CH 24

In Hua Liuli’s opinion, Emperor Changlong was truly human.  

The eldest prince had too honest a temperament, so a daughter from a general’s family as his princess consort would be an excellent choice. Not only would the relationship allow him to easily walk a martial path, it would also show how much importance Emperor Changlong placed in his generals.   

He trusted the Hua clan. At least, he trusted them now. As such, he wanted Hua Liuli to marry the eldest prince, whose maternal family wasn’t complicated. Since he had already given her a noble rank, she would not be annoyed in her life after marriage.   

Hopefully things would go well, but one’s heart could always change. The eldest prince might not be willing to remain an ordinary prince. The emperor might grow suspicious of the Hua family one day. Thus, her best bet was not to marry an imperial prince.    ‌

Before she arrived at the capital, the emperor had mentioned bethrothing her and the eldest prince together. Once she had stepped foot in the capital, he did not mention it again, which meant the emperor had given up on the idea.  

Part of why she became a commandery princess so easily was this: the emperor was compensating her for backing out of his initial plan.

In any case, she did not have to marry Prince Ying and even gained the noble rank of commandery princess. The way Hua Liuli saw it, it was a big profit.  

But Emperor Changlong was of a different opinion.    

Flipping through the folded memorial the Dali Temple had presented, he read that assassins took revenge on Commandery Princess Fushou because she had ruined their attempt on the crown prince’s life. He sighed.  

Noticing the sigh, the crown prince, who was shadowing Emperor Changlong to study politics, lifted his head. “Imperial Father, which imperial clan member is bewailing their poverty, or which two influential families’ hedonistic sons are quarreling again?” The crown prince sank into his chair, leaning against the back of it. He didn’t want to read the memorials on the table anymore.  

“It’s the case where Commandery Princess Fushou was almost abducted.” Emperor Changlong handed the memorial from the Dali Temple to the crown prince. “We have let down the Hua clan.”    

First, he had wanted the Hua family’s daughter to become Princess Consort Ying, before reneging on the offer. Then, due to the young lady inadvertently saving the crown prince, assassins had bore grudges against her and almost abducted her away.  

After the crown prince received and read through the memorial,  he fell silent for ages.     

Noticing how quiet he was, Emperor Changlong turned his head to look at him. “Yuansu?”   

“Son-Official thinks the assassin organization is a lawless group and ought to be cracked down on.” The crown prince placed the memorial upon the table. “The little girl of the Hua family is a commandery princess of Great Jin. Since they dare to touch her, they are provoking the court.”   

Emperor Changlong said, “What are your plans?”    

“Each household register from every prefecture must be thoroughly investigated. Those of unknown origins must be strictly monitored,” said the crown prince, turning his head to Emperor Changlong. “Every influential and or noble family must have their secretly-purchased slaves recorded in a booklet as well.”   

The gaze of Emperor Changlong changed ever so slightly. “Yuansu, one must not be hasty with this matter.”  

“Son-Official understands.” The crown prince looked at the three words “Commandery Princess Fushou” written upon the memorial. “If one isn’t enough, then have ten. If ten isn’t enough, then have twenty.”  

Emperor Changlong nodded a shade. Father and son discussed this matter again. However, they both understood that because this case involved the common people, there could not be any compromises.  

That afternoon, Hua Liuli once again received gifts from the palace. Furthermore, an imperial edict from the emperor that praised her in all sorts of ways. Words of flattery like “A tiger father would not have a dog daughter,” “bright and pretty,” and so forth, as if praises didn’t cost money.    

Those who didn’t know would think she was talented in martial arts. Just like her daddy.  

Hua Liuli was speechless.    

No, she was very delicate, very helpless, very good at fighting with words. A pampered girl among a family of tigers.  

The emperor conducted himself generously to the extreme. Not only did he praise her, he also gifted her a rural manor in the suburbs. And the land around it belonged to her as well.     

The emperor’s generosity made Hua Liuli forget those exaggerated words of flattery. Once she sent off the court eunuch who had delivered the imperial decree, she said to Yuanwei elatedly, “His Majesty is so considerate. He even thought about the place where I’d raise handsome male companions in the future.” 

Although there were many young noblewomen who raised male pets in the capital, it wasn’t something that could be discussed in public. Therefore, they raised their male pets in their own villas.  

