CH 35

Chapter Thirty-Five: Rosa Wants to Protect the Hallowed Ground (III)

“Ladu! What happened?”

“She fainted when she tried to help us with her magic.”

Ladu replied briefly to Leon’s question.

Rosa was barely conscious while lying in Ladu’s arms. Her eyes were tightly closed, and her breath was rough.


She seemed to be mumbling something while dizzy.

Ladu raised his eyes to Leon and the others.

“I don’t know anything about magic! Is it merely fatigue!? Her heart is pounding, and she is trembling… This would appear to be a state of excitement in a regular individual. Is it any different for those who have magic power!?”

Ladu had no idea that it was the same. Rosa was simply fatigued and enthralled.

Ahhh… This passionate embrace… The cheers from the Aptus clan… What a scene! So this is what is happening inside our bodies! BL has always existed within us!

Strictly speaking, Rosa’s symptoms were caused by the trance-like state of a fanatic who had discovered the truth about the world.

Rosa would have been safe and sound if she had just passed out, but thanks to Ladu’s prompt assistance and positioning her in a perfect resting posture, she had stayed barely conscious at the height of her corrosive excitement.

Rosa, on the other hand, appeared pale and frail to those around her.

Her eyes were filled with excitement, and her quickened breath doubled as pain signals.

I can’t… This is invaluable… Everyone on the planet should accept this holiness…

Rosa remained ecstatic.

“I… Father… Accept…” flowed out of her mouth. As soon as Bernando heard Rosa say that, his eyes widened in shock. 

“Dear sister!”

When Ladu witnessed this exchange between the siblings, his impatience intensified.

Ladu had kept a neutral stance… Both with his family and the inhabitants of Berg until now, so he could always exhibit his medical expertise in a calm and precise manner.

In contrast, since he was an emotional person when a person he had gotten close to became a patient, he could not display his abilities.

Instead, because of his extensive medical experience, many other concerns arose in his thoughts.

“Delirium, loss of awareness, shaking… And on top of that high fever. It matches the symptoms of Kamil’s disease… Rosa, however, stated that healing did not work on healers… Hey! Tell me! Is that a proven fact!?”

Ladu looked up and asked.

“It is uncommon, but a doctor who has already been vaccinated against a contagious disease can become infected with it. Is it absolutely certain that Rosa will not contract Kamil’s disease!?”

Ladu said, his panicked tone scaring Leon and the others.

Nothing made people more nervous than a frightened doctor.

They were, furthermore, witnessing the girl, who had already become an essential part of their lives, in such distress had long since driven them to lose their cool.

The anxiety produced more worrisome thoughts, and they all became trapped in a whirlpool of thoughts.

“It’s not… A powerful magic power can negate an opponent’s magic power. To get here, I had to fend against Kamil’s power. In this train of thought, Kamil’s power could have also overpowered Rosa’s, rendering her sick.”

Leon was only able to discover this new alternative due to his immense magical prowess.

“Furthermore, it happened right after she used a lot of magic power. Her already feeble health was undoubtedly weakened by this. I suspect Kamil’s power took advantage of the moment to overwhelm her.”

Chris stated. She backed Leon’s claims since she had also seen Rosa faint before.

“In addition, we have no idea how dear sister used her power… Maybe she could only wield her power after letting the disease in… I believe that is something we should consider as well!”

Because of his devotion to his sister, Bernando conjured up a theatrical scenario.

His face contorted, and he roared, no longer concerned with keeping up appearances.

“My dear sister has always sacrificed herself for others. The time she protected me, the time she sacrificed herself for those slaves… It’s as though she’s saying her life has no value! That’s the kind of person she is!”

“Come to think of it; the same thing also happened during the incident with Arina. She jumped to protect me and even got hurt because of it!”

Chris said, pouring fuel on the fire.

They both saw Rosa as an angel who would happily take on the disease to save Apt’s people.

“If she has the same disease, it’s only going to worsen! We can’t cure it with our medicine. Can’t any of you three use healing!?” Ladu asked.

“Healing is a special magic power that doesn’t fall into any attribute. Even my brother, who possesses immense magic power, cannot wield it, let alone us.” Chris replied.

