CH 62

It was already noon when Fang He woke up. He first stood up and stretched, then his cat paws grabbed the passenger seat to scratch it, only then did he turn to look at Li Zhen, but found that no one was in the car. Fang He looked around in confusion. There really was no Li Zhen as far as he could see.

Fang He yawned, then pressed his cat paws to the glass window to open it. Then a bluish-white and reddish eyes almost made him throw the wind blade out, but he suddenly found that it was zombie little brother no.2. Fang He just took his cat paw back, then rushed out of the car window. He saw Li Zhen standing at the front of the car, looking forward. 

For more than half a day, they have driven from T City to the suburbs of the county with Z City, however, the situation here seems to be a bit wrong.

Fang He followed Li Zhen’s gaze and saw that there were no zombies on the road. The counties under Z City are not prosperous, but there are quite a lot of villages and towns. Still, the number of zombies on the road is few, and these few zombies are all running in one direction.

Fang He was stunned for a while. He stared at the zombies, which was almost exactly the same as the zombie tide they encountered some time ago.

At that time, Li Zhen went to Li Yue’s side to give Xiao Liang Si some shielding power. Therefore, Li Zhen, who only dealt with the zombie tide at the last moment, didn’t really know what a zombie tide looked like at first. 

Fang He had seen the appearance of how the zombie tide rises. From the front of the car, Fang He jumped onto Li Zhen’s shoulder, and solemnly said, “It’s a zombie tide!”

Li Zhen frowned, “Will the meteorites trigger a zombie tide?”

Fang He shook his head, “At least as far as I know, no one has said that meteorites will trigger a zombie tide. I think there may be another child like Xiao Liang Si.”

After saying this, Fang He fell silent, Xiao Liang Si was lucky, not only did he have Li Zhen, a powerful uncle, his own mother is also very powerful, but this child, who caused this zombie tide, maybe…

Li Zhen reached out and held Fang He’s cat paw, “Go and have a look!”

In fact, Li Zhen was a little puzzled in his heart. If there was really a child the same as Xiao Liang Si, why did he sense something different, otherwise he wouldn’t speculate that it was the effect of the meteorite.

“Yeah!” Fang He nodded, “I’ll take you there!”

Li Zhen turned his head and looked into Fang He’s eyes, and could see Fang He’s determination. Li Zhen closed his eyes, then he reached out and pressed Fang He’s head. After shielding Fang He, he directly instructs zombie little brother no. 2 to temporarily return to T City first, otherwise, if this guy gets close to that high-leveled child, he may not be able to control it! Li Zhen didn’t want to crush this zombie’s head like last time. 

After everything was done, Li Zhen picked up Fang He and kissed his head before entering the space.

Fang He fell to the ground. After taking a short breath and putting away the car behind him, he darted after these zombies in the direction where they were running.

Mjcu Lf’r rqffv kjr nfgs ojra, yea tf mbeivc’a rfcrf ktfgf atf qbrrlyif tlut-ifnfifv mtliv kjr. Vb tf mbeiv bcis mjgfoeiis rajgf ja atf hbwylfr jqqfjglcu ogbw jii bnfg atf qijmf. Kb yf tbcfra, Mjcu Lf gfjiis kjcafv ab xlii jii atfrf hbwylfr ktfc tf rjk atfw, yea lc bgvfg ab rjnf alwf, Mjcu Lf mbeiv bcis rafq bc atf tfjvr bo atfrf hbwylfr jcv gert obgkjgv.

After running for about ten minutes, Fang He finally locked on a place with the most zombies. Standing on the top of the wall, Fang He threw a stone into the space. Li Zhen, who was waiting intently in the space, rushed out of the space immediately. After stabilizing his body on the wall, he picked up Fang He and rubbed Fang He’s cat paw. 

Fang He stretched out his other paw and pointed to the place where many zombies gathered in front, “It should be inside.”

This place should be the warehouse of a steel factory, surrounded by several blue-painted factories, the open spaces are all crowded with zombies. All zombies are surrounding the warehouse, desperately crowding the warehouse.

“What to do? How many can you kill?” Fang He was a little anxious, there were thousands of zombies around, and at this time, the zombies had already evolved.

Li Zhen also frowned. These zombies are no longer the ordinary zombies that he could kill in an instant. Zombies with crystal nuclei have stronger defense and attack power than before. 

Looking at Li Zhen’s tense jaw, Fang He knew that this was a bit difficult, and dealing with thousands of zombies is not something that could be done in just a short time.

Fang He looked at the airtight warehouse surrounded by zombies. He just wanted to go in to see the situation, but he couldn’t find any empty space, “How about cutting a bloody path first then go in and have a look.”

Li Zhen nodded, “It can only be this way.”

Fang He took out the purple lightning ball and suddenly looked at Li Zhen, “You…should be able to control it, right?” 

Li Zhen nodded, “It’s okay.”

It just doesn’t feel quite the same as Xiao Liang Si, the temptation is not as heavy for him, and he can keep his sanity completely.

Then, Li Zhen said again, “You can go in and see, but you must be careful. If something is wrong, hide in the space first.”

Fang He didn’t quite understand what Li Zhen meant, “Why?” 

