Chapter 1389

"If it wasn't for saving me, you wouldn't have I won't... "

Chen Xiaofeng closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "it's none of your business. I'm not careful. All three of you are OK, so I can rest assured. Xi Yue... "

Chen Xiaofeng's eyes turned to the river in the distance, with a kind of plea in his eyes, "Xi Yue, after I die, the boss will ask you. Please take them out of Warcraft forest safely

With these words, Chen Xiaofeng's face has turned blue and black, and the light of his eyes is also changing in the dark and blood red.

Rao is Jin Zeyu's calm, at this time also wet eyes, trembling voice: "Xiaofeng, what are you talking nonsense! You will not die

However, although he said that he would not die, Jin Zeyu's heart was still full of despair after listening to the wailing and crying from other branches not far away.

The infection rate of corpse poison is very fast. Even if there is a way to rescue it, it is too late.

A gloomy cloud of despair enveloped the public. This time, many of the students, except Chen Xiaofeng and Fang Yun, could not help crying.

And at this time, has been silent squatting on the side of Xi Yue suddenly came.

By this time, she had a whole row of silver needles in her hands.

However, different from the usual silver needles, these needles are suffused with a kind of cyan light, which seems to be coated with some toxin.

Xi Yue takes the lead in walking to Chen Xiaofeng, who is about to attack, and stabs the silver needle into Dantian.

Chen Xiaofeng, whose eyes had already started to roar and gasp, calmed down and his congested eyes returned to normal.

"Xi Yue --!" Qian Dazhuang looked at her pleasantly, with two lines of tears and two lines of snot on his face, looking embarrassed and funny.

However, he didn't seem to feel his slovenness at all. His eyes were full of hope and trust: "Xi Yue, you You can cure Xiaofeng, right? "

Everyone looked at Xi Yue with hope, his eyes full of worship and unconditional trust.

By the way, don't despair, don't be afraid, they still have Xi Yue!

There is nothing Xi Yue can't do in this world!

What's a mere corpse poison?

Xi Yue looked at them and said faintly: "it depends on the situation whether we can save them. I need time to study it. But it can suppress the attack of toxicity first. "

Say, silver needle one by one pierce past, very quickly, those people feel oneself originally cold lose control of the body, gradually warm up.

Just at this time, suddenly a young man with a bound girl, stumbled over.

As soon as he got to Zeng Shouyue, he knelt down and said, "President Zeng, please help us. I I volunteered to join the hospital. "

It was Yu Gang who saw the students killed one by one. His heart was full of anger and fear.

He didn't want his sister to die, but there was nothing he could do.

Just at this time, it was said that none of the people in the hospital were dead, and Xi Yue was still saving people.

With a glimmer of hope, Yu Gang drags his sister over.

President Zeng looked at his sister and saw that his eyes were red, and there were twisted lines on his face, but he still retained a little mental energy.

He wanted to refuse, but looking at the boy's thin body and pleading eyes, he couldn't harden his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!