Chapter 901: : Puppets are also better than wild dogs!

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Gubta almost put his face in the cutlery, and even some food fell out from the edge, and he stuck out his tongue to roll it back like a dog.

But eating and eating, even cried.

Opening his mouth, crying a bit heartbreakingly.

Maybe it's because I've never eaten such a delicious meal, or maybe it's the first time I can sit and eat like a human being. .

"Sir, disturbed other people's dining." The manager trotted over and said embarrassingly. He had already changed into a suit, but it looked a little short, which made this person look rather wretched.

Tang Dao glanced at Edward, who nodded, pulled the manager aside, signed a check directly, and handed it over. A table to persuade customers.

$500 per person, sent away.

Fortunately, it was only early in the morning, and there were not many people. After they all left, they closed the door of the restaurant and put a sign outside: In-store maintenance.

Today, Tang Dao is all wrapped up, which makes Gubuta cry comfortably, and also makes the other party understand the truth that if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Tang Dao took a fancy to the barbaric nature of the opponent. When people broke free from the shackles, they found that the law was just a piece of paper, and they no longer had the psychology of fear. Such people are called desperadoes!

What has Gubta to lose?

If he just goes back to India like this, it is guaranteed that the whole family will be beaten to death the next day!

Now the only one who can save him is Tang Dao, and Boss Tang is happy to support criminals... No, it should be said that people who are oppressed by dreams, let them clenched their fists and shout at the injustice of this world, QNMD!

After crying for about ten minutes, Gubta gradually calmed down.

Tang Dao didn't say a word, and didn't comfort him, just smoking his cigar like this. For a man, consolation is just a hypocritical greeting, and it's better to come to a whoring X to be straightforward.

But for Gubta, he felt respect from the Asian opposite him that he had never felt before. It was a kind of equality that treats himself as a human being. Sensitive people are also full of gratitude for small favors.

He put down the tableware, wiped the corners of his eyes with a napkin, looked at Tang Dao, and suddenly stood up, knelt on the ground, and kissed the latter's shoes. This is the submission of the inferior Indians to the ruling class. He used to do this often , but never once, as pious as now.

"Mr. Tang, what can I do for you?"

Tang Dao didn't go to help the other party, but asked plainly, "Do you still want to go back to India?"

Gubta hesitated, but nodded.

"You go to India to open an investment company, the legal person writes about you, there is a Red Bull beverage company in Thailand, the owner is Xu Shubao, you come forward to negotiate the acquisition, don't worry, there will be professionals with you, do not contact me if the amount is less than 1.5 billion US dollars. If you have the ability, buy it for 1.3 billion, and the rest of the money will be yours."

Tang Dao has taken a fancy to this functional drink for a long time. It is not too popular in Europe, but it is more famous in Austria, and it will become popular in Southeast Asia in December of 1995. After he moved into the rabbit's house, his market share It soared all of a sudden, beating many unidentified beverage tycoons in the rabbit's family at a loss.

After the millennium, the market value reached tens of billions.

Of course, it’s not impossible to buy the $1.5 billion now, but those with foresight will definitely not sell it, and the money will become less and less valuable in the future. Tang Dao knows that the future Red Bull is not just about drinks.

There is another saying in the advertisement.

You work hard, I pay for it!

There is no project that Red Bull is afraid to sponsor.

This is also a kind of influence. If Tang Dao is willing, of course he can re-produce it himself, but after all, the other party has a history of more than 30 years, and his foothold is considered to be stable. It does not need to spend too much capital, as long as the production line is laid.

Letting Gubta come forward is also borrowing his identity as an Indian.

The influence of the Savior Company in Asia is not very large. The main reason is that some companies are too grouped together. They all saw the tiger's claws and tried their best to prevent his expansion. Sports companies and entertainment companies have suffered serious setbacks. Of course, this is not referring to rabbits. Home, in this partner's house, many industries under the company's umbrella are lined up, and a special zone across the Xiangjiang River has even drawn a piece of land for the company.

Just use it as the group base of the savior company!

Including the Rolls-Royce Building, the Technology Building, etc. are all under construction, which can accommodate more than 4,000 people to work together. In the future, this may be a new business circle.

This land will exceed billions in the future.

Of course, in the Rabbit's house, Tang Dao invested more than 1 billion US dollars. This is also a greeting he had exchanged with Zheng Hong when negotiating, and ZF gave him a certain amount of help.

In countries like Thailand, Myanmar, and South Korea, where business has reached its peak, the savior company will definitely be able to break through the shackles if it comes hard. What defense can resist money?