“I called for healers; however, they’ll need some time to get her. Kamil, who is on top of the hill, is the only healer we have here…”

“No way in hell am I letting that son of a bitch lay a finger on my dear sister!”

Bernando yelled. Due to their anxiousness, their conversation devolved into mayhem.

“We were cured when that girl prayed, weren’t we? She’s probably from Berg… She used magic, after all.”

“To think she was the one who passed out, not us… I’m not familiar with magic, but this most likely means she chose to give herself up for us.”

“Or maybe she got sick due to exhausting herself too much…”

People in Apt whispered to one another, coming to the same conclusions as Leon, Bernando, and Chris.

The girl who had collapsed after her self-sacrifice appeared beautiful and divine in their eyes, which were full of fear and anger towards Berg.

“Master Ladu. Please save that girl!”

“Should we prepare for surgery?”

“Master Ladu!”

Because of their devotion to medicine, they held physicians in high regard.

They regarded individuals who gave their lives for the sake of others as heroes.

As a result, one by one, they began asking Ladu to save Rosa. Their wishes, however, put even more pressure on Ladu and the others.

“Damn it… We can give her anti-inflammatory medications and prepare for a blood transfusion for the time being because she exhibits the same symptoms…”

“Wait. We might be able to thwart Kamil’s power if we transfer our magical power into Rosa.” Leon said.

“Even if she’s not sick, she utilized a lot of magic power. Her tank is almost certainly empty. I suggest we replenish her magical abilities first.”

“Come to think of it; magic power is comparable to blood. As a result, running out of magical power is akin to running out of blood. Why didn’t you say so earlier!? Go ahead and transfer it!”

Ladu quickly approved the suggestion after examining it from a medical point of view.

They were no longer in an alarmed state.

“His Highness! I beg of you as well! Please save my sister!”

Bernardo, who had regained his courteous tone, had likewise calmly inquired of Leon.

They quickly raised Rosa’s body, and Leon approached her, pretty much wholly covering her face with his, and spoke.

“Rosa. Can you hear me? Look into my eyes.”


At the sound of Leon’s voice, which was infused with magic power, Rosa, who had been dreamily committing herself to a pleasant world of imagination, suddenly came back to herself.


Rosa gasped in astonishment when she saw such an attractive top’s face so close to hers.

“His… His Highness… Wha… What… What… Wh… Why!?”

“I’ll make things better in no time. Just relax and look into my eyes.”

“WHA… WHAT!? Wa… Wait!”

Rosa had been moved from a delightful dream in which she had discovered the truth about BL to now being whispered to by Bernando’s “husband”.

She was having a hard time grasping the situation.

“Because my magic is potent, it may strain your body when it accepts it. However, this is something we must do. I’ll try and be gentle so just relax.”

“What!? No…”

Leon’s comments to Rosa sounded like something a top would say to a bottom when they were embracing.

“You shouldn’t… Shouldn’t do that to someone like me…”

You’ve got the wrong person!  

Rosa thought, trying to back away. However, Ladu scolded her.

“Why are you running!? You saw how terrifying this disease could be! We’ve got to treat it quickly!”

“What? Disease!? What!? But I’m completely f…”

“You were shaking just now! You had a fever as well. Furthermore, I noticed you pinched your nose right before using your power. The truth is, your mucous membrane has already started bleeding, hasn’t it!? Don’t hide it! Just accept the prince’s magic power!”


Apparently, Rosa was incorrectly believed to have contracted Kamil’s disease and was set to have His Highness’ magic power transferred to her.

Ladu also seems to have spotted her holding back her nosebleed previously.

Rosa paused for a moment, unsure whether she should be surprised by Ladu’s keen eye or terrified by the magnitude of this misunderstanding.

However, that slight pause turned out to be fatal.

“Rosa! Look at me!”

Leon grumbled impatiently, pressing his face against Rosa’s.

NO! This… This… This is precisely the scene I had in mind for Moe Bern!!!

Rosa was heartbroken that the event she had been looking forward to had happened to her.

“No… No… Wa… Wait! I’m alright!”

