Chapter 454: 70's Satoo Nichijou 17

Chapter 454 The Daily Life of the 70's Favorite 17

I don't know if it was because of Yun Xi, who confessed in front of Zhou Yu'an and Tang Xiaoyu. In the next time, Ding Ye was in a surprisingly good mood.

There was always a shallow smile on his handsome face.

He also doesn't care about pedestrians' eyes at all. As long as he is not using his hands, he will hold Yun Xi tightly, as if he is afraid of getting lost.

Seeing that he was in such a good mood, Yun Xi's mood couldn't be controlled, and even the boredom of accidentally encountering Zhou Yu'an was diluted.

There are all kinds of goods in the supply and marketing agency, and they are arranged on the shelves according to the category.

Yunxi first went to the place where the cloth was sold. The quality of the cloth in this era is very low, and the color is very difficult to describe. Yunxi is very disliked, but she can't choose for the time being, she can only use it.

"How do we move back if I'm going to buy a lot of stuff?"

Yunxi suddenly thought of a problem and turned to look at Ding Ye.

If she was alone, no matter how many things she had, she would just take it back, but now, Ding Ye has been following her, and she can't use those unreasonable methods.

Otherwise, it would be bad if he was treated as a monster.

"The supply and marketing agency has a carriage. When I originally planned to go back, I hired a carriage. So, if you want to buy something, just buy it with confidence."

It is quite far from the town to the village, and it is very difficult to walk over the mountains and mountains, so when Ding Ye planned to come, they walked together, and when they returned, they took a carriage.

Even if Yunxi has good physical strength, in his eyes, she is still a delicate girl. It would be too hard to walk back and forth on the mountain road.

"That's good, then I'll buy it with confidence."

Hearing that there was a carriage, Yun Xi smiled instantly. It would be good to have a carriage, as long as you spend a little money, you can solve it.

Relaxed, Yun Xi began to buy special items, daily necessities, cloth, grain and oil department stores, etc. She bought them for three whole hours.

"A total of 103 yuan 7 hair 4!"

It was only a few cents. She actually bought more than 100 yuan, and she bought it all at one time with other people's wages for a year. Yun Xi raised her eyebrows. It seemed that she was quite a prodigal.

After the clerk finished reporting the bill, Yun Xi took the money to pay the bill, and then saw Ding Ye hand over a stack of ten-dollar bills.

In this era, there is no banknote with a face value of 100. The third set of banknotes, the second set and the third set of banknotes are used. The maximum face value is 10 yuan.

The clerk quickly found change for Ding Ye. After Ding Ye received the money, he looked at Yunxi and saw that she was holding a stack of banknotes in her hand.

He frowned and whispered in her ear, "There are a lot of pickpockets here, you put the money away, be careful not to steal it..."

The thieves of this era are very rampant, and the skills of stealing are quite awesome. The blade is always tucked between the fingers. Once someone is targeted, even if they hide the money in the pocket of the underwear, and then put the pocket in the pocket. It is useless to buckle the buttons, there is always a way for a thief to steal it.

In addition to thieves, there are many people who touch porcelain.

In the age of not having enough food and clothing, in order not to be hungry, people would rack their brains to come up with some other tricks.

"I'm going to rent a carriage, I'll be back soon, you'll be waiting for me here, don't go anywhere, you know?"

Without waiting for Yun Xi to speak, he softly explained again.

"Okay, then you go, be careful."

Yunxi put up the money naturally and replied with a smile.

Since he is willing to spend money for her, then she must also enjoy the feeling of spending a man's money.


Looking at her scorching face, Ding Ye couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, and touched her head uncontrollably with his big hand.

When he realized what he had done, his ears immediately turned red, he coughed in embarrassment, and hurriedly turned away.

Looking at his rushing back, Yun Xi couldn't help laughing.

But soon, all her good mood disappeared, because she was indeed being watched, a few wretched men, dressed in dirty clothes, with their hands in their sleeves, surrounded her .

As they approached, a sour stench permeated, and as they got closer, they could even see lice tumbling on their heads.

Yunxi's face slowly turned cold.

"Yo, the little girl bought so many things, surely she can't take it back by herself? Whose daughter is the little girl? Shall we send you back?"

"That's right, we are good people, the little girl is really lucky to meet us."


These people are well-known pranksters in the town. They often appear from time to time to touch porcelain and blackmail the villagers.

Yunxi dresses well, looks beautiful, buys a lot of things, and is alone, so it is easy to be targeted by them.

Yun Xi, who looks like a girl from a rich family, is like a little sheep in their eyes.

The movement here has attracted the attention of many people. Pedestrians stopped and watched from a distance, full of sympathy for Yunxi, but it was limited to that.

Everyone looked at her sympathetically, no one helped her, ordinary people, who would dare to provoke pooch?

It's easy to get mad.

Yun Xi only glanced at it, then looked away, pursed her lips and said nothing, completely ignoring everyone.

"Yo, this little girl is very rude, but this face is really beautiful, let me touch it, is it true..."

A man stretched out his hand and touched Yun Xi's face wretchedly. He has seen countless people for most of his life, and this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful girl.

Yun Xi's eyes moved for a moment, and he was about to teach this sloppy a lesson when an angry voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


Zhou Yuan saw this scene in the crowd, his whole body's qi and blood immediately surged, his eyes instantly turned scarlet, he hurried out and stopped in front of Yun Xi, ignoring Tang Xiaoyu behind him.

"When I meet Ange, I meet Ange..."

Seeing him rushing out, Tang Xiaoyu, of course, hurriedly chased after him. When she saw a few scumbags with bad intentions, she felt frightened later and could not help shrinking her body.

Then, she quickly hid behind Zhou Yuan, stuck her head out, and watched timidly.

"Don't touch her!"

Zhou Yuan gritted his teeth and fiercely waved away the hand that Poppi stretched out towards Yun Xi's face. The whole person was like a wild beast on the verge of going mad, as if he could go crazy at any time.

"Boy, who are you?"

The Poppies couldn't help but have a surprise when they saw Zhou Yuan who suddenly rushed out, and then glared at him angrily, no matter who was interrupted, they would inevitably be unhappy.


Zhou Yuan was speechless for a while, his handsome face flushed red, and after a while, Shen Chen said, "I'm her brother..."

As soon as the words came out, it was obviously more smooth, "I am here today, and none of you want to touch my sister."

(end of this chapter)