Chapter 2608

The feeling of cold and smooth came from the finger pulp, without any bloody sticky feeling. Xi Yue was sure that all this was true.

Xiaowan also found Xi Yue's abnormality. He looked around and couldn't help shouting: "is this the meridian? Why is it crystal clear? "

Ji Weicheng and ah Qing can't help but come over and see the arteries carved like crystal. They are all stunned.

Miss Xi Yue said that she wanted to open the young master's chest and abdomen to confirm some things. Is that what she wanted to confirm?

Ji Weicheng said: "I've seen other people's viscera and meridians. I've never seen a person's meridians like this! Is that why the young master is ill? "

Xi Yue didn't answer Ji Weicheng's words, but said to the egg in the space with divine sense: "egg, can you remember all the transparent meridians in his body?"

"No problem!" The egg patted the small chest and said triumphantly, "if you look at the egg, you won't forget it. Don't worry, mother. I can draw the eggs for you

Xi Yue nodded with a smile and soon began to sew up Junyue Ze's wound.

Then, she did the same and opened Junyue Ze's skull to see the vein and brain inside.

This scene is even more terrifying than cutting open the stomach, but this time, Ji Weicheng and they did not make a fuss.

Instead, he looked at Xi Yue nervously and in awe.

In their opinion, the origin of wood in Xi Yue may be powerful, but it is not enough to make them marvel.

However, Xi Yue's series of operations, but let them see a completely new medical skills, let them sincerely admire, and with inexplicable fear of life.

It took two hours for the operation to finish.

When all the wounds were sutured, the origin of Xi Yue's wood covered Junyue Ze's whole body. The ugly scars that had been sutured with catgut disappeared instantly and became smooth and white muscles again.

Jun Yue Ze opened his eyes and saw Xi Yue looking at him in surprise, just like looking at a monster.

Although he was used to being treated as a monster from childhood to adulthood, when he was looked at by the girl in front of him, he still had a strange feeling in his heart.

Is the girl in front of him more magical and weird?

"Young master, are you ok?" Ah Qing they all rushed over, around the lacrosse, hissing and asking, "does the wound hurt?"

"By the way, young master, why are your meridians transparent, just like crystal stones?"

Chirping voice is noisy ceaselessly, Jun Yue Ze is also not vexed, just light way: "you might as well listen to Xi Yue how to say?"

This words a, a Qing several all quiet down, one by one of the eyes Baba of looking at Xi Yue.

Xi Yue said: "your meridians are indeed remodeled. In Siam, doctors above the rank of medical sage can remodel your meridians. Therefore, I began to think that your meridians have been continued after treatment. There are only some problems in the process of connecting your meridians and repairing Dantian. That's why you can't practice and your body is getting weaker and weaker."

"But when I explore your body's psychic power into your heart, I find that it's not that simple. Because other meridians may not be obvious, but the arteries connecting your atrium and ventricles are obviously colder than those of ordinary people, and there is no vitality of beating with the heart , the fastest update of the webnovel!