CH 40

He and Li Zhen thought that since there are many ordinary people in the temporary base, once the water source is polluted, it will have a great impact on ordinary people. If they are infected with the zombie virus unprepared, zombies may suddenly appear in the crowd.

And now, they just forgot about Li Yue and the little dumpling. Maybe they subconsciously think that they are all mutants, although the secondary infection will not have any serious consequences in mutants. But the little dumpling is still too small, not even a full moon yet. And this is a second infection from the zombie virus, it is not certain whether it will cause any sequelae. 

Fang He rushed to the place where Li Yue was. With his wind and speed abilities, his speed was almost at the peak of his cat life, shuttling like a black lightning under the rain.

Fortunately, the rain outside the county town was not too heavy. Fang He was anxious and worried about whether the little dumpling would use contaminated water. So he rushed forward with all his might quickly, simply a cat flashing past like lightning.

Fang He’s fur was soaked, and it stuck to his body uncomfortably. When he rushed to the place where Li Yue was, there were flowers in front of Fang He’s eyes, such a fierce rush made his heart beat extremely fast.

Does he really want to speak in front of Li Yue? 

Fang He had not spoken to Li Yue before. He may subconsciously think that Li Yue is Li Zhen’s sister, or Li Zhen’s only relative, but there’s this inexplicable mentality that makes him not want to talk to Li Yue in his current cat form.

But he also can’t take care of it, his poop shoveling official definitely can’t come out. He doesn’t know what would happen if he gets close to the little dumpling.

Fang He’s heart was overwhelmed, in the end, he gave up. Whether he was treated as a person that could become a beast or a cat demon, the safety of the little dumpling is more important.

Fang He stood in front of the barbed steel bars, and jumped up to the wall. He then glanced at the long steel bar erected on the fence, what is that? That steel bar is too long, is it going to break? These thoughts of doubts only flashed past his mind.

He didn’t have time to be curious. Fang He gritted his teeth and jumped into the yard where Li Yue lived, but as soon as his cat paws fell, Fang He was electrocuted by an electric current. The wet hair all over his body stood up, and the whole cat shivered stiffly.

Meow-wu, it hurts this cat very much!

Fang He, who felt that every part of his body was throbbing, thought that he was struck by lightning. He didn’t do anything to be struck by lightning, right?

The last thing he saw when he fainted was the tiny barbed wire all over the yard. 

The big sister in the Li family is going against the sky! There is a power grid installed in the yard, but the power supply system stopped working a long time ago. So where does the electricity come from? He gave her a few solar panels before, but it’s impossible to spread the electricity all over the yard.

Fang He felt dizzy, then he felt his body being held by something. Then he was stuffed into a warm dry place, after being rubbed, his body was carried to the side.

When Fang He opened his eyes, his whole body was still numb. Looking at the cage in front of him, he was dumbfounded. He was actually locked in a cage made of steel bars.

Fang He stood up with his puffy cat paws, and looked around. This should be one of the houses where Li Yue lives. The surroundings were empty, he saw no one. 

Fang He circled the cage. At the moment, he thought secretly,  if Li Zhen was allowed to come out at this time, would Li Zhen also be locked in this small cage? Li Zhen has a very tall figure, he would definitely burst the cage directly, then he would be able to get out.

While thinking about the feasibility of this matter, Fang He saw Li Yue, who was carrying a baby basket, entered, and a pair of sharp eyes examined Fang He.

Mjcu Lf rtgjcx yjmx jcv mbeivc’a tfiq rlutlcu. Ol Tef’r meggfca fzqgfrrlbc lr fzjmais atf rjwf jr tlr qbbq rtbnfilcu boolmlji yfobgf, jcv atf mbivcfrr mbeiv ogffhf qfbqif lcab lmf.

Pa’r pera atja Ol Itfc’r qegf yijmx fsfr kbeiv aegc j yla rboafg ktfc tf rffr tlw gfmfcais. Zbgfbnfg, Mjcu Lf tjv rffc jii xlcvr bo fwyjggjrrwfca, jcv tjv ibcu yffc lwwecf ab tlr mbiv, lmfyfgu fzqgfrrlbc. 

However, this is the beautiful and gentle sister of the Li family, and she is like a frosty ice queen now.

