Chapter 1859

In a daze, Bai Yingfan suddenly grasped his wife's hand, and his expression was lost in a trance because he remembered the joy at the beginning.

Lin Peiyun took Bai Yingfan in one hand and stroked her stomach in the other. Her smile was full of the holy glory of being a mother. "At that time, my accomplishments disappeared little by little, and even became an ordinary person, but I was not afraid to be sad at all."

"Because I'm going to give birth to you and my child, the child of my favorite man. I'm willing to give up even if my cultivation can never be restored in order to give birth to this child."

"Yun'er!" Bai Yingfan's eyes were red. A big man, a monk in the empty and dark period, had a hoarse voice, full of supplication and sadness. "Yun'er, you know, I can't live without you more than a child. Children, we can also have... "

"No, you know, this is our first and only child." Lin Peiyun shook her head heavily, tears overflowing her eyes, "if we lose it, we will never have another child in our life. Moreover, I can feel his fetal movement in my abdomen. I can feel that he wants to live and come to this world safely. "

"Yingfan, let's bet on this one. Maybe my child and I can survive?"


because the child's condition was critical, the operation was arranged in the evening.

Because Lin Peiyun is a mortal now, Xi Yue does not know whether she has such a physique after giving birth to her child. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a sterile operating room.

Fortunately, the Bai family had a lot of money and soon recruited a group of people to open up a small room in the Xumi medical center.

In this small room, everything was emptied, just an operating table and a crystal for lighting.

Because Xi Yue said that there are many germs in the air. As long as they enter Lin Peiyun's body, they will cause her infection and even death. Bai Yingfan directly finds three high-level martial arts practitioners who have practiced the dust removal mantra and asked them to clean the operating room inside and outside. Also use Xi Yue configuration of liquid medicine, directly to every corner of the room to eliminate the poison.

During the operation, Lin Peiyun is likely to lose too much blood, so she also needs to prepare emergency blood bags.

Now Xi Yue's water spirit power has been controlled as pure as fire. The difference of blood type can be detected by water spirit power alone.

The most important thing for Bai's family is manpower, so he quickly prepared several blood packs and asked Bai Yingfan to use ice magic to refrigerate them for standby.

As for the surgical instruments, Xi Yue originally had a set of modern instruments. He also had craniotomy for Huiyue Zun, so there was no need to worry.

In this way, in just an hour, the operation was ready.

When Bai Yingfan saw Xi Yue's strange request, he was not angry, but trusted her medical skills. Because in front of him, he was so calm and confident that even Bai Yingfan seemed to be infected. He felt that maybe he could really save his wife and children.

"Dr. Xi, please do save my wife." Bai Yingfan's head was low and arrogant, and said in a dumb voice, "as long as you can save her, I, Bai Yingfan, would like to go through fire and water for you, and I will not give up!"

At this time, Xi Yue has put on the operating suit, put on the mask, smell speech looked at him, suddenly said in a voice: "if you don't trust, it's better to clean, put on the operating suit, come into the operating room together!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!