15 New Friend

After having a shower Lachlan went out to the main room to eat some dinner which Dylan cooked, it looked and tasted delicious, it was fried chicken and stir-fried rice. After finishing his meal, he complimented the chief, Dylan, and went to his room to sleep.

But before he could do that Chloe opened the door and walked up to Lachlan. Lachlan wasn't sure why she came but didn't mind her presence, she was his mother after all.

Chloe leaned over and hugged Lachlan then whispered quietly in his ear, "Are your eyes the reason you think Darius isn't your father?" Chloe asked. During dinner, she suddenly remembered the time when Lachlan kept asking that and realised why.

Lachlan didn't speak a word but instead nodded. Chloe felt him nodded against her shoulder, "It's alright. I've never cheated on Darius and never will, maybe your eyes are from a rare mutation, after all, it's not impossible. Who knows, maybe there are more people in the world similar to you," Chloe said to comfort him.

Lachlan found comfort in her words. 'That's right, there is bound to be more people like me' Lachlan realised and was happy. He quickly turned around and hugged Chloe back, "That's mum, you're right. Maybe there are more people out there similar to me".

"Your mother's always right," She said before giving Lachlan a kiss on the forehead and walking out. After that Lachlan quickly went to sleep, he needed to be ready for tomorrow's journey and whatever it threw at him.

Sleeping was the best feeling in the world, Lachlan had finally slept in a bed once again, something he didn't realise he took for granted. The fluffy mattress felt like it wrapped around his aching body, soothing all the pain.

Waking up, Lachlan turned towards the clock and noticed it was 6:00 am he felt he was still slightly tired and could sleep a few more minutes. So he decided to stay in bed, it wasn't that he was lazy, he just wanted to savour the moment just a little longer.

Looking to bed next to his, he realised Jack had already got up, probably went to have breakfast and maybe pack up. But, that won't change Lachlan's plan to stay in.

Opening his eyes again Lachlan looked at the clock, 7:15 am, noticing it was later then he planned he shrugged his shoulders and got out of bed. He had done a few stretches and made sure everything was still functioning before walking out of his room.

As he walked into the main area he saw everyone else was already there, eating breakfast, a heavy one at that. Lachlan was the last to the table.

"Morning Lachlan hope you had a good night's rest," Chloe said as she walked up to him, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Lachlan wiped his forehead with his forearm before replying, "Morning mum, what's for breakfast?"

Chloe sat down and motioned for him to join her, walking over Lachlan sat on the seat next to her and noticed the food in front of him.

Looking in front of him was a plate full of food. There was a kransky, a few scrambled eggs, two bits of bacon, baked beans and two slices of toast. Behind the counter there was alcohol and other beverages, unfortunately, Chloe was extremely strict, not letting him even taste it.

She also wouldn't let his brothers drink it, as it would heavily affect their fighting abilities. She wouldn't want that, rather, no one wanted that.

Looking to his side he saw that Jack had already finished his breakfast while Adam was halfway through. Looking back towards Chloe, he realised she was feeding Sarah with water in a baby bottle. Although they weren't sure why, but she rejected drinking anything outside of her baby bottle.

Seeing her brother staring at her caused a large smile to go across her face.

"Morning Lachlan," She said while waving her hands.

"Good morning Sarah," Lachlan said with a childlike voice.

Walking out the kitchen were Dylan and Alfredo, Alfredo was still drying his hands with a tea towel, probably meant he helped clean the dishes. Dylan, on the other hand, was rolling his sleeves down, even though Australia was hot, Dylan didn't seem to mind it.

Lachlan looked Dylan in the eyes and nodded, "Morning". Dylan did the same, "Morning". Before he sat down next to them and began to eat his own breakfast.

Alfredo stood on the other side of the counter staring towards them as they are, it seemed he was about to announce something, "Ahm", he cleared his throat loudly before he began to explain the situation, "So, we have a new companion. Dylan has decided to come with us, as not only is it unsafe for him to continue to stay here, it would also become difficult to stay sane here by himself. So, with a bit of convincing, I have got him to stay with us along our journey to the Adelaide Hills. Any questions?"

