Chapter 800: : Special 1st Battalion!

Belle Devin!

Located in the border area of ​​Somalia, it is stuck at the important gateway of the Barr Plain, and it is also a place of struggle with Ethiopia. If it is defeated here, the whole of Somalia will be full of girls lying on the ground waiting for the impact.

For this reason, there are more than 7,000 government troops and the armed forces of the local chiefs. They are mainly equipped with individual weapons such as AK47 and 7.62mm machine guns. However, because of the assistance of the Savior Company, 15 M-30 122mm howitzers and 7 The F-22 divisional cannon formed an artillery battalion and made great contributions to resisting aggression.

These are not worth much to Tang Dao. The company acquired the 172nd and 221st artillery arsenals. These World War II gadgets still retain the drawings and are very simple to produce. Seeing that the effect is good, the Somali government ordered more than 50 pieces. The price is relatively cheap.

About 40,000 US dollars for each course, and more than 2 million US dollars.

Ocasie is also a shrewd person. He knows that if this is brought to the front line, the local tribal chiefs will definitely find a way to make these weapons private. This kind of talent for embezzling state-owned assets, as long as it is an official, will do it.

Therefore, he equips these weapons in the inner guard army. The person in charge is his confidant, and the staff uses the Savior company, which goes directly from Mogadisala. The first special battalion is also part of it, number: Somali inner guard trip! The real national elite.

It is also equipped with 20 Hummers and 30 Rabbit Cummins personnel carriers.

It is the first fully mechanized army in East Africa.

Stationed in Beledewan.

But just today, the communication room received a piece of information, and the correspondent hurriedly reported it to the brigade commander, Lieutenant General Henry Rono, and opened the information. It said that there were pirates from Mogadishu and a group of people from the city of Beledvin. The chief colluded with Ethiopia in an attempt to sell state secrets.

Order, special first battalion to intercept! And, kill the whole family of the chief.

It bears the signature of President Ocasie and the seal of the Savior Company. Henry Lono dared not call in all the consultants of the company, and everyone agreed to send the First Special Battalion to carry out this order.

The First Special Battalion is still unknown on the Beledweyne border, and a massacre is needed to prove the value of the government on them.

The whole battalion selects the elite company of combat, about 50 people in the whole company, equipped with heavy weapons, wearing a black mask, only two eyes looking around, deployed according to different orders, a row of 4 jeeps headed towards BlackRock Wen Guo Road was driving, and according to the intelligence reality, the chief who colluded with foreign forces was leading people to a factory in the suburbs for rehearsal activities, and killed him on the way!

In the air, there are armed helicopters to support.

The second row will go to the chief's house, and the third row will destroy the pirates, and the local garrison will cooperate.

The driver of the car was also wild, kicking the gas pedal, life and death, rampage, and then galloped towards the national road.

It is said that the national road is actually a road about four or five meters wide that is pushed up by some bullock carts and horse-drawn carts. Holding the walkie-talkie, "I found the target and received an answer three kilometers in front of you."

"Received, our department is heading to request air fire support." The voice of a row of responsible persons came from the loudspeaker, and the words were in perfect French, which was the requirement of the 1st Special Battalion, and should be used in plain language conversations French.

"Received." The helicopter pilot hung up the walkie-talkie and turned to the weapon operator behind, "Open the safety, buddy, let your ГШ-6-23 roar to its heart's content." This is too passionate, after shouting, Leaning towards the convoy below, the weapons officer with a headset fired at the convoy.

Da da da…

This thing doesn't look at the sight at all, it only looks at the firepower, and the ground is a little cracked. It was too sudden. One of the drivers in the convoy was not good enough, so he rushed out of the national highway and installed it on the side of the mountain. The other vehicles were also scared. one jump.

"Damn it, Hippo!" The chief was protected by a group of mercenaries. The leader was a white man who looked up and reported the model number. The intercom said, "Screw, kill them!"


The top of the last jeep was suddenly removed, and a black man stood up, carrying an AT-4 rocket launcher, aiming at the "Hippo" and launching it!

This is a disposable weapon that Yingjiang is equipped with in large quantities. It has an effective range of about 300 meters and a weight of less than 7 kilograms. It can be thrown away after being hit. The most important thing is that a salt water injection system is added to the tail, which can greatly eliminate the tail flame.

"Evade! Evade! Tighten up!" The hippo sounded the alarm, and the driver roared, grabbing the control panel and breaking it hard, his face was twitching, his facial expressions were extremely rich, if he was hit at such a short distance, he would definitely die , but thank goodness for the bazooka on the car, 55 unless you call Hawkeye.

The shells scrape the fuselage and fly into the sky...

Before they had time to rejoice, someone leaned out from below and fired with a light machine gun. The bullets hit the fuselage, sending out crackling sparks.

The gunman was so frightened that he kept yelling, "Pull it up, pull it up".

