Chapter 323: : I never cared about money

Yingjiang's army has weekends, and there are 2.5 days of vacation every month except two days of weekends, which is 30 days a year. But some weekends need to work overtime. Holidays can be accumulated. Generally, soldiers can take vacation if they have saved enough 5-10 days of vacation. However, during the mitigation period, soldiers must stay within a 6-hour drive around the city in case something important happens to the base and is recalled.

At the invitation of General Elton, Tang Dao visited the base. Of course, the most important thing was to recruit some valuable employees.

Elton, who has a strong figure and a big belly, is sitting in the off-road vehicle smoking a cigarette, baring his teeth in the mirror, with some salad stained on his yellow teeth, "This time, more than 700 people will retire from the headquarters. There were about 50 people from the Rangers and Delta that I met with and they were happy to be your company, as long as they paid well."

Of course, Elton didn't say it himself, but asked a captain below to contact him.

What can those veterans who have served at least eight years do leave? Some research institutions in the United States have shown that more than 30% of soldiers have experienced domestic violence, alcoholism, and marijuana. The pressure of society can easily collapse even the strongest soldiers. What is pressure?

no money!


If the bottom line is reached, many people will embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes. Professionally trained vultures cannot be subdued by security personnel holding pistols and wearing bulletproof vests. The crime rate of Eagle Sauce remains high every year. To a certain extent, the company also helps them solve the employment problem, which is the case in capitalist society.

But Tang Dao is actually doing good deeds to a certain extent.

The maintenance of social stability and stability depends entirely on money.

"If they agree, I will pay them the highest price in the current market. The person introduced by General Elton has this value." Tang Dao's words reached the heart of the other party. He smiled, and the cigarette was stuck in the Throat, a little choking, coughed a few times suddenly, the smoke was still coming out of the nostrils, the originally black skin looked red from the iron at this moment.

"You...cough cough, you are too polite." Elton stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, giving him a thumbs up, expressing his approval of Tang Dao's words, which may be hypocritical, but it sounds like so comfortable.

"In fact, I need a group of technicians more. I am willing to pay high prices for tank maintenance, ground support, and radar operators."

He needs these so-called professionals too much, and the aircraft maintenance in Somalia is also needed. You can’t rely on those Russians, although they have calmed down a lot after being beaten by Tang Dao last time, and they don’t use coolant. It's troublesome, but the enthusiasm for "alcohol" engraved in the bones cannot be erased. The world's military history has verified that the most difficult thing is the rabbit!

Otherwise, the three-mile rapid march would not be a world record.

but the rabbit...

It's hard to find!

When the big dog bought a few small firecrackers, he wanted the bosses to send a few military rabbits, but it was really impossible to give them away, you have no place to recruit them, and in some places, honor is indeed more important than eating money , different phenomena produced by Eastern and Western cultures.


Elton frowned, and looked at the secretary next to him, "Do we have any technicians to retire?"

The secretary held the rank of captain, and when he heard the order from the leader, he opened the document in his hand and scratched it with his fingers, "There are communication department and information department, and there are about 70 people in the maintenance department, including three second-level sergeants. long."

"I want it!" Tang Dao said directly next to him, he was salivating for the three second-level sergeant majors.

The non-commissioned officers of the U.S. military are divided into six grades, that is, junior non-commissioned officers, divided into corporals, sergeants, and sergeants. Senior non-commissioned officers are divided into three sergeant majors, second sergeant majors and first sergeant majors. Sergeants in the U.S. military fill the ranks of officers in most other countries. According to the laws of the United States, military officers are public officials of the federal government, and their basic duty is to provide military leadership for the government.

Practice has proved that the army does not need a large group of officers, and it is difficult for soldiers to form the backbone of the army due to various reasons such as high mobility. So the sergeant filled the void.

The sergeant has a special status and a prominent role in the army.

The U.S. military has a saying that "the command depends on the officers, and the management and training come from the sergeants". They believe that the sergeants are the bridge for the implementation of troop management, education and training. The special status of non-officials and non-soldiers makes them an indispensable link between officers and soldiers in the army, the real leader of the grassroots troops, and the direct managers, educators and leaders of soldiers. Sergeant officers reached 64% at their peak and are now around 56%.

According to Yingjiang's external income comparison, the second-level sergeant major is e-8 level five, and the annual income is about 38,000 US dollars.

Of course, other subsidies are not included, but if you add it, it will be less than 100,000 at most. There is still a difference between soldiers and officers to a certain extent, and most of these second-level sergeant majors have battlefield experience. Money can't buy it.

"Do you want all these seventy people?" Elton asked with a surprised face.

"Of course! I never say no to talents. I never care about money. I haven't actually received a salary. The salary is all in the company's account. For me, all I care about is using money to create Greater value I don't want talents to be lost just like that. This is the biggest unfriendliness to technology. Talents are the most important in the 21st century. I am willing to spend money on talents, as long as they have a skill Everyone should be tolerated by this society."

Tang Dao looked very serious, "As long as they are willing, I can provide a settling allowance."

As he was talking, his eyes were still looking at other booths on the playground, surrounded by a sea of ​​people, but the essence of it had been cut off by Tang Dao long ago, so there were people inside who were easy to do things, but what Tang Dao saw It is another competition, and the competition for the interests of the PMC industry is intensifying.

But what he didn't notice was.

The eyes of Elton and his secretary next to him are very strange. The main reason is that Tang Dao's words are too high. What thick-skinned, they are directly shameless.

"Then I'll ask someone to take your people to hand over now. I believe that they are not willing to leave the front line."

Tang Dao nodded with a satisfied smile, nodded to the contract lawyer sent by Felix next to him, and motioned him to follow, but at this moment the phone on the little angel rang, and he picked it up and asked, then handed over the He gave it over, "Boss, the Ukrainian side is on the phone."


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