CH extra 6


After defeating the Water Ant Queen, I was about to turn on my heel to return the way I came when I found a path leading further into this room.

「Let’s see~?」

As I walked down the passage, I saw an old wooden box.

「Is this a treasure… ?」


The treasure chest is opened with a creaking sound.

「Sesame sauce~!」

TL. A pun to open sesame

What came out was a light blue hairpin. I’ll have it appraised at the appraiser when I get back… Well, I don’t expect much since it came out of a beat up wooden box…

「There’s nothing else… Right?」

I keep my eyes peeled to make sure I don’t miss anything.

「… It’s a lot of work, so I’ll go first!」

However, I give up on that in a few seconds and decide to move on.



The next hole in the wall was very difficult because of the Wind Ants. What made it difficult was that they used a lot of magic, so my HP was being drained.

The ants of the earth and water attributes didn’t use magic that much, so I could have defeated them with magic before they got too close, but this time they were mainly long-distance monsters, so I couldn’t defeat them right away…

And the boss there was the Wind Ant Queen, as predicted. Unlike the earth and water bosses, this one also used a lot of magic, so I had a hard time with it. In any case, it was nothing short of terrifying, as it would unleash an invisible attack called the Wind Blade out of nowhere.

So, here too, there was a passage leading to the back, and at the end of it was a slightly more luxurious wooden box.

Incidentally, it was a green bracelet.

That’s how I conquered it, progressively over the days.



「Fu~i! I finally beat it!」

Ryoka is lying down in a cave with a corpse. The corpse lying on the ground is a Fire Ant Queen, which is a superior version of the Flame Ant Queen. Compared to the Flame Ant Queen, the Fire Ant Queen’s flames are much more powerful and have a wider range of effects.

However, she defeated such an enemy without any difficulty.

Ryoka has defeated a total of seven Ant Queens so far: Fire, Dark, Light, Ground, Ice, Thunder, Flame, and Wind.

As you’ve probably noticed by now, all of the basic attributes of ants that exist in this world have come out, and furthermore, the further down I go, the more special attributes that are derived from or super-compatible with those attributes have come out.

And, of course, the level will be higher.

It is indeed a famous dungeon.

「Well, well, treasure, treasure~!」

This is another thing I found out as I progressed, but the further down I went, the wider the map of side holes became.

In other words, the further down you go, the longer it takes to get to the side holes. This makes the chance of encountering enemies higher, which can be dangerous, but it’s not all disadvantages, of course, there are also advantages.

That is, the contents of the treasure chest become more and more luxurious.

The first one was empty, and the next one was a raggedy wooden box. The next one was a beautiful wooden box… And so on, and so forth, and the contents are getting more and more luxurious along with it.

The most valuable of these items is this 『Thunderbolt Necklace』.

I found it after defeating the Thunder Ant Queen, and when I tried to use it, it seemed to increase the power of my electric skills, which is most exciting for me because I often use thunder magic.

「… Okay…」

I finally made it to the lowest level and came in front of one of the two side holes. I’m in front of one of them, which is a bit dark, while the other one is shiny. The two caves are opposite each other, and there is a platform or something like that in the middle, but there is nothing there, so it was probably taken by the first person who came to the dungeon.

I made up my mind and entered the side hole where I felt the ominous presence. The lower I went, the more I could feel that this presence was getting stronger and stronger.

It seems to be getting thicker, especially around the ground. Therefore, my body decides on its own that it is dangerous if I don’t brace myself.

The side hole I’m about to enter is the nest of the Darkness Ant Queen, which is a superior version of Dark. With Dark, the visibility was only a little bad, but this time it’s likely to be even worse…

As I thought about this, I was swallowed by the darkness.