Chapter 1887

Dr. Wen immediately realized that Siam's medical system was mainly based on the treatment of meridians and spiritual power, while Xi Yue's surgery had to know every part of the body incisively and vividly, which no doctor could master in a short time.

However, doctor Wen still keeps Xi Yue's words in mind and leaves after saying goodbye to her.

Along the way, Gao Yunhu saw that master had been silent and thoughtful. He couldn't help asking, "master, do you have any ideas?"

Doctor Wen's eyes brightened and said in a deep voice: "it's a pity that a 19-year-old medical immortal has such breadth of mind, wisdom and confidence to stay in this small Tianfu city."

"Master, what do you mean?" Gao Yunhu immediately said excitedly, "do you want to introduce Xi Yue to Tianyi Valley?"

But doctor Wen glared at him and said, "go to Tianyi Valley? How many doctors in Tianyi Valley can teach her at Xi Yue's level? If I recommend it, I naturally want him to work as a tutor in Tianyi Valley, so that her miraculous medical skills and unique skills can spread and benefit the Siamese people. "

Gao Yunhu suddenly stayed in the same place, staring at the back of doctor Wen Shi Ran's leaving, but he couldn't come back for a long time.

Let Xi Yue become a tutor in Tianyi Valley? But But Xi Yue is just a teenager? Is it really safe to tutor a group of students who are one or several rounds older than her?


Dr. Wen's visit was soon forgotten by Xi Yue. Her focus is still on how to earn crystal.

After entering the realm of alchemy, Xi Yue took his refined pills to the auction house in the trading area.

There are several auction houses in the alchemy domain. The one Xi Yue selected is the nearest to the square, which is called "Chengjun auction house", and also belongs to the top three in the alchemy domain.

She was received by a middle-aged man with a moustache. His surname was Chen. Xiuwei was only in his first year of life, but his eyes showed a sense of shrewdness, which reminded Xi Yue of Xi San who had been with her.

With the disappearance of fenglongyu, Zhou Yan'an, Xi San and zhenweijun all disappeared together, and Xiaolong, who detonated fenglongyu, has no idea whether these people are alive or dead.

"You look like your first visit to Chengjun auction house? Do you want to sell the goods on consignment or participate in the auction? "

Chen Guanshi's voice suddenly pulled Xi Yue's thoughts back. She took a deep breath and then said in a calm voice, "I have some pills. Do you want to see if I can sell them on consignment?"

Chen Guanshi "Oh" a, also no strange, just mild way: "can I see what pill it is?"

Xi Yue took out several bottles of pills, including four and five kinds of runmai pills, Buling pills, and one bottle of five kinds of wuxingjing pills.

Manager Chen took the bottle, poured out a pill, looked at it, and soon shook his head in disappointment.

It's just the fourth and fifth grade pills. In other words, the doctors who make pills are only quasi division level. Such pills are everywhere in the realm of alchemy. Even if the pills smell mellow, they can't be sold at a high price.

In Siam, the rank of alchemists is the same as that in Miluo, which is divided into entry level, probation level, quasi teacher level, master level, great master level, Heavenly Master level, quasi ancestor level and ancestral Saint level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!