
What is cuirun's plan, fengtingting doesn't know, and he doesn't say it.

But she found that the next day, the girl named Xiaoya, the girl of the training family, was gone, and she didn't come back for two days.

These two days, fengtingting thought to ask, but she was afraid of asking herself, but lost Cui run's trust.

So Feng Tingting was struggling to the third day, but nothing different, as long as she always disguised to go to the pastry shop.

But as soon as they came, they found the girls whispering there.

"What are you talking about, share and listen?"

"Shopkeeper, you don't know about such a big news?" The girl a was even more surprised.

Feng Tingting shrugged: "I am busy with the new formula every day. Where can I know what happened outside?"

"The wedding of the whole man Horo and Cui's family broke!"

Feng Tingting stared at her eyes, and his face was incredible: "how can I break it, but there was no news before?"

"Who can know?" "How can we all know about the affairs of big families?" said man B

"But I heard that it was like the master of the whole family was entangled with the woman nearby. Miss Cui said she would not marry, and the matchmaker had already returned to her!"

Girl a has a face gossip, want to come to the news should not have false.

If this is true, fengtingting is very curious, Cui run how to do the marriage of stir yellow.

In this way, fengtingting also did not have the mind to stay, and quickly returned.

Time was excellent. She just got home at the front foot and Cui ran came back.

And the girl who practiced the family also followed, but there were more injuries on her body.

"Run Zi!" Feng Tingting ran over, and the young man looked at him carefully, and saw that he had no injury, which relieved her.

Cui ran smiled at her forehead: "rest assured, a woman, not worth my hands."

"But a girl..."

Cui run looked at the little girl, and said, "go down and rest."

"Women, especially women like Trish, have to deal with them with women." Cui Yun sighed, "but I didn't think that Cui family actually raised the dead, and he was caught off guard."


Fengtingting knows Cui Shoufu is not a common man, but I really didn't think that a businessman actually raised the dead!

This is a season expressly prohibited, but for so long, no one has found

It seems that Cui Shoufu is not the average yellow fish.

Fengtingting thought this abacus again hit.

After all, Cui Shoufu is really very snobbish. She wants to make money. She is better with Cui Shoufu than he Zhirong.

Her vision is not limited to Yunqing town. According to hezhirong, even if he Caijun has made the top priority, the business is not expected to be able to achieve the capital.

But Cui Shoufu is different, in the country there are contacts and business, such people can be called business people!

"Cui Shoufu is really very strong, but there are people outside the world one day. He is not the most powerful."

Cui ran poured cold water on fengtingting: "if you want to go to the capital, I will follow you."

Feng Tingting has a bright eye. She seems to forget that Cui run is the son of the world. This identity is much better than Cui Shoufu.

"Look at your little eyes!" Cui run holds Feng Tingting's small round face. "Money is no longer powerful. Cui Shoufu is indeed rich and has enough contacts. But in front of those who are in charge, he is a clown after all."

Cuirun is very reasonable.

In ancient times, money can really make ghosts wear, but as long as the power and the noble hand, these money will also become a black.

Cui Shoufu has a foothold, she also has, and is a son!

Feng Tingting's little eye beads slip around, dog legs said: "then do you have a way to pull all Cui's first rich contacts over?"

"How, two shops are not enough, are not afraid to support death?"

"There is a good chance, why not use it, and how can business people abandon money?"

"I will give you if you want it."

Fengtingting thought Cui ran was just coaxing her.

But the next day when she was going to leave from the sweet fast, Cui stopped her and, without saying anything, took her to the carriage and ran all the way.

Fengtingting did not know where Cui would take her, and her eyes were gloomy, flashing a strong killing machine.

After half an hour, the carriage finally stopped.

"Miss, you and I have never met before. What is this for?"

Cui's cold eyes squint, and sneered, "Feng Tingting, don't pretend, what does he Luo tell me, what is the point of acting with me like this?"

"I don't understand what you say?" It is her business to see through. She will die and refuse to admit it.Cui did not speak, but pulled Feng Tingting out and directly pulled it to the edge of the cliff.

Looking at the abyss, Feng Tingting was frightened in a cold sweat.

At the moment, she didn't care about her identity, just wanted to step back!

"Why, afraid?" Cui sneered, "are you brave enough to go out easily? Why are you afraid of this now?"

"I don't seem to have offended you."

Cui's cold anger said: "don't think I don't know, Cui run's sidekick is you, you just think you were denounced before, I didn't help you and bear a grudge, so just collude with He Luo, let the marriage end!"

Feng Tingting frowned and asked, "didn't you quit your marriage, why..."

"Me? I love him so much that I can accept his other things. What is such a small thing? If you didn't play a trick, my father would not have retired from the marriage! "

There was trembling and disappointment in Cui's voice.

"Sister Cui, that little valet is really me, but you also know that Cui run and I have a different relationship. How can I go back and seduce He Luo?"

"Bah, you are seducing him. If not, why would he never forget you?" Cui pulled Feng Tingting closer to the cliff.

As long as Cui Shi tries hard, she will fall down!

"I really don't have one!" Feng Tingting's voice became sharp, "in addition to the status of the whole person, which of Ho Luo is comparable to Cui run? I'm blind and will like him!"

But Trish didn't believe it.

A woman who is confused in love has no sense.

But Feng Tingting is now in between life and death, what she can do is to persuade, but it does not seem to have any effect.

Just at this moment, a gust of wind burst through my ear.

Cui screamed in pain, and a sharp arrow was inserted into her wrist. Then, the power that controlled Feng Tingting disappeared, and she rushed forward uncontrollably


At the critical moment, the familiar agarwood surrounded her, and her body fell into a warm embrace

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