But Li Yue didn’t think that he was a talking cat. Therefore, the forced confession or interrogation didn’t happen, and Li Yue just looked at him so coldly.

Fang He’s green eyes looked back. Is the big sister in the Li family trying to compete with him in eye size?

At this time, a burst of light flashed outside, and then a burst of thunder rang out. Li Yue suddenly stood up, carried the baby basket and went out. 

“Meow-wu!” Don’t go! I have something to say!

After being numb by the electricity, the voice that he let out is a kitten’s cry. Fang He simply wanted to explode, he hadn’t had time to tell Li Yue that she couldn’t touch the water.

But it’s weird, his mouth was meowing when he opened it. He obviously just practiced cultivation with Li Zhen recently. With Li Zhen’s help, he finally learned that when the two of them cultivate, he doesn’t need to pose in that rigid posture. He only has to touch Li Zhen’s hands with his cat paws to let the power in his body flow between the two of them. And it’s enough to cultivate a cycle between the two of them.

In addition, he and Li Zhen also soaked in the lake every day to improve their strength, so what made him suddenly unable to speak?! 

Fang He circled the cage, and then he hurriedly entered the space, but a strange scene appeared.  He was forcibly sent out before he entered the space and before he could even pounce on Li Zhen?

Fang He returned to the cage, and the whole cat was stupid. He tried anxiously a few more times, but sadly, he discovered that he couldn’t enter the Peach-core Space. He ruffled the peach core mark on his chest with his cat paw, fortunately this thing is still there, but what happened?

Could it be that after the electric shock, he broke his connection to the Peach-core Space? How can it be! This is the closest contact between him and Li Zhen. The sad Fang He lay in the cage, almost crying without tears.

Fang He gloomily stretched out his cat paws and tried it, but he actually didn’t have his abilities. So except for this peach core bell mark on his chest, isn’t he no different from an ordinary cat? Fang He suddenly panicked. 

After a while, Li Zhen suddenly appeared. Fang He’s eyes stared wide open. He thought he saw a ball, a ball wearing a helmet…

In order to avoid being unable to control himself from the temptation of the little dumpling, Li Zhen wore three layers of clothes inside and outside. Even so, Li Zhen’s eyes under the helmet were still a little red.

Originally, Li Zhen planned to make it quick; find his kitten and hurry back. But when he came out, he saw the poor kitten locked in the cage, and the fur on his body was erected, entirely looking like a furry dango. 

The corner of Li Zhen’s mouth twitched, he then reached out to quickly hold the cage containing Fang He and brought him into the space together with the cage. Fortunately, this time the Peach-core Space did not push Fang He out again.

Fang He once again believes that this Peach-core Space was indeed bias. Although the peach-core bell mark hung on his neck, but the master and slave order actually made his poop shoveling official first.

Back in the space, Li Zhen’s eyes were better. After a while, Li Zhen took off his helmet and also began taking off the three inner and outer layers of clothes in his body. He also wore a yellow protective suit, which he didn’t know where Fang He had collected, inside. It’s just that no matter how much clothes he wears, it doesn’t seem to have much effect.

And more importantly, the temptation of the little dumpling is getting stronger and stronger. He’s afraid that it won’t be long before the little dumpling attracts the zombies in the county. They have to speed up. 

Li Zhen opened the cage and reached out to hug Fang He, who exploded into a fur ball inside. Feeling the trembling of the kitten’s body, Li Zhen’s hand shook, then he quickly sent his healing power over.

Fang He stretched out his numb cat paws and let Li Zhen rub him. The sequelae of this electric shock cannot be cured by Li Zhen’s healing ability. Fortunately, Fang He is no longer an ordinary kitten, otherwise, he will be scorched by the electric shock, and perhaps he might even die.

Li Zhen’s face was ugly. He rubbed Fang He with his hand, and from time to time, he would add weight to it, then he closed his eyes and squeezed the kitten’s ears, “Isn’t it just sending information through a letter? How could this happen?”

Fang He spread his claws. His tongue was a bit numb, it was already difficult to speak, and when he opened his mouth, only meow would come out. 

The corners of Li Zhen’s mouth moved. Looking at the kitten that was blown into a fur ball, opening his mouth pitifully meowing, Li Zhen was anxious and angry. He picked up Fang He and went under the Ancient Peach Tree.

