Chapter 2208

After long Fei confirmed that they had arrived at tianshuangxing, he immediately went back to Qibao Liuli pagoda and said to the people in a loud voice: "fellow Taoists! We are finally at the station

"Ouch, ouch..."

So many high-level monks cheered like children, not only because of their hard work, but also because they could finally see what another civilization looked like.

This kind of eye opening opportunity is once in a blue moon!

"Next, I will let everyone out, and everyone will listen to my arrangement..." Long Fei's crackling is an arrangement.

The only way to protect the monks is to protect them from being hurt.

Although Long Fei is the owner of the seven treasure glass pagoda, he can't control the chaos all the time and flow according to his will. If the people in the seven treasure glass pagoda want to go out, they have to go through the chaos space, including those in the long-distance spaceship and space carrier.

In general, when Longfei releases the Tianlei army, it directly releases the long-distance spaceship or even the space carrier together. Then those who can't bear the corrosion of the chaotic gas come out of the long-distance spaceship or the space carrier, so naturally they don't need to contact the chaotic gas.

But at the moment, Long Fei and others are new to Tianshuang. If they release their long-distance spaceship and space carrier, they will be found by Tianshuang's defense system. Maybe Tianshuang's defense system will attack them immediately and cause unnecessary damage.

But if those low level friars, and those ordinary people have the protection of high level friars, they can easily escape the corrosion of chaos and smoothly come out of the seven treasures glass tower.

The second point that long Fei said is that after you go out, you can't disperse and act alone, because it's very difficult for those low level friars and ordinary soldiers to get in touch once they are separated from the army.

Therefore, Longfei asked everyone to act in groups according to the organizational structure of the troops. At that time, Longfei told them to gather. No matter where they were, they must be sure to feel the gathering place within two days.

The third point is that long Fei once again emphasizes discipline.

Tianshuangxing is not a star of purple origin. There are many different customs and habits here. We should respect the local customs of other people and not make trouble.

After emphasizing these, with the order of Long Fei, the friars above the realm of the golden elixir of more than 500000 will return to ten long-distance spaceships and two space carriers respectively, to protect their team from the long-distance spaceships and space carriers, and then they suddenly disappear from the original place. The next moment, they will appear in the colorful light at the bottom of the seven treasure glass tower, and so on When the colorful light disappears, they really come to the sky.

Three million people, which is a huge number, are all over the world. In order not to attract the attention of the tianshuangxing defense system, these people disappear from the original place immediately after they come out of the Qibao Liuli tower, and then land from different places.

Many of these three million people have been to tianshuangxing long ago. Although they are excited to see everything about tianshuangxing at the moment, they don't feel fresh. However, those who are born and raised in Ziyuan and have never left Ziyuan are fresh everywhere.

They don't understand why those things called cars can run so fast without the promotion of Lingjing. They don't understand why ordinary people who don't know how to repair truth can live more than 200 years. They don't understand

Of course, what they don't understand most is why ordinary people here can live such a happy life. They don't have to go to the blood bank every month to donate blood, they don't have to worry about their meals every day, they have little to support, they have to depend on when they are old

There are many ordinary soldiers in Tianlei army. Now they look at the life of tianshuangxing and think about the life they had before. They feel that tianshuangxing is a paradise for ordinary people!

These ordinary soldiers in the Tianlei army, even many monks, join the Tianlei army for the purpose of eliminating the blood sucking demons, but their purpose of eliminating the blood sucking demons is more for revenge, just for the sake of elimination. As for what should the human race do after the elimination of the blood sucking demons, and what kind of system should they establish, they have no idea There is no clear and complete concept in the sea.

But at this moment, when they see the current life of tianshuangxing people, the things in their mind that had been confused all the time are suddenly clear!

They have been shouting to eliminate the blood sucking demons, to make a free sky for the Terran, to seek happiness for the Terran!

What is happiness? This is happiness!

Even when Long Fei saw everything in front of him, he was very pleased.

You know, just over a decade ago, the whole planet was still in flames of war, and almost the whole planet was destroyed. Just over a decade later, tianshuangxing has basically recovered. It can be seen that the efforts of tianshuangxing people over the years, as well as the leadership of their sister and brother-in-law, are not bad!

