Chapter 3258

Tang Hao's body became stiff and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

This familiar soft feeling

Don't think he knows who's coming!

"Haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me?"

A charming face came over from behind him and whispered close to his ear.

The pair of delicate red lips moved gently, spitting out a warm and fragrant breath, which made his cheeks itch.

"How did you get in?"

Tang Hao tried his best to draw his attention back from his back and said positively.

"Well, it's very simple! I made a little hand and foot on you." She said with a smile, her tone soft and charming to the bone and touching to the heart.

Suddenly, Tang Hao's face changed.

Subconsciously, he examined his whole body and thought about what went wrong. What was wrong with him and his ring that he didn't know?

"Don't think about it, you can't find it!"

She giggled, with a proud and cunning face.

Tang Hao frowned.

Indeed, some means are difficult to find. For example, his heavenly eye magical power can firmly lock people without leaving any traces. This type of treasure, technique, is the most difficult to prevent.

The cultivation of the night fairy king is far above him. It's not difficult to do it.

"Are you going to take me back?"

Tang Hao said.

"How can it be? I'm not the kind of unreasonable person who catches people casually. Since you don't want to stay with me all night, I don't insist." She said softly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why, I can't come to see you if I'm okay?" She squinted, and her eyes were a little resentful.


Tang Hao hurriedly smiled, but he smiled reluctantly.

The night fairy king is a goblin. He doesn't dare to offend.

"I'm just curious. Where did you go some time ago? I can't feel you anyway." She whispered, her eyes glowing.

"Oh! I'm going to Taichu!"

Tang Hao was startled and didn't change his face.

"Taichu land?" She was stunned, then nodded, and the doubts in her eyes gradually dispersed.

If it's a broken place, it's possible.

"Anything else?"

Tang Hao said.

"Of course, I have to congratulate you on your success in opening up this life world. You should be promoted to Da Luo soon! By then, you will be the youngest Da Luo Xian in the fairy world!" The night fairy King smiled.

"Thank you!"

Tang Hao gave a faint reply.

What is the youngest? Such names are unattractive to him and don't care.

"Also, I'm here to remind you that there will be a big change in the fairyland in the next few years. There are many opportunities to take. If you grasp it, you may be able to easily promote to fairyland."

She added.


Tang Hao was surprised.

Promotion to fairy king?

This is a joke!

It takes much more time to be promoted from Dalai to Xianwang than to Dalai. It's not that easy.

In addition, he remembered very clearly that he had been warned not to try to attack the fairy king.

"I can only tell you that in the next period of time, many hidden fairy kings will be born. Self cutting cultivation will create more fairy kings. Such opportunities do not exist every year. You have to take good advantage of them!"

She said.

"Didn't you say..." Tang Hao hesitated.

"That was before. Now the situation is different. If you can really go to fairyland, I will help you then."

"Well, that's all. I should go! I have to get ready, too!"

With that, she loosened her mouth, swept back and disappeared.

Tang Hao turned and glanced, his eyebrows still frowning.

The Immortal King cut his accomplishments and trained his younger generation?

Why does this sound so incredible!

If in Pangu, this is possible, but in this fairy world, how can it be? Are those fairy kings so noble?

If you were so noble and selfless, you would have stayed in Pangu and would not have betrayed with the Immortal Emperor.

"Forget it, it's none of my business. If it's such a good thing, just collect it hard. It's best to collect it one by one!" He muttered in a low voice.

He sat still and meditated for a long time.

Of course, this is a great opportunity. If you grasp it well, you can take advantage of the wind and quickly go to fairyland.

But it is also a crisis.

The birth of the fairy king, and many people will get the opportunity to improve their realm rapidly, which is not good news for him.

After all, he still has many enemies.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the great forces of Xuanyuan, ye Futian and Green Tea Zhen were all great enemies.

"It seems that I have to prepare!"

He murmured, with a dignified look on his face.

"I have to get to Daluo as soon as possible. Once I get promoted to Daluo, I don't have to worry too much!"

In his current state, he has no ability to resist a fairy king at all, but if he comes to Dalai, he can protect himself.

A moment later, he played a jade amulet and called Ji Ruyin.

After giving her a few words and giving some treasures, he got up and left pingtianzong.

He went to immortal cities everywhere and kept sweeping the Taoist shops.

At the same time, he also looked around for some evil immortals, killed them and seized Taoist shops.

Before, he killed many and accumulated a lot of Tao Yun, but after the lower boundary, he divided a lot into the temple and his Haotian Taoist field, as well as the old silver dragon.

If he didn't give so much, the Tao in him would be enough for him to survive the robbery.

A few days later, he heard a news that a fairy King relic had been found in a ministry, in which there were a large number of Taoist relics, which caused crazy competition and attracted the blood of many forces. The situation was tragic.

"Here we go!"

Tang Hao heard it and knew it immediately.

The big change that the night fairy king said has begun.

The so-called relics were only deliberately set up by the fairy king.

Now it is one place, and more similar relics will appear next.

As he expected, a similar incident occurred two days later.

This time, it caused the vibration of the whole fairy world.

Although there was some sensation last time, it didn't attract too many people's attention. I just thought it was an accidental event, just like the remains of the feather fairy king in those years, but it appeared twice in succession, which had to make them suspect.

After the third time, they all realized that something was wrong. It was no accident, but someone was manipulating it.

At this time, some people are guessing the intentions of the people behind them, and they are a little wary.

But wait until the fourth and fifth times, there are more and more Daoyun and treasures. No one cares about the intention. Everyone is crazy. There are only opportunities and treasures left in their eyes.

Soon, such fanaticism spread all over the fairyland!

The situation in the fairyland changed dramatically.