mobilize the army, and it takes time to mobilize the army. Naturally, they can't fight back against the Tianlei army in a short time.

This is a very simple truth, and everyone at the scene understands it.

Therefore, people all wonder why Long Fei asked such a simple question.

"Headmaster, the blood sucking demons didn't attack us immediately. Isn't it because they need time to deploy troops?" Wu Dongqing asked.

"The five countries closest to us are Guyun, Wozhou, Banxia, Nirong and shanuan. It's the fastest time to dispatch troops from these five countries. Unfortunately, these five countries have come to support Tianlei before, and they are all elite personnel led by the king himself! In the end, all of them were eliminated by us. Since then, the strength of these five countries has been greatly weakened. Obviously, it is not possible to gather elite troops from these five countries. Can't we let them all go? They're going to leave people behind to suppress people everywhere. " Wu Dongqing road.

"Then we can only gather forces from other countries, or send troops directly from the imperial city. It's too far to pass within half a year. Of course, we haven't been attacked by the blood sucking demons. Isn't that the reason? " Tian Junbao also said suspiciously.

Other people also had a discussion, and the general meaning was almost the same.

Long Fei waited until everyone stopped talking, and then said: "what everyone said is good, but this is only one aspect. In addition, there is another very important reason, that is, after we conquered the imperial city of Tianlei Kingdom, we occupied the national fortune of this country!"

"National Games? What's that? Why didn't I hear from my father before? " Longhai asked strangely.

"National destiny is the destiny of a country! Although invisible, it can greatly affect the situation of the battlefield! We often say that those who survive on the battlefield are those who have great fortune. This national fortune is one of the greatest ones! " Long Fei explained to the public.

People's faces were thoughtful.

On the battlefield, fighting with life, strength is very important, but luck is also important!

When you are lucky, if someone cuts you, you may lose control of your body, stagger and avoid.

Bad luck, may be a loss can also take your life!

If an army has good luck, it will win even if it is confused. If it has no luck, it may lose even if it is stronger than the enemy.

It sounds very mysterious, but all the people sitting here are practitioners. Naturally, they know the importance of Qi Yun.

"Father, after we took the king's city, is it because we got the national fortune of Tianlei country that the fighting behind was smooth?" LongQin asked.

"Indeed. Of course, our efforts and strength are more important reasons. "

"Now we have won the whole Tianlei Kingdom, and we have been recognized by the mountains and rivers of this country. We have got the national movement of the whole country! "

"If the blood sucking demons want to cross us, the average strength of the army they sent must be much higher than ours! This makes it more difficult for the blood sucking demons to deploy their troops. "

"To tell you this is to tell you the importance of national destiny. Even the devil king is afraid! If we attack cities in other countries rashly now, we will not be protected by the National Games. On the contrary, the National Games in other countries will protect the army of blood sucking demons! Because the national destiny of other countries is occupied by blood sucking demons. "

"In this way, our chances of defeat will be greatly increased! Even if we win, if we win one or two cities for the time being, we will be driven out by the enemy because we have no strength and no luck. "

"It's better not to attack the cities of other countries until our strength is strong enough!"

When long bin heard that long Fei was talking about this, he suddenly interjected: "but if we want to improve our combat effectiveness, we can only rely on a large number of people. After all, the more people in the unified formation, the more powerful the formation will be! If we want to have more people, we can only expand our territory. "

Long Fei smiles and says, "wrong! Who said that if we want to improve the combat effectiveness of the Tianlei army, we can only increase the number of the Tianlei army? We can also improve the overall combat effectiveness of the Tianlei army by improving the cultivation level of every Tianlei army officer! "

"But it's not so easy to improve the cultivation level of every Tianlei soldier? How many friars have stuck in a certain realm for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, and they can't break through it Chen Rui said with emotion.

"Yes, it's too hard for Terrans to break through!"

"Yes, it's too hard!"

There was also a discussion.

Long feizhan's divine light swept the crowd and waved to them, saying, "you may not know that the reason why the Terran warriors entered the country slowly after the first battle of the kunxing Kingdom's demonic mountain is not the suppression of the blood sucking demons, but also the suppression of the Terran's Qi luck."

"Is the human spirit suppressed? What's going on? " Chen Yongsheng immediately asked strangely.

