CH 5

Ch 5 - Second Generation Ancestor x Illegitimate Child: Matching


1 平平安安 píng píng ān ān. Means to be safe and sound, to live well/at peace. Top.

2 姐 jiě/jiějie older sister. I feel like translating these literally into the dialogue would sound a little clunky? Lemme know if I should just keep these as ‘sister’ or ‘sis’. Top.

3 A few things that are pretty self-explanatory: 二世祖 second generation ancestor i.e. the child of a wealthy family, 仗勢欺人 takes advantage of his position (to take advantage of others), 混吃等死 eat and wait for death i.e. someone with no aspirations who just drifts along in life. Top.

4 齒冷 lit. teeth cold. Another way to say sneer/scorn/laugh at sb. The idea is that if you open your mouth for a long time, your teeth become cold. Top.