
After Feng Tingting returned to the town, she continued to run the shop, but Mei Xianju did not go back. Instead, she communicated with Cui run to resolve Acacia.

Unfortunately, such a day did not take long, someone destroyed.

And this person is not others, but he Caijun, who is preparing for the Spring Festival next year!

He Caijun never asked about his family business, but after that day, he would come to the shop to inspect when he was free, which made the staff worried.

Of course, he Caijun's most frequent visit is the honeyhouse.

This shop has changed hands to Feng Tingting here, they did not say.

Therefore, in addition to he Zhirong and Feng Tingting, others do not know that the boss of honey sweet studio is Feng Tingting.

And Feng Tingting doesn't know where he Caijun got the news. She can be found here.

When meeting for the first time, Feng Tingting was armed, but he Caijun didn't recognize it.

The second time and the third time, and both at the same time, this makes Feng Tingting have doubts.

She wrote her doubts into the letter, but Cui run didn't reply. Instead, she went to her boudoir at night to solve her doubts.

"Runzi!" Feng Tingting is both surprised and surprised. She plunges into his arms. The familiar agarwood makes her feel at ease.

"You've been making trouble for me without watching for a minute."

Feng Tingting tooted her mouth and protested, "where did I get into trouble? You don't know that I've served tongfenghua very well!"

Cui run hummed: "what's the situation of he Caijun?"

"How do I know?" Feng Tingting murmured in a low voice, but it led to Cui run's jealousy.

He holds Feng Tingting in his arms and pinches her plump face. He is very angry and funny.

"Don't tell me, don't you see he Caijun's careful thinking?"

Feng Tingting blinked her eyes, showing an innocent and unknown look.

"What a mind, I don't know!"

"Pretend, continue to pretend, you will not be able to see your exquisite heart, or do you also have a mind for him?"

Feng Tingting's face changed greatly, and she quickly swore, "I have nothing to do with him. There is no relationship between me and him. Don't order the mandarin duck spectrum at random!"

"If you don't say, why does he Caijun like you, even give up his studies and come to the honeymoon house every day, do you think he really likes your food?"

Feng Tingting giggled: "he is waiting for him, I have you enough."

Feng Tingting's ability to tease the Han is not perfect.

But compared with the women of this era, it is absolutely easy to catch.

Cui run's ear tips are ruddy with the color visible to the naked eye, which is also Feng Tingting's favorite scene, with a unique sense of achievement.

"So, you don't have to worry about anything. I treat you as much as you do to me."

Cui run smiles, against Feng Tingting's forehead, saying nothing, feeling the warmth.

"Feng Huilan has always been bad to you. If she knows that talented people are interested in you, she will make more trouble."

Feng Tingting is stunned for a moment, some don't understand.

"You two are sisters. He Zhirong has given you a way. As a sister, you should think about it for your sister and solve your own difficulties by the way."

Feng Tingting understood it all at once.

"You mean..."

Cui Yun shows a deep smile that you understand.

After thinking about it, Feng Tingting thinks that Cui run's method is really useful.

But before it was implemented, the target character found her instead.

This day, Feng Tingting rarely recovered women's clothing, followed he Zhirong to see those big men.

Full of food and drink, it is not easy to breathe in the door, a package of solid woman rushed over, can not help but drag her to go outside.

Feng Tingting has no girl around, and he Zhirong is busy on top of her, and there is no one to help her.

And this person is really strong, Feng Tingting pulled several times without success.

The woman grabbed Feng Tingting and walked into a remote lane, which stopped.

She loosened her turban, revealing Feng Huilan's poor face!

"Feng Huilan!"

"Tingting, don't be angry. My parents asked me to come."

How can Feng Tingting get angry? She wanted to find some excuse to get close to Feng Huilan. Now she is happy to be sent to her door by herself.

"How can I be angry with my sister? Now I'm alone in town and I don't have a person to accompany me. Why don't you stay with me?"

Feng Huilan is very surprised to see feng Tingting, confused, also afraid that Feng Tingting has any ghost ideas.

Seeing Feng Huilan's vigilance, Feng Tingting softened her tone.

"I'm really good for my sister. In recent days, my father-in-law wants to find a good family to remarry for me. He wants to come here and stay in the field. Even if the other party doesn't like me, if he likes my sister, it's just as wonderful.""Really?" Feng Huilan expressed doubts.

Feng Huilan's doubts are also expected by Feng Tingting.

After all, at the beginning of the two can be regarded as a quarrel, want to believe each other again, it is very difficult.

But Feng Tingting now also has no other way, otherwise, the pressure of the outside world on her body do not say, look at her unhappy Feng Huilan will certainly put in a foot.

Instead of worrying about what's going on, it's better to control one first.

Feng Tingting took Feng Huilan in her arms affectionately, raised her pollution-free smile and said, "where does your sister have an overnight feud? Besides, you are still young. Do you really intend to be alone all your life?"

Feng Huilan did not speak, but her face was not very good.

"Elder sister, he Luo is not your good man after all. It's not all your fault. Now Cui's crazy, it's a lesson."

"You're right!"

Speaking of Cui, Feng Huilan's face is distorted.

"That woman is responsible for her own fault. Adulterers and adulterers will not come to a good end."

"Although he Luo is still a whole person now, it is not necessary to miss his life because of a man. You have to let him have a look. Feng Huilan is also very popular."

Encouraged by Feng Tingting, Feng Huilan stayed.

Feng Tingting's current residence is a relatively secluded courtyard, equipped with a cook, several cleaning servants and a woman.

Feng Huilan fell in love with this place in an instant and naturally settled down.

Feng Tingting often takes Feng Huilan out for sightseeing. Feng Huilan has to relax her vigilance.

She saw that the time had come, and she took Feng Huilan to the honey sweet studio.

This is also the first time that Feng Tingting came back, and when she came, she was always accurate. She just met he Caijun at the door.

He Caijun was pleased, but when he saw Feng Huilan, he restrained himself.

"What kind of person Feng Huilan is very surprised to meet he Caijun. Once a girl's heart comes up again, her cheek is slightly red.

Feng Tingting pushed the summit forward without leaving a trace, and Feng Huilan rushed to he Caijun.

He Caijun wanted to turn aside, but Feng Huilan quickly grabbed his clothes, which made him unable to hide. His face suddenly became cold.

"Miss LAN, it's cold and slippery. You'd better be careful."

Feng Huilan's face is even more red, I don't know whether she is shy or embarrassed.

He Caijun also because of the appearance of Feng Huilan, no interest, left in a hurry, even the daily must buy cakes are not required.

Looking at he Caijun's flustered back, Feng Tingting feels that the hero and heroine should be together

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