What makes Longfei a little funny is that today's tianshuangxing has a strong earth wind. The plane looks like an earth plane, and the car looks like an earth car.There are few single aircrafts that can fly in the air, and even fewer mecha warriors. The technology of tianshuangxing seems to have regressed for many years.

Although Long Fei was puzzled, he didn't have time to visit everywhere. He just let out his divine sense and had a general impression of today's purple star, so he concentrated on finding the nearest local government.

If Long Fei wants to borrow troops, he must find the highest leading organization of tianshuangxing.

However, although the speed of Qibao glass tower is fast enough, there is also a big drawback. Qibao glass tower can't accurately locate!

It can only locate the stars in the universe, but it is difficult to accurately locate a certain area of the planet!

This is also the reason why the seven treasures glazed pagoda can only carry out Star Trek, but can not carry out transmission within the same planet.

Now, Qibao Liuli pagoda did send them from Ziyuan star to tianshuangxing, but where they were sent to tianshuangxing is unknown to Longfei.

Although he lived in Tianshuang for a long time and defeated the powerful and almost invincible Tiansong alliance, he could not be very familiar with the whole Tianshuang.

In fact, he is only familiar with those cities, and he is unfamiliar with other cities.

Now he had to find out where he was, and then where his sister and brother-in-law were.

And the best way to know where it is, of course, is to find the local government.

Long Fei's divine sense sweeps over a hundred Li area and immediately locks a place. It just flashes away.

By the time he showed his figure again, he had appeared in front of a wide and luxurious gate. Inside the gate was a large square. In the middle of the square, there was a rockery with an area of half an acre. There was gurgling water flowing down from the rockery and into the pool under the rockery. To the north of the gate, there was a skyscraper with a large area, which was swept by Longfei I found that this building has more than 60 floors!

There is a huge billboard on the front of the building, on which is a line of big words: "Xihong mayor office building!"

The management mode of tianshuangxing is totally different from that of ziyuanxing. Ziyuanxing is the Xiuzhen sect, which is in charge of the secular bureaucratic system, and then the secular bureaucratic system is in charge of countless ordinary people. Of course, Xiuzhen sect can also directly intervene in the affairs of ordinary people.

However, tianshuangxing has only one bureaucratic management system. In a city, the mayor is the highest official who manages all the resources of the city.

If Long Fei wants to know where he is now, it is the most reliable and direct way to find the mayor.

In order to show respect for the mayor, Long Fei did not choose to appear directly in the mayor's office, but planned to meet the mayor through normal channels.

The gate of the compound was closed, and only the small door on one side of the gate was open. Long Fei walked towards the small door. Just as he got to the gate, a serious voice came from the security room beside the gate: "stop! What are you doing? "

Long Fei was a little upset. This day, the two stars can be regarded as a planet with highly developed science and technology. How can there be such a low-quality person?

It seems that no matter how civilized the world is, human nature is hard to change.

"My name is long Fei. I want to see the mayor. There's something important." Long Fei restrained his unhappiness and said calmly.

During the conversation, Long Fei looks at the security guard who is talking, while Shen Zhi sweeps into the security room. He finds that there are four security guards in the security room, playing mahjong, with stacks of banknotes on the table.

The security guard who was talking to him was in his thirties, with thick arms and strong legs. He looked up and down at Long Fei, and then looked at his back. He didn't even have a car. His face looked contemptuous and said, "who asked your name? I ask you what you do! "

"Oh, factory worker." Long Fei said an identity casually.

Tianshuangxing is a science and technology planet. Manufacturing industry is the most powerful and workers are the most powerful.

However, after hearing that long Fei said that he was a worker, the security guard's disdain on his face became more intense. He sneered, "I thought it was a big man. It turned out that it was just a worker. A small worker wanted to see the mayor?"

Long Fei frowned and asked, "what do you mean? Isn't everyone equal? We just have different division of labor. How can there be a distinction between the noble and the humble? "

"Is everyone equal? Do you believe in cheating children? The mayor can have such a large yard, such a luxury building, when his office space, there are no less than 2000 people around him, managing a big city with millions of people, can you The security guard's face was arrogant. It was a phone call. It was obvious that he didn't pay attention to Long Fei at all.