CH 133

4-5 minutes 08.02.2022

「… Finally, the conversation is over…」

Oh. I forgot. If you look at Suzu and Iris, they have the same look as me. I’m sure they had forgotten too.

「… Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten I exist… ?」

「I-It’s probably just your imagination… ??」

「Y-Yeah, yeah! I’m sure it’s just your imagination!」

「Uwa… Both of you are amazing at reading in monotone….」

「Fuu…… You want to make me angry that badly… I understand. I’m gonna get serious now!」


In the blink of an eye, Chuuou had closed the gap between them, swords on both sides… He raised his flame sword and his rock sword (which he made into a rock sword instead of a water sword).

「!? 《Thunder Block》!!」

「!? Haa!!」



Suzu summoned a thunder magic shield to block the flame sword, while Iris was on Suzu’s shoulder, blocking the rock sword with Reizanmaru in her hand… It’s going to break… You’ve got to stop this as soon as possible… I’ll have to make a sword for Iris soon…

「Hu… Do you want to stop this! However… There’s more!!!」

「《Thunder Dragon》《Thunder Dragon》 《Thunderblock Object》 《Thunderblock Object》」

As Suzu chanted that, electricity ran from the ground directly overhead and took the form of 2 shapes of some kind of creatures. Hmm… Are those… Dragons? Oh, I guess it’s easier to describe them as Japanese wingless snake-shaped dragons… ? The other magic seems to have the same effect as the 《Thunder Block》 that she cast on herself and now to those dragons. Something is crackling around the dragons.

Then they fluff up in the air, open their mouths and…



「Ku… ! That, You’re attacking…」

He dodged it as quickly as he could, but he couldn’t avoid the other electric shock and protected himself with his right hand.

Still, that dragon’s face looks familiar…. I wonder where I’ve seen it before…. Well, we’re in the middle of a battle right now, so I’ll just wait until after it’s over…

「Don’t forget about me!!」



Distracted by the attack from above, Chuuou’s left leg was struck by a slash from Iris, who had come at him from below. Then, having successfully slashed off his leg, Chuuou stabbed his sword into the ground and writhed in pain.

Blood comes spurting out of the knee of Chuuou’s left leg. Chuuou stopped the bleeding by burning it with his flame sword, then stood on one leg and stared at me.

「You people… How dare you… How dare youuuuuu!!!!!!!!」

「Whoa… That’s dangerous… I’ll have to use 《Appraisal》 on him」

I mutter to myself. He was so different from before. There was a strong killing intent… Just like before.


【Name】 Chuuou LV. 60 《BOSS》 Condition: Gathering Power

【Weakness】 None

【Attribute Weakness】 None

【Description】 The highest level of the rat-shaped monsters you can find anywhere. It can use the attributes of the rats that follow it, so you need to be careful. Condition activated when cornered: Gathering Power adds 1/100th of the status of the rats it follows to its own status.

HP: 57000/57000

MP: 51400

STR: 7132

VIT: 6580

DEF: 8415

AGI: 7146


「… This might be really bad」

His status is too high in every way. I don’t know how many rats he had under his command…. Only my STR is comparable to Chuuou’s, but everything else is a complete disaster. Just looking at his status, I’d say he’s about a tenth of Mariesta. I wonder what Suzu and Iris will do… Worst case scenario, I will…

───This dungeon has various mid-boss rooms scattered throughout. The worst mid-boss of them all was this one, Chuuou.

The endurance challenge at the beginning and the gathering power at the end of the game became a topic of conversation on bulletin boards, etc. Most of the top players would either run away when they encountered him, or try their best to endure the first challenge and then defeat him before he could use his gathering power.