But the food is too ugly, and it is easy to be targeted by others, so Tang Dao had already had the idea of ​​backdooring, and when Gubta appeared, he pulled it out to test the water first.

He is a puppet, so someone will naturally negotiate.

If a future tycoon is established in YD, don't you think it's cool?

As for whether he will betray in the future?

Hehe, you can try it.

At the very least, Gubta is very respectful now, and it should be said that he kowtows excitedly and even plans to kiss Tang Dao's toes, and he has 1.5 billion US dollars in his hands all at once?

Although it is only used for a fixed time and cannot be used by oneself, the very least, you can finally enjoy the treatment of a rich man, can't you?

He stayed in the restaurant until after 9 o'clock before leaving. Tang Dao took him to the hotel, opened a room for him, and gave him tens of thousands of dollars to clean himself up. Just like a beggar.

Then, buy a plane ticket and go directly to America.

Just to run away, the two bodies must have been found, it is also a downtown area, if you don't run at this time, why keep it?

As for the passport issue?

Don't worry about it at all, I bought a few from the local land snakes and used them randomly.

This airport is generally not strict, and only after a major incident happened at Yingjiang's family, the security check gradually became stricter, and the equipment is also developing rapidly, otherwise, the naked eye is really not enough.

In order not to attract attention, he deliberately found a flight with a lot of people after 10 o'clock in the evening, and a bodyguard accompanied him back.

Arriving at the airport, checking tickets, and sitting in the seat, Gubta was very nervous, but after the plane took off, he relaxed. Looking at the gradually elongated houses below, he leaned back on the chair and breathed a sigh of relief .

You are safe!

He looked out of the window, and the Sentis Peak in Switzerland seemed to be right in front of him, and he was parallel to it, overlooking the earth and all living beings!

Sure enough, God did not abandon himself.

It turned out that in terms of belief, this white tiger had already deviated from the proper road. It continued to move forward to the path it found, and finally, it saw the new land in front of it!

The white tiger walks out of the path, a rabbit is reflected in the shadow behind it, and a king appears on the ground in front!

This should be rebirth.

Richard got up from his bed with a splitting headache, and opened the curtains. The sunlight outside was dazzling, and he dodged subconsciously, but when he looked again, he was taken aback, and a black car stopped below. Three or four strong men in suits came down from above.

This license...

State department?

He put on his clothes and slippers in doubt and went downstairs. The servant had already welcomed the group of people in. After seeing Richard coming down, the Filipino servant explained, "Mr. Richard, these people are looking for you."

"Well, what's the matter?" He asked, and rubbed his temples. The feeling after the hangover was very unpleasant, his headache was splitting, and his speech was still a bit dry. He ordered the servant to pour him a glass of ice water , and motioned for them to sit.

The leading white man was tall and tall, speaking pure Latin Romansh, one of the pure official languages ​​of Switzerland, "Hello, we are NDB Switzerland, this is my ID, my name is Orr."

NDB is short for Intelligence Agency.

It can be regarded as relatively well-known in the country. Richard glanced at it and nodded to show that he understood, "Is there anything I can help?"

"I met Nicholas Tang?" Aub stared into Richard's eyes and asked.

Upon hearing the name, the latter looked a little unnatural, but still nodded in response, "Yes."

"Where? Who else?"

"How do you know?" Richard asked, frowning. He didn't want to get involved in this topic. He is not a naive idiot. Of course he understands that what he said may involve himself in an unknown situation. confrontation.

Aub shook his head, "Sorry, we can't answer that."

"I'm sorry~ I forgot." Richard said impatiently, "If you want to intimidate me, you can tell my lawyer, sir, if you want to arrest me , please show the arrest warrant, otherwise, I have the right to ask you to leave."

This sentence directly blocked the other party's mouth, and they didn't expect Richard to react so violently. Isn't this a young man in his early 20s? According to the past, it is enough to scare it, but why is it so difficult?

Aub is also experienced. He glanced at his colleague and said, "You drank too much yesterday and scolded Nicholas for ten minutes in the bar."


Richard was cold all over, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. Looking at the expression on Aub's face, he wanted to see from the other party's eyes that this was a joke. The other party lied to him, but an excellent agent is comparable to those actor Those who want to come don't give up.

He still couldn't believe it, so he anxiously took out his phone and called his little friend, who was sleepy-eyed, but was woken up by Richard and asked if there was anything wrong.

When the friend on the other side heard it, he was very excited and said loudly.

"Dude, you're hot! You've been posted on Yahoo!"

Richard's heart suddenly became cold.

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