CH 12

Having survived the initial high fever, Fang He, who was in a coma for a long time, opened his eyes. He knew that the fever was only the first stage of the mutation, the next one is even more difficult.

Fang He couldn’t move, so he could only take a look at Li Zhen lying there. Then the second wave of pain hit him, and his bones seemed to be reorganizing, and he was dying of pain. While his chaotic head was unconscious, he felt someone pressed against his body and gently stroking his head. 

This soothing action made Fang He feel more comfortable. After he survived this wave of pain, the mutation was over. When he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him gave him a shock.

He saw Li Zhen beside him, half-kneeling with one hand on the ground, while slightly leaning over him. A pair of black eyes looked at him coldly through his glasses. Within those eyes, Fang He couldn’t see any trace of emotion, it’s just like a pool of stagnant water.

Meow-wu, has Li Zhen been completely eroded by the virus earlier than him? 

Fang He thought of jumping away immediately. He now has the body of a little kitty, he would certainly be swallowed up in one bite.

He felt that his movements were fast enough, but Li Zhen moves faster than him. A hand suddenly pressed his body, preventing him from jumping up.

Fang He struggled. It is reasonable to say that he has completed the mutation and should have supernatural powers, but he doesn’t have the feeling of being in full power unlike his previous life at all. Could it be that since he was a cat, he just survived the virus erosion, but didn’t stimulate any abilities?

He does not have any power to resist Li Zhen, so he could only be contained by Li Zhen. Although he didn’t plan to leave him when Li Zhen was infected with the zombie virus, he didn’t want to be swallowed alive.

When this thought came to Fang He’s mind, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Fang He then disappeared in place and appeared in a completely unfamiliar place.

Fang He was startled by the scene in front of him, unconsciously stretched out the barb on his cat paws, arched his body, then his fur exploded. His green cat’s eyes stared around, looking defensively.

Lf kjr cbk reggbecvfv ys jc ecojwliljg klivfgcfrr. Dfobgf tf mbeiv oluegf bea ktfgf la kjr, bg tbk tf jqqfjgfv tfgf, Ol Itfc’r oluegf jirb revvfcis jqqfjgfv. Lf rabbv yfrlvf tlw klat ybat tlr tjcvr ragfamtfv bea jcv ugjyyfv tlr ybvs jujlc.

Mjcu Lf rageuuifv obg j ibcu alwf, yea atfgf lr ralii cb qbrrlylilas bo ygfjxlcu ogff. Qtfc Mjcu Lf atbeuta atja Ol Itfc kbeiv ygfjx tlr cfmx jcv rkjiibk tlw lc bcf ylaf, Ol Itfc’r tjcv yfujc ab ufcais ragbxf atf oeg bc tlr yjmx. Ca atja wbwfca, jiatbeut tf mbeiv offi tlr mbiv qjiwr, atf gfjrreglcu lwqilmjalbc lr mifjg. 

Fang He was stunned for a while. Li Zhen’s hand had settled on Fang He’s neck, scratching his chin, holding his paws, and even picking them up.

“Meow?” Fang He shook his cat tail unconsciously and cried out. Looking back at Li Zhen, Li Zhen who was watching Fang He while stroking his fur, then Fang He suddenly relaxed. He suddenly doubted whether this person was completely corroded by the zombie virus.

If it was the normal Li Zhen, then he would definitely react when he sees a strange place suddenly appearing in front of him. Certainly everyone will be shocked or surprised.

However, at this time, in Li Zhen’s obsidian-black eyes, there is no hint of emotion at all. He just stroked his fur intently. 

But if Li Zhen had been turned completely into a zombie, why did he not eat Fang He? It is within the instinct of a zombie to eat all living things.

And the strange thing is that the rhythmic movements of Li Zhen stroking his fur did not change at all. It was the same as before.

Fang He-mao pressed his paw on Li Zhen’s wrist and meowed twice at Li Zhen. If he was really conscious, then he would give a reaction. He would rather believe that something that has never happened before will happen to Li Zhen, that people who have been eroded by zombie virus can also have consciousness.

But Li Zhen continued to rub his fur without giving him any response. 

Fang He covered his cat’s face in distress. Knowing that his life did not seem to be in danger, what is going on with Li Zhen’s condition.

Fang He can’t escape at this time, nor can he stop Li Zhen from constantly stroking the cat, so he could only raise his head and observe his surroundings.

This is an unfamiliar place. They were surrounded by wilderness that he could barely see with all these grass taller than him. There is a small hill not far away, and a small stream meandering down the hill.

There was a peach wood aroma in the air, which made Fang He feel familiar. 

Fang He wanted to go down and see what was going on, and wanted to find out why they suddenly appeared here. But a certain zombie, who kept stroking the cat, didn’t mean to stop at all. Fang He could only observe where his eyes could reach.

There seemed to be only a single plant here. Except for the grass in front of him, there doesn’t seem to be any other plants. The surroundings are extremely quiet, without any sounds of insects and birds chirping.

Fang He raised his head and looked at the sky. To his surprise, there was no sun, but there was plenty of light and it was very warm.

While Fang He was observing, the hand stroking the cat suddenly stopped. Fang He looked up to see Li Zhen already closed his eyes. There were no other movements after his hand stopped. 

Fang He didn’t know why, so he yelled at Li Zhen. But Li Zhen did not respond. His eyes behind those glasses are tightly closed, and the whole person seemed like a sculpture.

Fang He used some strength to get out of Li Zhen’s hands and landed steadily on the ground. When he turned his head to look at the place where Li Zhen had blocked and could not observe before, the whole cat was stunned. He stared dumbfounded at the thing behind Li Zhen.

It was a huge building, as big as a distant hill. The shape of the building is just like the cat bell hanging around his neck.

The bell carved along the natural pattern of the peach core is delicate and exquisite. When it was dangling around Fang He’s neck, Fang He didn’t think that there was anything magical on it. Sometimes, he even felt that he was a man with a cat bell hanging in a red string around his neck, and felt quite ashamed thinking about it. 

But after zooming in, Fang He could see that the carving of this peach-core bell carried the inexplicable sense of Heavenly Axe of God. Even if it is enlarged hundreds of times, it will never appear crude.

Fang He squatted there stupidly for a long time before remembering to look at his neck. When he saw that the peach-core bell was fused with his own fur, Fang He’s cat paw scratched the ground twice, then he raised his head to look at Li Zhen. He suddenly felt sour in his heart. 

Using Li Zhen’s arm, Fang He rushed to Li Zhen’s shoulder. Looking at Li Zhen up close, he stretched out his cat paw, and touched Li Zhen’s face.

But then, Li Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, making Fang He startled. Staring at a pair of cat’s eyes that were looking directly at Li Zhen, Li Zhen stretched out his hand and gently touched Fang He’s head.

Fang He stretched his head and rubbed Li Zhen’s neck vigorously. Even if this person became a zombie, he still couldn’t bear to leave.