Chapter 664

"Spades, I tell you," Ruth put his hands around his chest and tried to make a reasonable appearance. "You have to give me a raise, reimburse the travel expenses, and this guy's food expenses!"

Ruth held the kitten on the back of his neck and poked his fingers. "Do you know how expensive it is?"

He never knew that a bag of cat food costs thousands of dollars, shit!

Ordinary cat food, this little guy doesn't eat it!

That's called a Jingui!

All his private money is going to be wasted!

A penny forced the hero to death. He is worse than the hero now!

Yantao frowned a little and smiled, "you're too noisy."

The young man's words were plain, and his eyes were calm, but Ruth felt a chill under his feet.

She cowered behind Mrs. Jiang and tried to seek shelter. "What do you want?"

Yan Tao Su Bai's slender fingers gently touched the void.

Ruth stopped.

He was almost crying. "Every time you do this, you don't have any new tricks?!"

How despised!

"One recruit fresh, eat all over the sky."

Mrs. Jiang looks at Ruth and her grandson.

Another look at time.

Still don't hate her grandson.

It's almost dinner time.

The old woman is old and has a poor appetite. She has to eat something delicious.

Yantao pushes Mrs. Jiang to the kitchen to cook.

The little old lady is quite energetic.

Yan Tao: "grandson and rice, choose one?"

Mrs. Jiang smiled, "I choose my grandson who can cook."

Yan Tao

The little old lady hummed a tune and left proudly.

Fight the old woman.

Yan Tao took a look at the food basket next to him, started the pot, put the oil and burst out a strong fragrance.

I saw a white radish holding a fruit knife. The sharp white blade seemed to dance. I crossed the radish and carved several roses in full bloom in two or three minutes.

Delicate and charming, dew even condenses on the petals, crystal clear, just like a real general.

Put it in the soup and it's almost alive.

Five dishes and one soup.

As soon as she had finished cooking, Yun Kuo opened the door and came back.

Yun Kuosheng is also handsome, but when others see him, they first pay attention to his temperament.

Like a distant mountain, distant and thin.

Seeing the dishes on the table, Yun Kuo picked his eyebrows, which showed a little extraneous.

It's not easy for Yantao to cook.

Master Yan is more rebellious than his teacher.

It's good for cook Jiang to go to the kitchen next month, while Yan Tao is more than once a year.

He smiled, his eyes fell on the turnip flower, and his eyes twinkled.

It seems that Yantao really likes it here.

"Xiao Yun, come and eat."

Mother-in-law Jiang greeted Yun Kuo with a smile. She likes beautiful children best. "Pottery is better than a cook."

Yun Kuo smiled and sat down beside Yan Tao. Naturally, he stretched out his hand and pinched the young man's wrist bone.

Still not.

He sighed in his heart. It seemed that the journey had to be delayed.

He held Yantao's wrist, but Yantao didn't care. He let him hold it, went to pick vegetables for himself, and picked a shrimp for yunkuo.

"This shrimp is good. Try it."

They are like old friends who have known each other for many years.

Even Smith could see that the two should have known each other for a long time.

Ruth leaned over, swallowed, squinted at the scene, and immediately shouted, "spades, you're cheating!"

"Tut Tut, it's true that you know people, face and heart..."

Ruth sighed with affectation.