Long Fei then told the people what Mingyue told him, and they suddenly realized it!No wonder since the battle of the kunxing kingdom to destroy the demons mountain, thousands of years later, the progress of the cultivation realm of the human friars is so slow!

"The battle of kunxing kingdom against demons mountain is the most miserable and humiliating battle of our Terran. The powerful Terran has countless experts, and they were defeated by the blood sucking demons in the end!"

"What's more sad is that after that war, we should build a monument there to commemorate the souls who died in that war! But up to now, the Terrans have not built a monument there. On the contrary, the blood sucking demons, who have won a great battle, have built a monument and suppressed the good fortune of our Terrans! "

"If we want to regain the reputation of the human race, we must smash the monument built by the blood sucking demons and build a monument of the human race itself."

"As long as the human ethos is released, because the blood sucking demons do not allow the high-level human friars under their control to break through at will, so eventually the human ethos will be absorbed by our Tianlei army!"

"When the time comes, our Tianlei army experts will surely usher in a blowout! When our individual strength goes up, we can not only defeat the blood sucking demon's counterattack, but also continue to attack the city, pull out the stronghold and expand outward! "

"Of course, this is also a very risky action, so we need to have a good discussion on whether to go or not!"

After hearing Long Fei's words, many people were immediately excited!

As a monk, who doesn't want to break the level quickly and rise step by step?

After all, every breakthrough represents a great leap in combat effectiveness and a great extension of life!

In more than 1000 years since the suppression of human ethos, most of the realm of human friars has been stagnant, and too few people have made breakthroughs!

There are many monks who have come to the end of their lives. If they can't break through the bottleneck in a short time and step into a higher class, their lives will come to an end!

In the past, they only thought that they were not good at understanding, and they just wanted to look for natural materials and treasures everywhere, hoping to break through with the help of drugs.

Now I know that I have been unable to break through, just because of the suppression of the human ethos, leading to my bad luck!

As long as the suppressed human spirit is released, you will get the most rebellious cultivation auxiliary pill!

How can these people not be excited or crazy?

The public immediately began to talk about it, and the more irascible one directly scolded: "Damn, the blood sucking demons are really vicious! They not only build large blood stations all over the country, eat the flesh and blood of the human race, suppress the human race and prevent the human race from breaking through the border, but also suppress the human race's good fortune! "

"In fact, the bloodsucking demons are not the most vicious. The most vicious thing is that they brainwash the Terrans repeatedly, and finally make the Terrans become their slaves and loyal to them absolutely!"

"The reason why the Terrans are willing to become slaves of the blood sucking demons should also be related to the suppression of the human ethos?"

"Why doubt? It must have something to do with it

"Since the human spirit is so important, the blood sucking demons must have stationed a large army in kunxing country to guard the memorial of the blood sucking demons? It is certainly not easy for us to overthrow the monument of the blood sucking demons. "

"No matter how hard it is, we have to do it! After all, the spirit of the human race is very important to the human race! "

"I think It's not advisable to destroy the monument of the blood sucking demons now! "

"Why not? Don't you want our Terran friars to break through the border in a large area, and the strength of Tianlei army will be greatly strengthened? "

"Of course I do! But according to our present strength, if we want to destroy the memorial of the blood sucking demons, I'm afraid the possibility of success is too small? "

"Yes, I don't advocate to destroy the memorial of the blood sucking demons now. It's hard work. If we fail, the consequences to the Terrans may be disastrous!"

"But if we can't destroy the memorial of the blood sucking demons and release the suppressed human spirit, how can we quickly conquer the city and liberate the whole purple star?"

"We didn't destroy the enemy's Monument before, but we didn't occupy Tianlei kingdom in a short time and have our own independent country?"


These high-level personnel of Tianlei army are divided into two factions. One faction's main field immediately goes to kunxing country to destroy the demons ridge. Even if it costs a lot, it will destroy the memorial of blood sucking demons and release the suppressed human spirit!

On the contrary, another wave of people think it's too risky! If it fails, the expeditionary army will be destroyed, and then the whole Tianlei army will be completely destroyed!

That's not worth the loss!

The discussion was very fierce. A group of half immortals were red faced and thick necked, but after a long time of argument, they didn't get a result in the end!

"Well, let's not fight. Listen to the leader!" Someone suddenly called out.