Chapter 870

And Zhuang warm at the moment, emotional collapse to the extreme, she was shaking all over, when the man patted her shoulder, she closed her eyes, a head into the chest of the man around her.

Qiao Muze a shock, looking at the trembling delicate girl in his arms, his hands stay in the air, for a long time, he just fell, patting her.

He took the opportunity to focus on the photos, read the police report carefully, combined with the one in his hand, to see if there was anything wrong.

Zhuang wennuan can't control her inner sorrow. The pictures that are reproduced are the cruelest memories for her.

Qiao Muze's eyes suddenly fell on a sentence, which said, "both husband and wife's mobile phones are on the desktop, one of them fell, the screen broke, and the two mobile phones have no information left."

The police also draw a circle of doubts. A perfect family, a couple with children, can't have a mobile phone in front of them, but they haven't even unplugged a phone, and they don't leave a single word to their living daughter and family.

What's more, why is the mobile screen broken?

In the photo, two mobile phones are placed on the sofa table at the same time, and the broken one is obviously fallen.

There was a strong doubt in Qiao muzer's heart. He even suspected that the mobile phone had fallen before their accident. Otherwise, as the manager of the headquarters company of Zhuang Yanming, he could have the hotel attendant send it to repair for him.

This is a doubtful point.

At this time, he felt that the girl in his arms sat up straight. He reached out and closed the report. Zhuang wennuan looked at the report. She couldn't understand a lot of it, so even if she was allowed to study it at the moment, she couldn't understand it.

"There is nothing suspicious about this report. Where were you on the day of your parents' accident?" Qiao Muze asked her calmly.

Zhuang warm tears are still in the corner of the eye, just a few strong points.

"I I fainted outside the school When I wake up, it's in the hospital. " Zhuang wennuan remembers that day, when she was in senior three, she was doing exercises in the milk tea shop next to the school. After drinking a cup of milk tea, she became dizzy.

When she woke up, she was already in the hospital. Her classmates found her fainting and sent her to the hospital.

"How long have you been in a coma?" Joe asked

"Three hours." The doctor at that time concluded that she was under great pressure to learn, which led to her fainting due to ischemia.

"Do you know nothing about what happened in those three hours?"

"I..." Zhuang only remembers that day, but what happened after she fainted. She doesn't remember at all. She shakes her head. "I don't remember."

Qiao Muze raised his eyebrows and thought about some problems in his mind. Zhuang Nuan fainted for three hours on the day of his parents' accident. What happened to her in those three hours?

Would it have something to do with her parents' death? All this, just speculation, has not yet been answered.

Back from the police station, the two returned to the hotel. Zhuang wennuan was tired and tired. Because the car she met on the road, she thought it was the paparazzi who came to visit her.

When she got into the elevator, she put on her mask. Joe muzer stood by her side and looked at her self-protection. There was no assistant or staff around her.

If there are paparazzi, then her safety is hard to guarantee.

"I have a room in my room. If you don't mind, you can move in." Chamuzer opened her mouth as she left the elevator.

Zhuang warm a Zheng, turn to look at him, Qiao Muze's eyes in the elevator closed that moment, like two Hong ice spring, straight to the heart.

Zhuang warm heart, but also very complex, the feeling of this man, so that she can not tell whether he is good or bad.

However, what he did made her grateful. Anyway, she could feel that he was not a bad man in nature.

Zhuang wennuan went to the door of the room. She couldn't help looking at the door opposite. Her heart strings were tightly raised. Were the two men opposite the paparazzi?

Zhuang warm shut the door, even if there is a door protection, for her, or not enough.

She felt a pair of eyes staring at her tightly, which made her very uneasy.

There is no new progress in her parents' case, but she has already recruited paparazzi. What she will do in the future, these two people will follow her!

They live on the opposite side. They can know that she goes in and out. She has no staff or assistant.

Zhuang wennuan bit her lip, but she still felt safe. She immediately packed her suitcase. She felt that she should go to Joe muzer's room for a few days.

At least his room is safer. Zhuang wennuan goes out with a suitcase and goes to the elevator. She presses the number on the eighth floor.

When Qiao Muze returned to the room, he sat on the sofa like a piece of sculpture, thinking about some problems. At the moment, there was a vague line in his mind that was interlaced and connected, but it was not clear enough.

He didn't find a key point yet. He thought that if he could find this point, the whole context might be clear.

Just as he was thinking, the doorbell interrupted him. He took a look at the door and had a premonition that Zhuang was warm.

He went to the door and opened it. Sure enough, there was a girl packing her suitcase.

Zhuang wennuan blinked, "I'm sorry to disturb you. There are two men living opposite me. I'm afraid they are paparazzi, so..."

Before she had finished speaking, the man turned sideways. "Come in!"

Zhuang wennuan bit her lip and dragged her suitcase in.

Joe Munzer pointed to the direction of the room. "Your room is there."

Zhuang wennuan drags the box in, she comes out, props up her chin on the sofa, and says to the man who is thinking, "I may disturb you for a few days, and I will continue to pay for the room."

Qiao Muze looked up. "How many days do you want to stay?"

Zhuang warm warm also a little dazed, she shook her head, "still not clear."

She just wants to stay here a few more days.

"Come here, I have a few questions for you," said Joe Munzer

Zhuang sits quietly opposite him.

Joe asked directly, "do you have any information about your father's previous work in your family?"

Zhuang wennuan immediately raised his head in surprise, "what do you want to do with this?"

"You still doubt me?" Joe Muse's eyes flashed a sneer.

Zhuang looks at the man with warm eyes. She doesn't know whether it's worth trusting or not.

"Forget it." Qiao Muze found that he was really idle. What truth did he come to help her find?

"And.. Some of them were collected by my grandmother. I didn't touch them and couldn't understand them. " Zhuang wennuan did not know why, would suddenly in a few seconds, choose to believe him.

When Qiao Muze saw that she was willing to talk at last, the laziness in his eyes immediately became serious.

"Show me when you get back home this time."

"Are you really helping me?" Zhuang wennuan really asked, she just wanted to find some sense of security.

"Why?" She added.

Qiao Muze looked at her clear and anxious eyes, and he didn't want to hide her, "when I was little, I had contact with your father. He is the identity of an elder in my eyes. I call him uncle Zhuang."

Zhuang wennuan's eyes are slightly gaping. Can't believe that he has seen his father? Have you ever been in touch?


"Your father is a good man, I know, and I believe that he will not commit suicide, not to mention with your mother, which must have other reasons."

Joe muzer didn't say more about Zhuang Yanming. He was constantly proud to mention a daughter who was gifted in music. But his tone already showed that he respected Zhuang Yanming.

Zhuang wennuan believes his words inexplicably. For so long, she has regarded his company as the murderer of her parents, and even regarded him as the antithesis of prosecution.

But at the moment, this man is helping her to find out the truth of her parents' death. Zhuang wennuan is biting her lips and imagining her strong hatred for him in the past three years. She feels sorry.

"I'm sorry, I've misunderstood you all the time." Zhuang warms his eyes and apologizes to him.

Qiao Muze didn't expect her to apologize, and he didn't take it seriously. "You don't have to apologize to me. Your parents' death, even if it wasn't caused by me, must have something to do with the project of our company."