Li Zhen tightened his jaw, then he frowned and looked in the direction of the warehouse, “It’s a little different from Xiao Liang Si, He-miao, be careful!”

Fang He nodded, “Then I’ll start!”

Li Zhen’s mind power was tense. If this purple lightning ball was thrown into the group of zombies, and the effect could be imagined, but he must always be prepared for this sudden burst of impact.

Fang He took a deep breath, and used his wind ability to lock the place with the most zombies in front, and threw the lightning ball out in a position where the lightning ball would affect the warehouse as little as possible. 

The dazzling light that suddenly exploded made Fang He immediately stretch out his paws to cover his eyes, then he looked out from the gasp between his cat paws. The power of this purple lightning ball was really amazing. With a crackling sound, the group of zombies was directly blown into fly ash and dissipated in an instant.

Fang He was startled, suddenly raised his head to look at Li Zhen, and suddenly understood why Li Zhen’s expression was so stiff when he took out the lightning ball. The lightning ball is too powerful, and Fang He can’t help but feel some fear. Fortunately, he took it out and asked Li Zhen’s opinion, otherwise, if he used it directly, then where would he go find his person!

Li Zhen rubbed Fang He’s head, then he quickly stepped on the ground, which seemed to have been burned by the fire, and rushed to the warehouse. There are not too many zombies here. Li Zhen raised his hand and kept blasting those zombies out, and Fang He in his embrace also paid attention not to become a white flower, waving his cat claws to directly induce a whirlwind, and rolled up the zombies and threw them aside.

When the two finally rushed to the entrance of the warehouse, Fang He looked at the gap in the gate that had been squeezed open by the zombies, and directly rushed in from the gap. 

Fang He was so fast that LI Zhen didn’t have time to stop him. Li Zhen quickly returned to the space, and when he came out again, he followed Fang He’s side in the blink of an eye. However, Li Zhen, who just came out, was suddenly startled, he instantly caught Fang He’s body that was blown away. The strong impact made Li Zhen go back several steps.

Fang He vomited blood, and his cat paw pointed to a small body on the ground, “It has turned into a zombie.”

Li Zhen looked at that harsh red liquid, and his heart was about to explode. So he quickly sent healing power in. Fang He’s internal organs were displaced by the shock, and this made Li Zhen’s heart tear and hurt. This reckless kitten, he already told him to be careful! Is this kitten too presumptuous because of his healing power? Li Zhen really wanted to poke his head hard.

After Fang He was cured, Li Zhen looked in the direction Fang He was pointing at. It really wasn’t a child, but a kitten. It looked very small, and it was estimated that it was just born not long ago. 

“Zombie cat?” Li Zhen stepped back while guarding against the kitten’s sudden movement. He could feel it. Although this kitten looks a little small, it’s level is very high. According to the rules Fang He said before, the level of this zombie cat is at least level five.

“Cat?” Fang He looked at the ground, it’s about the same size as a mouse. To be honest, he really didn’t see that it was a cat. He thought it was a mouse. As soon as he came in, he looked around for the child, and only when he was thrown out by a powerful force did he see what was on the ground.

But the problem is, he has never heard of zombie animals before, unless this zombie cat ran to the meteorite from the beginning and never appeared. If there is such a high-level zombie cat near the meteorite, it is inevitable that the hunter team will be wiped out.

Li Zhen hugged Fang He and stepped back. Only after he had retreated a distance away from the weak but powerful zombie cat did he said bluntly, “Let’s go.” 

“Don’t!” Fang He immediately objected, “Take it!”

What a great pet! It would be absolutely perfect if Li Zhen could accept it as a little brother.

Li Zhen finally stretched out his hand to pull Fang He’s ear, and he used some force cruelly, “Is life more important or is it more important?!”

“Aya! It hurts! It hurts!” Fang He’s cat paw pawed at the back of Li Zhen’s hand. 

Li Zhen helplessly let go of his grip and gently rubbed Fang He’s ear.

Fang He cat claw scratched ou Li Zhen’s hand, and said angrily, “Even if it can’t be taken, it can’t be kept alive. It will definitely be more difficult to deal with in the future! You didn’t think about it, if we don’t kill it while it’s weak, if it grows up, it might destroy a city!”

Li Zhen can naturally think of what Fang He said. Li Zhen supported Fang He to his front and looked into Fang He’s angry eyes, “Do you really want it?”

Fang He nodded, “Try it, if it’s dangerous, we’ll run away! Then will come back again when you’re stronger!” 

“That’s what you said. If it’s dangerous, you must avoid it and don’t be reckless!” Li Zhen said as he looked into Fang He’s eyes.

Seeing Fang He nodding, Li Zhen hugged Fang He and looked at the kitten over there, “Although it is powerful, its consciousness is slightly weaker.”

“That’s how tough a newborn kitten can be!” Fang He said.

“Did you just forget that it just displaced your organs?” Li Zhen pinched Fang He’s paw, “He-miao, never underestimate the enemy!” 

Fang He glanced at Li Zhen angrily. It was really painful just now. If it weren’t for Li Zhen’s strong healing power, he would have to take care of him for a while.