Jack was the first to perk up and ask, "We only have a 5-seat car, not enough room unless we all really squeeze together. Do we have another car to drive?"

"Yes, we do. Dylan's family has a car for 7 people," Alfredo replied. During the time in the kitchen, He talked with Dylan quite a bit, learning a lot about him. Alfredo already determined that Dylan wasn't a threat to them.

"What about Dylan's family?" Adam asked. He was curious as to why he hasn't seen Dylan's family yet. Of course, that was just his stupid side kicking in, he didn't think Dylan would have lost his parents yet.

Dylan responded to this question, "They're dead". It really shut everyone up and brought an awkward silence, Adam felt a bit guilty, "Sorry for asking". Alfredo, Chloe, Jack and even Lachlan could already determine that through the little hints.

"It's alright, although I'm still not over it this world won't exactly wait for me to be over it. In addition, my parents always told me to not worry about their death, but rather focus on my future and make them proud," Dylan explained, trying to help Adam feel less guilty.

"How have you been able to survive by yourself for so long?" This time Lachlan asked the question, trying to get him to reveal his beasts and to determine how sane he really is. After all, seeing how old he is, his parents' death certainly won't have as little impact as he explained.

"True, I suppose I haven't explained how I'm still alive. Well, it is quite simple as I'm sure you already know, I have my tames. Summon Fast and Slow!" After Dylan shouted it, his back and right arm emitted a bright green/silver light before dispersing and in front of them appeared two snakes, one of which they have already seen.

It had a large light brown body with as the name should entail, a silver belly. It was maybe 6 metres long; large eyes and its body was in good condition, it was the Silver-Belly Snake that they witnessed fighting the kangaroo.

The only difference between them was that Dylan's snake was still in perfect condition.

The other snake, on the other hand, was much smaller, only 1 metre long, which is still long but compared to the other snake it was nothing. It seemed to be a mix of greens and browns with a fairly bright looking tail tip which was entirely green.

Taking this opportunity to see what they'll be cooperating with, Lachlan analysed them both.


Name: Slow (Silver-Belly Snake)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Silver/Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 5th Grade

Level: 6

STR: 32(+10), AGI: 43(+8), VIT: 30(+10)

INT: 26, PER: 27(+2), WIL: 32

Weakness: Losing its Fangs

Strengths: Flexibility, Bite Strength, Constriction


Name: Fast (Green-Tip Snake)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth/Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 4th Grade

Level: 5

STR: 24(+5), AGI: 56(+10), VIT: 30(+5)

INT: 28(+10), PER: 27, WIL: 23

Weakness: Damage to Fangs, Weak Body

Strengths: Extreme speeds, Extreme poison, Razor-Sharp Teeth, Flexibility


As Lachlan looked at the information, Dylan was explaining the names, "So I called this one Slow because that's just how it is. It rarely uses its venom and instead goes for constricting, as such, it's not the fastest killer. While Fast is exactly as its name implies, it strikes fast and kills fast, with some extremely potent poison, which I why I've been able to survive by myself for so long".

Everyone looked shocked, however, internally they were already mentally prepared. Looking at everyone's shocked expression Dylan felt a bit proud, he looked towards Adam, Jack and Alfredo and asked, "You three have tamed beasts as well right? You should summon them, so my pets know who not to attack".

Looking at each other, all three nodded.

"Summon Rocky".

"Summon Franklin".

"Summon Shadow".

A couple of different lights were emitted brightly before three more tamed beasts were standing with them.

Looking at them Dylan stopped at Shadow and looked towards Adam, "So you also tamed a venomous beast, huh".

"Indeed, it's still not fully grown yet, so I'm looking forward to when it gets stronger," Adam explained.

Dylan nodded then unsummoned his beasts, the three of them followed right after as there wasn't a need to have their beasts summoned. It only exhausts them mentally.