Leon finally became frustrated and pushed Rosa’s body to the floor as she attempted to break free from his grasp.

“I won’t let you get away! Look at me!”

A yukadon!? 

Rosa was about to pass out from the double combo onslaught.

This is not right! These miraculous events are entirely wasted on me!

“No… Not… Not on me! I won’t allow this…”

That’s right! Chris is here!

Because Chris could sense when someone was lying, she could prove that Rosa was being sincere right now.

Rosa frantically searched for Chris, trying to find one final ray of hope, but her eyes widened in surprise the next moment.

“Her Highness!?”

Chris didn’t look at Rosa as she was preoccupied with cutting her blond hair, which was tied behind her back, with her sword.

“What are you…”

“Brother! If Rosa doesn’t look you in the eyes, then use this. There’s a considerable amount of magic power stored in one’s hair. If we wrap it around Rosa, she’ll have no choice but to absorb it. Bernando, come help us.”

“Thank you, Your Highness!”

Bernardo respectfully accepted the hair despite Rosa’s gasping cries and wrapped it around Rosa’s hand rapidly.

Rosa couldn’t help but cry when faced with this unavoidable scenario.

“Your Highness…. Your… Your hair…!”

“It’s fine. I believe that this is the special occasion that you mentioned before.”

As Chris stroked her short blonde hair and said firmly, Rosa only shook her head, astonished.

It’s not! This is not it! That hair would be the most crucial part of Moe Chris’s life-changing transformation into a top!

Rosa’s symptoms had been brought on solely by her excitement.

It was the same as having a huffing and puffing overweight man.

Rosa couldn’t believe Chris had cut her hair for something so insignificant.

To add to the fire, Chris also smiled and said, “You saved me before. So now is my turn to save you.”

You should have said that to Moe Bern!!!

It was way too much for Rosa to handle.

One by one, these miraculous scenarios were being squandered.

They’d only have an effect once.

Even if Chris were to say the same thing to Bernando later, it wouldn’t hold the same meaning.

Rosa was terrified by these thoughts.

“No… No! A rotten woman, such as I, does not deserve this!”

Like a scared child, she struggled to remove the strand of hair out of her hands, but Bernardo held her hands tightly to prevent her from doing so.

“Dear sister, just receive it!”

Bernando’s tone was grave.

When Rosa noticed Bernando’s fiery eyes staring at her, she felt something terrible was about to happen.

He’s not planning to…

“I can’t afford to lose you. I won’t allow you to leave after making your way into my heart. After all…”

Bernando’s tone fit Rosa’s prior delusions perfectly.

His hands, which were tightly clenched around hers, were trembling slightly.

He still yearned for her, but he was terrified of losing her.

Bernando summoned his courage, cast off his façade, and screamed.

“You’re the one who taught me how to love!”

NOOO! He said it!

Rosa felt as if she’d been dealt a fatal blow.

All of the things she’d fantasized about were now occurring to her. She didn’t have anything left to live for.

Rosa’s bewildered eyes were filled with tears.

“No… No… Why…? Why is it me… I don’t deserve this…”

Why me… I could have put up with it if it had been directed towards another attractive man. I can’t believe they’d waste all of these miraculous events on treating a sick woman with fictitious symptoms. I just can’t. I might as well let despair take me.

Suddenly Rosa’s hands, tied by Chris’ hair, became hot as she pondered this.

Rosa’s body, which had previously resisted the magic power, finally allowed it all in due to the shock she endured.

Rosa’s battered, exhausted, and hopeless body and mind was only exacerbated by Chris’s magical power, which, while not as strong as Leon’s, was nonetheless immense.

Rosa’s heart creaked.

Her vision began to flicker.

“I can’t take this despair any longer. Please allow me to pass out.” Her consciousness yelled and allowed itself to be shut down.

This, however, was not unexpected. Despite all of these events, being unable to feel any moe was like living in hell for Rosa.

“Just kill me…”

Everyone around her gasped as she mumbled.

They all acted in sync, giving the impression that they were terrific friends.

If you’re getting along so wonderfully, you should show more of it to the rest of the world!

Rosa grumbled angrily in her mind and then lost consciousness.