“After laying eyes on men like the crown prince and my three brothers, I find other men ordinary and uninteresting.” Hua Liuli sighed. “How could there be any satisfactory male companions for me?”  

“How about looking at Prince Ying a bit more? Maybe then you would find other men decent?” teased Yuanwei, grinning.    

“Although Prince Ying’s appearance can’t compare to the crown prince’s or my elder brothers’, members of the imperial clan have a specific aura. At the very least, it is more powerful than that of a regular man’s.” She sighed again. “What’s more, am I someone who only looks at a person’s face?  

“I’m someone who looks at both the face and inner qualities.” Hua Liuli wagged her finger. “Even though I don’t plan on getting married, I mustn’t wrong myself.”  

“That’s right. It’s to avoid rumors spreading in the capital at that time, saying that the delicate Commandery Princess Fushou, who gasps even while walking, is engrossed by men. So much so that she doesn’t even care about her reputation,” said Hua Changkong, entering the room and taking a seat by Hua Liuli’s side. “That would truly be exciting.”    

“For a man to die because of a woman would prove a happy death.” Hua Liuli covered her face and lightly smiled, feigning bashfullness. 

“So talkative.” Hua Changkong flicked her forehead. “You’re so picky from the way you talk, but it doesn’t seem like you’ve taken a fancy to any man.”    

“Third Brother, how could you say such a thing to a pure and shy young lady? It’s embarrassing me.” Hua Liuli continued to cover her face, and in passing, plucked Hua Changkong’s money bag. “This is for your younger sister’s great undertaking of raising her male companions.   

The two of them burst into laughter for a moment. Then Hua Changkong looked at his beautiful sister. He felt sad and found it hard to say, “Sis, you’ve been wronged.”    

“Third Brother, what are you talking about?” Hua Liuli widened her eyes, all smiles. “A delicate and often-ill young lady like me gets to live a worry-free life of pleasure every day. How have I been wronged?”  

She stored the money bag away. “Anyway, no matter what you say, I won’t be returning this money bag. So give up.”  

Hua Changkong was speechless.    

And he knew that showing emotion in front of his sister was useless.  

As the spring exams approached, Hua Changkong seldom left the estate, staying in his study all day as he practiced exam essay topics and re-read his books. Anxious that the pressure to study was too high for him, Hua Liuli tried her best to have the kitchens make him interesting dishes.    

Once the first month of the new year was about to end, the Tian family’s patriarch passed away.  

Don’t support theft; read this at sleepchaser’s wordpress.

When the letters containing the news reached every estate, it was inevitable that everyone sighed. The Tian family’s patriarch was a renowned person. Now that he was gone, Prince Ying was one step further from the position of crown prince.    

Patriarch Tian had been a second-rank senior official and had had many connections among the officials. Additionally, his daughter was Consort Xian. All the influential families of the capital had to offer their condolences. 

As a member of the younger generation, Hua Liuli had to participate as well.    

She changed from a gorgeous brocade dress to a plain and cotton one. A few simple and plain silver hairpins held her bun together as she rushed toward the Tian estate in a carriage.  

Standing at the main gates of the Tian estate, Tian Ruidong wore mourning attire, eyes red and swollen as he welcomed the guests. His head was lowered and he seemed lifeless, completely different from how he had been in the past.

Hua Liuli disembarked from her carriage. As she passed by Tian Ruidong, her ears caught his sobs. “Young Master Tian, please don’t be sad.”  

“Many thanks, Commandery Princess.” Tian Ruidong saluted her.  

Hua Liuli did not know how to console him. She curtsied and returned half a salute before entering the mourning hall.    

Within, the lights flickered. Patriarch Tian’s memorial tablet stood upright at the center of a table. The members of the Tian family knelt on the ground, sobbing. A flavor of sorrow and death permeated the entire room.  

Prince Ying stood at one side of the mourning hall. On his face were the traces of tears. He was an imperial prince. According to rules and etiquette, he need not don mourning attire for his maternal grandfather. Yet today, his hair was held back with hemp string. He only wore a simple robe made of cotton.  

Among those who had arrived before Hua Liuli was Commandery Princess Jiamin. The two locked gazes for a short while. For once, they did not say anything to each other or mocked each other.    