"Hippo" could only close its mouth for a short time and pull it up into the sky.

The mercenary group leader of the convoy below heaved a sigh of relief. They are a mercenary group composed of a group of veterans from Azerbaijan. There are not many people, that is, about 20 people. They are active in South Africa all the year round and accept some private employment. The chief asked for 500,000 US dollars They protected him for 3 months. They thought the business would be easy to do, but it seems that it is not at all!

The armed helicopters that can be used are definitely not some mercenary group, at least it is a national-level mission. Before the head of the group can breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a call from the walkie-talkie, "Maoyan calling, an unknown person appeared behind the convoy... no no ! Their target is us."

The team member's tone was terrified.

It turned out that the first battalion of special forces arrived, and when the accelerator was pulled to the end, the performance of the Humvee was reflected. When the car in front was waiting to be aligned with the last car of the other side, the door of the co-pilot of the Humvee was kicked open. A machine gun was pulled out from inside, and it fired at the glass in a burst. The blood was splashed everywhere, and the driver was shot to death. Then a grenade rolled out of the car, just under the other car, and there was a bang. , directly blown over.

This series of actions is simple, crisp and beautiful!

When did Somalia have such an elite force? The eyes of the mercenary leader in front were protruding, and he yelled at the driver, "Hurry up! Drive!"

Flames rose on the national highway, and the surrounding area was surrounded by the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Broken glass and wreckage of vehicles lay on the ground, and corpses stood vertically.

The head of the mercenary who was crushed by the car opened his eyes, his eyes were full of red, and the smell of blood penetrated his nostrils. He was seriously injured and his mind was swollen. Just as he was about to climb out, he heard a sound. The black man was the chief who was pulled out of the car by several heavily armed soldiers.

Looking at the equipment on those people with his professional eyes, he also felt that they were very elite. He saw a sign on those people, which was a roaring tiger.

Does Somalia have such an army?

The chief was pinned to the ground, and then one of them took out a pistol and shot him in the head, which was so powerful that half of his head was gone. The mercenary leader who was watching closed his eyes in horror, and his body was in a state of shock. Trembling, the opponent's target was the chief, and after killing him, the group left.

Only then did he try his best to climb out, stood up, and looked around, all of them were dead!

His brothers are all dead.

But his first thought was not revenge, but a chill in his heart. This was terrible. He thought Somalia was just an ordinary place. People like him came and left whenever they wanted. The local army didn’t dare to have anything to do with him Conflicts can all die here.

He ran staggeringly, unable to stay here for long.

The battle in Beledwin also ended soon. The pirates came from Mogadishu. They felt that they were overwhelmed. They wanted to unite with Ethiopia to fight for their own interests, but they were trapped in a building by the internal army. With the bombardment, the other defenders were too scared to say anything. They were the ace brigade from the capital, the bosses were all lieutenant generals, the highest rank in the city, and everyone was under his control.

When Hester Theodore told Tang Dao the news, the other party was meeting with Mi Jianping via video in the office, and the latter nodded at him, signaling him to wait a moment.

"Since Barings Bank is forced to go bankrupt, we will follow the acquisition procedures."

"In addition to us, I heard that ABN AMRO is also very interested in them." Mi Jianping's video was a little bit stuck, and his speech was delayed for several seconds. The people waiting were very anxious, but there was no way, there was no internet in other places .

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. We'll talk about it on the phone if we have something to do." Tang Dao hung up the video and complained to Hester Theodore, "The network here is simply too slow. What can I do?" He picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip while talking to quench his thirst.

Hester Theodore said, "The traitors in Belledwin have been liquidated, and the battle report of the 1st Special Battalion has been sent back. It was a beautiful pursuit, and this is the video." He handed over a CD to the boss.

"Put it here, give this copy to the umbrella, and let them see how it goes."

"This is the first mission of the Somali National Intelligence Agency (AAD) and it has been done very well. Our results have been productive."

Tang Dao nodded But it’s not enough, what we have to face in the future is the struggle between countries, we need to train more intelligence personnel, select some people, I will send them to Europe for further study , study abroad with public funds. "

The national intelligence system is not so simple to establish.

There are many types of intelligence. The KGB in the Soviet era had more than 8,000 civilian cadres alone. They had to classify some of the intelligence of the agents, and it took money and time to do this.

The Somalia Intelligence Agency only has offices in four important cities including Mogadishu, Beledweyne, Dusamareb, and Galhabare, with less than 200 employees, and nearly half of them are the company's intelligence system. In providing help, this mutiny incident is also the credit of the intelligence personnel of the savior company, otherwise, do you think intelligence work is so easy to do? Can you still determine the route to the other party?

What Somalia lacks is time!

Any development requires accumulation, and Tang Dao can only provide them with the right direction, but some things cannot be achieved overnight, but the world pattern is constantly changing.

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