Chapter 572: : This is Mr. Tang's territory!

Africa, Somalia!

Tang Dao is in prison, and the feedback of this news is particularly strong in the land of Africa.

Many dissatisfied bugs began to jump out to provoke the savior company, just like they once transported the most accurate shells in the world from Eastern Europe. Although these were originally intended to be used on Eagle Sauce, it was a pity that there was no chance. Taste the taste in this land of Africa. Logically speaking, these leftovers are enough for them to eat, but there are always people who like to jump out and be the first person.

And it has also done business in Somalia.

The coffee shop on the street in the center is opened by an Italian family. Their family has stayed here for more than ten years, and the coffee they make is very popular. Many wealthy businessmen from other places like to take a sip here, or local People use the money they have saved for a few days to have a cup of cappuccino. Perhaps for them, this is the closest time to them.

In the corner of the coffee shop, a white man with sunglasses was sitting. He seemed to be waiting for someone. Just at this moment, several black men came in through the door. The white man looked him up and down, raised his hand, and smiled. .

The black man saw him and came over.

"Mr. Fairbank?" said the **** inquiringly.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Falkace." The white man said with a smile, "I'm Fairbank."

Fairbank Dela Fitch, a Dutchman, works for MRAV (International), behind several multinational companies in the Netherlands, and has an official background. He is a hard stubble. Of course, in Europe, but in Africa, he The market has been suppressed by the savior all the time. Even a sip of soup has been snatched away by others. He has no advantage at all to compete with others.

And he also knew the news of Tang Dao's arrest for the first time.

The fire in his heart began to blaze. He had met with other agents in Argentina and Switzerland, but they were all afraid and did not dare to stretch their hands too far. They could only make small moves. Fairbank did the same at the beginning. He did this, but when he sold a batch of goods worth 700,000 US dollars and found that there was no problem at all, he became bolder.

At this time, a small Somali tribal chief found him through a broker, hoping to buy some weapons, so he came.

"What do you want, Mr. Falkace?"

"You have everything I want?" the black man looked at him and asked.

Fairbank smiled and nodded, "If I don't have one, I can prepare it for you through my contacts. If they don't, then there probably won't be any on this planet."

Folquets put his elbows on the table, stared at him and asked, emphasizing a few of the words.

Although Fairbank was puzzled, he still nodded.

The black man also nodded slightly, beckoning the subordinate standing beside him to bring the suitcase over, and pretending to open it, he said, "That's good, but someone still asks me to give you a present." He took out a sprinter from the box, and shot towards Fairbank. Who could dodge it at such a short distance? Rambo had to lie on the ground, and a dozen bullets exploded directly from different parts of his body. Due to inertia, Fairbank went straight back and fell to the ground with his chair.


There were people screaming in the cafe, some people ran out, and some people hid under the tables.

The boss has long since disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I work for the Savior Company." Fulkes said softly, and left with the people.

The Italian boss carefully poked his head out and looked around. When he saw the shattered glass, he showed distress and cursed, but it was the corpse... It's no surprise, someone will come to collect the corpse at that time , but fortunately the money was collected first, otherwise it would be a loss.

This scene happened in many places in Somalia.

Fulkes didn't actually work for the Savior Company, they were just a few well-known gangsters in the local area. Mist approached them, gave them money, and asked them to solve their troubles. As for the reputation? What is the reputation of the arms company? As long as you maintain a good reputation with customers.

Gotta let those daring outsiders know, shut up! This is Mr. Tang's territory.

As for Somalia, Mister had already greeted him.

This place in Africa is so unscrupulous or full of rules, and although the makers of the rules are not here, the rules are the rules.

The background behind these killed agents doesn't work at this time.

What else could they do but swear?

Impotent rage is barking.

Except for Somalia, other areas where the savior company is relatively weak rely on allies. In Africa, the savior company is not alone. EO is happy to help solve these bugs, as long as they give them a discount on the supply.

The French hawks and doves are in agreement, but they need a qualified lobbyist to talk to Nicholas.

How embarrassing is it that you can't go off on your own and say, I'm sorry, you can go, we caught the wrong guy? Speaking is also an art.

So they first approached Li from Renault Company, who had met Tang Dao at the Washington Gala. Mr. Keller, both businessmen should have common topics.

profit. Keller actually didn't want to take this task. He thought it was a farce, but Erskine called him personally, and the friendship between the two parties was very deep and built on money, so it was very strong. Since the other party said it himself, then He had no choice but to walk around.

In the car, he had already begun to think about how to express it.

When we arrived at Bashigu Prison, under the leadership of the prison guards, we passed through layers of checkpoints, and finally saw Tang Dao.

"Mr. Nicholas." Leigh. Keller groaned softly.

Tang Dao was lying on the bed. When he heard the movement, he opened his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot, and he frowned. He didn't know who the other party was. "You are?"

"I'm the head of Renault. My name is Leigh Keller. We met at the party in Washington earlier."

profit. Keller wasn't embarrassed, after all, just met once, but it didn't mean he really knew each other.

Tang Dao got up from the bed, sat on the edge, shook his head, and pointed to the small bench, "Please sit down."

profit. Keller thanked him, and wanted to make an appointment and ask how the stay was going, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem very good, but Tang Dao spoke first, "Mr. Keller came to me to tell others Is it a guest?"

profit. Keller was taken aback, but soon came back to his senses. Thinking about it, too, could Nicholas be smart? This matter cannot withstand scrutiny, there is no conflict of interest or relationship between them, and he suddenly came to the prison to look for him, there must be something wrong, it's just Li. Keller was also curious, looked at Tang Dao and asked, "Do you know what I'm here for?"

"Aside from preparing to let me out, what else can I do? Are you planning to let me take a stake in Renault?" Tang Dao said with a smile.

"How did Mr. Nicholas know?" Leigh. Keller asked in surprise, coughed, "I was entrusted to talk to you."

Tang Dao didn't care about these details either.

"Bascou can't lock me up. There is no place in this world where capitalists can be trapped, are you right?"

That's a good thing to say.

"Did they ask you to bring anything?"

"They hope this is a misunderstanding You can clarify, talk to Wall Street."

Tang Dao said with a smile, "Is this a business? Sellers have to have bargaining chips. You let them bring chips. I like reality and don't like nonsense."

profit. Keller nodded, and understood that his role was up, so he got up, "I will convey this matter, and we can have a good chat when you come out."

"Are you talking about the acquisition of Renault?"

profit. Keller smiled, left, and bought Renault. He is not the only one who has the final say. Renault also has some of its own shares. It is a military brand car company!

For example, they produced the famous light infantry tank R-35 light tank during World War II, and the world's first rotatable turret tank Renault FT-17.

This is an arsenal!

Tang Dao has been coveted for a long time.