“Pay respects,” said someone, whose job was to guide the guests through this process.

And she and Commandery Princess Jiamin advanced together, then bowed to and saluted the patriarch.  

“A moment of silence. Present the incense.” 

Hua Liuli took the proffered stick of incense and bowed thrice. She fell behind by one step, allowing Commandery Princess Jiamin to insert her incense into the censer first, before going forth herself.  

Behind her were other womenfolk who were here to offer condolences. Hua Liuli left through a side door, and at the doorway, she looked back at Commandery Princess Jiamin. The other party had made her way to Prince Ying.    

Shortly after, Commandery Princess Jiamin left the mourning hall too. She seemed in very low spirits. When she caught sight of Hua Liuli beneath a tree in the courtyard, she could not help but say, “Aren’t you in poor health? Why are you here?”   

Don’t tell me she still has her sights on Prince Ying?  

Of the females in the Hua clan, the only one present in the capital now was her. If she didn’t come, then who would? However, Hua Liuli was too lazy at the moment to speak with Commandery Princess Jiamin, and thus, only pressed a hand to her chest and coughed a few times without talking.    

Seeing Hua Liuli’s appearance, Commandery Princess Jiamin recalled that even if she didn’t do anything, other people would mistakenly believe she had bullied Hua Liuli. So she could only push down her temper and turn around to leave the courtyard.    

“Commandery Princess.” Yuanwei adjusted Hua Liuli’s cloak. “The wind is strong here. Let’s enter the anteroom.”  

Hua Liuli looked at the other women standing in the courtyard. Covering her mouth with a handkerchief, she coughed lightly a few times.

As she turned to leave, she saw the thin and pallid Prince Ying exit the mourning hall and walk toward her. She wanted to pretend not to see him, continuing to make her way out.

“Commandery Princess Fushou.”  

Hua Liuli knew that Commandery Princess Jiamin was glaring at her.  

“Your Highness Prince Ying.” She turned, a smile on her lips. She saluted him.    

“Many thanks, Commandery Princess, for coming to offer condolences.” Prince Ying noticed her pale complexion and worried she could not endure the cold. “There’s a warmroom at the side. This prince will escort you there.”  

“It is fine. Just have a servant do this,” said Hua Liuli. She caught sight of his bloodshot eyes. “Please don’t be sad, Your Highness.”

To which Prince Ying forced a smile. “Thank you.”  

He did not insist on escorting Hua Liuli and had a servant do so instead.  

Once she reached the warmroom, she once again met Jiamin’s gaze.    

“Commandery Princess, we truly are brought together by fate.” Hua Liuli pretended not to have seen the enmity in Commandery Princess Jiamin’s eyes, taking a seat on a cushioned chair.  

Commandery Princess Jiamin looked at her, the corners of her lips twitching. Hua Liuli thought she would mock her, being a bad-tempered commandery princess and all. But to Hua Liuli’s surprise, not a word left the other party’s lips.

Within the cozy room, the two sat across from one another in silence.    

A good while later, Commandery Princess Jiamin turned to her with red eyes. “Did you know? Princess Consort Ying has been chosen.”   

Hua Liuli shouted in her heart, I didn’t know this!  

“It’s not you,” said Commandery Princess Jiamin, voice somewhat trembling. “And neither is it me.”  

After a moment of silence, Hua Liuli said, “You… Don’t be sad?”    

Such words struck Commandery Princess Jiamin speechless.  

Incense was burning in the room. Hua Liuli flicked her gaze to the censer. Rose to her feet at once. “Leave. Something’s wrong in this room.”    

Commandery Princess Jiamin remained speechless. 

Even if she did not want to be in the same room as her, Hua Liuli didn’t have to make such an exaggerated show of it.   

She had just thought, Don’t think I can’t see you secretly laughing at me, and was about to open her mouth, when a bout of dizziness hit her and her vision started to blur.     

“You…” Commandery Princess Jiamin widened her eyes, staring at Hua Liuli.

Just what kind of bad luck was she having? The man she loved was marrying another woman, and the woman she hated had poisoned her. 

Even story books said, if a noble woman was poisoned by an enemy, something terrifying would happen later.    

Hua Liuli was a poisonous woman!