Chapter 1324

The crisp sound fell in the pouring rain.

The crowd couldn't help but look at the past.

The young man's picturesque peach blossom eyes were raised slightly, the dark bottom of his eyes was shining, and his cold and expensive aura was extremely powerful.

"Ten A-level soldiers, twelve B-level soldiers and twenty-six low-level soldiers."

"In class A, the powerful star theft group is just your current scale."

The young man opened his mouth slowly, and a smile burst out on his handsome face, which was obviously very satisfied.

She raised her eyebrows on her right side and opened her mouth carelessly, "young master, I'll make a bet with you."


The prisoners in ecstasy howled like wild animals one by one, immersed in the joy of recovery.

Hear the sound and raise your eyebrows.

"Why should we listen to you!"


"I'll be free soon... Ahaha!"

"I don't know where a baby came from -"

Before the prisoner's words fell, a powerful invisible force suddenly burst into his face.

The power was so powerful that the prisoner seemed to be slapped in the face.

But that slap is iron.

The whole person was lifted out, and the blood mixed with broken teeth scattered all over the ground.

The joy on the faces of all the prisoners dissipated in an instant.

The howling stopped and his face was filled with horror.

The mood finally calmed down.

One by one, they tightened their nerves and went to see the young man in white.

In the rain, the figure of the young man in white is very weak.

The handsome face is smiling, the smile is light, and the temperament is cold.

That looks not like a soldier, but more like an ordinary man with no strength to bind a chicken.

But you look at it.

Clearly there are several people standing over there. What you notice for the first time will only be the boy in white.

The prisoners stood in the rain.

The invisible border separates them.

There was a quiet confrontation between the two sides.

A young prisoner standing on the far left took a step forward.

The prison clothes were washed through by the rain and stuck on the man, revealing his strong muscles and bulging chest.

The most powerful prisoner in this prison.

Class a power is a force warrior, prisoner bird.

"How do you want to bet?"

Yan Tao chuckled. His slender white fingers stretched out and emptied in the air. "Bet on your life and freedom."

"If you can win the bet, I will set you free."



This is what all prisoners who rush out of the door want most.

Day and night, they were trapped in prison and could only see the slap in the sky above their heads.

Dream, want to be free.

The prisoner bird clenched his fist and whispered, "why do you give us freedom?"

"I'm a class a criminal of the Empire."

Yantao frowned impatiently. "I'll give you three seconds. Stay here if you want to gamble. Go back if you don't want to gamble. I don't think I've ever escaped from prison."

"Of course... Including you."

The boy looked at the three men in black over there with a smile.

"Three, two, one!"

"Fat song."

"Yes, young master."

Song Ling Feng opened the light screen from the void: "Twelve class a criminals: Prisoner bird, blue Feng... Class B criminals..."

After clicking his name again, song Linfeng looked at his nose, nose and heart, "48 criminals escaped here and were automatically regarded as participating in the gambling game."

"The young master's gambling game is divided into two games. In the first game, you can survive the young master's attack for ten minutes. The winner can continue the next gambling game."