However, when he sat cross-legged and held the kitten’s cat paws on his lap with both his hands, the kitten raised his head and looked at him with eyes full of shock.

So the problem is really big. Fang He has no power now at all. No matter whether it’s his abilities or the power the green jade gave him, he couldn’t operate it at all.

Li Zhen scratched Fang He’s chin and frowned. Even though he was powerful, he could not do anything about it. He could not bring the power to circulate a cycle between the two bodies. 

Enduring his anxiety, Li Zhen could only take Fang He back to the lake again. Holding Fang He tightly, he hopes that the lake can restore Fang He’s abilities.

When Fang He soaked in the lake, he was relieved. He can feel the power of the lake spinning around him. It gradually flowed into his body, and then his abilities were gradually restored. So the electric shock did not deprive him of his abilities, but only consumed his power.

Fang He, who had finally recovered, waved his cat paw in the water, and signaled Li Zhen to hurry down under the Ancient Peach Tree. When one person and one cat finally managed to cultivate a cycle, Fang He was finally able to speak again, “Scared the hell out of me.”

Li Zhen, who was rubbing his fur, squeezed his paw, then picked him up. He then rubbed Fang He’s head with his nose, “Tell me, what is going on?” 

“Your sister has covered the yard with barbed wire, and there is electricity on the barbed wire!”

Li Zhen was so distressed when he saw him looking so sluggish. The kitten has always looked full of energy for a long time, this is the first time he looked so embarrassed. He rubbed him with his nose again, then stretched out his hand to smoothen his tail and said slowly, “He-miao, no matter where you go, even with the people you trust, you still have to stay on guard.”

Fang He raised his eyes. Didn’t he go to Li Yue’s place several times, he already relaxed his vigilance.

“If there is electricity on the barbed wire, on a rainy day, there will be noise, and sometimes there may even be lightning.” 

How could he know this? Fang He crouched down gloomily, “But I’m also surprised, where did the electricity come from?”

Li Zhen wiped his wet tail. This is also what he finds strange. Fang He already told him where Li Yue lives now. Li Yue’s metal ability defends that place very well. The previous steel bars and the current barbed wire fences can be considered as the result of Li Yue’s ability, but now that the power systems have collapsed, where did Li Yue get the electricity from?

He always feels that Fang He missed something. So Li Zhen let Fang He explain again, is there really no other strange things there?

Fang He thought for a while, suddenly remembered the steel bar standing upright on the wall, and quickly said this to Li Zhen. 

Li Zhen’s movements paused, “Are you sure?”

Fang He nodded, “Don’t you think this steel bar is too long? So it’s propped up from the ground?”

Li Zhen shook his head. Fang He doesn’t have much common sense, from now on, he must stare at his kitten to read some books after this! The lesson this time is enough for Li Zhen to regret!

But Li Yue cannot be without common sense. On this stormy day, a long steel bar is left standing outside, which is obviously to attract lightning, causing the electric shocks. Regarding Li Yue’s metallic ability to break or bend this steel bar, she would not leave such hidden dangers for no special reason. 

Seeing Li Zhen not speaking, Fang He was surprised. His cat paw stepped on Li Zhen’s hand, “You tell me about it ah?”

Li Zhen looked at Fang He, who still didn’t know anything. He reached out his hand, and continued rubbing Fang He, then carefully talked about his thoughts with Fang He. In particular, He emphasized to his kitten that in such stormy weather, it is definitely not allowed to leave such a long steel bar outside, it will be very dangerous.

“Then the big sister of Li Family wants to use this steel bar to collect electricity and use it later? Or just to fill the wire fence with electricity to protect against zombies?”

Although this can also be an explanation, if you don’t have enough confidence in it, daring to use the electrical energy inside the lightning, doing this may even cost your life. 

Then suddenly Li Zhen’s black eyes looked towards Fang He’s green cat’s eyes. One person and one cat looked at each other for a while, then suddenly a thought arose in their mind at the same time. The corners of Fang He’s mouth twitched, so could it be that the little dumpling has lightning ability?

So it’s not Li Yue who is more against the sky, but the little dumpling?

But even if they guessed that the little dumpling might have lighting ability, why did Li Yue attract lighting?