CH 186

「Hmmm… It’s a forest as expected…」

We came to the 17th level. Naturally, the forest continued. This time, we did not find Orcs as soon as we arrived, so we searched carefully.

「Hey, hey, Ayane!」


「I think this is edible?」

「Which… one…?」



「Huh? Ayane, what’s wrong?」

「Those, mushrooms! They smell, terrible…!!」

「Eh!? Even though they look delicious!?」

「L-Let’s go over there!?」

I forced myself to grab Iris and distance myself from that cluster of matsutake-like mushrooms.

Sure, they look just like the delicious matsutake mushrooms in real life, but they are not! Why do they smell so bad…!! Eh!? One-third of my HP is gone! Oh, is that poison gas or something…? Maybe I was right to stay away…

「Can I appraise it from afar…? 《Appraisal》」


【Name】 Hell Matsutake1 LV. 125

【Weakness】 None

【Attribute Weakness】 Ice

【Description】 A mushroom-shaped monster said to exist in hell. It kills its prey by releasing a colorless, transparent poison gas as it approaches. However, the poisonous gas is so foul-smelling to the humanoid race that they seldom approach the mushrooms, so there are no humanoid victims. However, even these mushrooms can actually be eaten. And they are surprisingly hard and fire-resistant.

HP: 100

MP: 9245/9824

STR: 0

VIT: 5241

DEF: 4850

AGI: 0

INT: 6874

DEX: 0


「A monster!?」

「Eh!? That mushroom was a monster!?」

「I read it’s called “Hell Matsutake”?」

It’s edible… It says so… But…? I don’t think it’s possible to eat it after smelling it…

「Then! I’m going!」

「Ah, un」

With that, Iris made a dash for the mushrooms. Oh, but I wonder if it will be okay? I read they are surprisingly hard… Hmmm…

I thought so, but when I saw Iris smiling and reaping mushrooms with a large sword in her hand, I started to feel sorry for the mushrooms… Yeah… I’m sure they’ll all end up in Iris’ belly…. Hmm? But isn’t a half a dozen mushrooms at the most that would fit in such a small body? Well, with an inventory, there’s no passage of time or anything, so she can eat them anytime without worrying about it… To be honest, though, I don’t think I’d want to put them in my inventory…

「Ayanee! I picked so many!」

「Whoa! Wait!? That’s poisonous… you know… Huh? What’s that? It doesn’t smell bad?」

「No smell anymore?」

「Y-Yeah…. I wonder why…?」

「Maybe it’s because it’s dead」

「…Well, I guess」

It’s something I’d like to try, but I have to go soon, so I’ll go first.

「Eh!? You won’t eat it!?」

「No… Because… Haa. All right…」



Yeah. Iris is cute, isn’t she? That’s why I always forgive her no matter how selfish she is…

That is why we are eating mushrooms.

──We need a lot of rocks…

──We need lots of dry tree branches…

──And while we’re at it, we’ll also need some dead leaves…

──For roasting the mushrooms, I shaved off a branch of a tree that was not eaten by insects and skewered it…

──Stick that in a mushroom…

────Crackle…! Crackle…!!


What a great aroma, even though it was just roasted. It was like this kind of smell when I grilled matsutake mushrooms that I had eaten in the past…

So, without further ado…



「I-It’s delicious…!!」

「Hmm~! jerishous!!」



──crunch crunch!!


「「… Eh?」」

I heard a 3rd voice and looked in that direction. It was a deer with a parabolic antenna on its head, which was devouring a lot of roasted mushrooms.

「「…… Eh?」」

Parabolic Antenna… Deer… Parabolatia…