Chapter 928

Gu Tianqing and Fu Hanshen are sitting in the study.

After sitting down, Fu Hanshen put his lazy hand behind his head: "I heard that the Guan family stopped cooperating with the Su family in an all-round way, and both sides suffered heavy losses."

"Both are wounded." Comments by Gu Tianqing.

"I also heard that the Guan family didn't plan to let Su Haofeng go."

"That's for sure. It's such a big joke. The problem is that we have to see if we can move him."

"It's true, but Haofeng did it wrong. If we don't learn a lesson, the Guan family won't give up."

Gu Tianqing's cell phone ring even interrupted what he was about to say. It was a strange call from another city. He said, "Hello, I'm Gu Tianqing."

"Mr. Gu? Hello, this is Tongshi Public Security Bureau. Now I have a message for you. "

"What's up."

"Do you know Mr. Fu Zhongqian?"

"Yes, what happened to him." Gu Tianqing immediately locked his eyebrows and sat up with him.

Ten minutes later, Gu Tianqing walked out of the study with a dignified face.

Qi Jinnian and Shen Huan have just come to an end.

Years of living habits have made Qi Jinnian understand every tiny expression of Gu Tianqing. So when she saw Gu's face, she stood up and asked, "what's the matter?"

Gu Tianqing orders Shen Huan's name: "Shen Huan, I have something to tell you. I hope you can keep calm after listening."

Shen Huan's heart thumped, and immediately realized something. She also stood up with her: "is there something wrong with your uncle?"

This is probably the only telepathy between lovers. Shen Huan immediately sensed something wrong sensitively.

"Listen to me --"

Fu Zhongqian is missing.

Disappeared while following a group of tourists through the valley of death.

At present, only their car has been found, but there is no one in the car, and everyone has lost contact.

Although has had in mind to prepare, but Shen Huan after listening to is still the complexion white all of a sudden paralyzed in the sofa.

"Sister Huan -" Qi Jinnian looked at her worried.

In fact, Gu Tianqing told Shen Huan about it after consideration.

In case of anything, Shen Huan has the right to know.

But the news is really cruel. Gu Tianqing dare not tell the old lady about them, for fear that they can't stand it.

"Where is he missing? I'm going to find him!" After a short panic, Shen Huan turned pale and looked at Gu Tianqing's request.

Gu Tianqing has already found the shadow, with the most elite dark guard ready to go.

He said, "you'd better stay here. I'll let you know if there's any news."

"No, I'm going, I'm going. If you don't let me go, I'll go myself!" Shen Huan's attitude is extremely firm.

Gu Tianqing frowned slightly and said, "OK, but you must obey the arrangement of the shadow then. In case you are missing, the trouble will be big."

"I know, thank you."

Shen Huan's body was shaking.

Gu Tianqing has also gone. Fu Zhongqian is missing, but in any case, we must find someone. He also can't sit here and wait, simply tidy up for a while, and set off overnight.

At the time of departure, Qi Jinnian shook his hand and said, "pay attention to safety and come back safely."

Gu Tianqing nods, kisses Qi Jinnian on his forehead, kisses Jin Xi again, and Jin Xi holds his neck and says, "Dad, we'll wait for you to come back."

Although she didn't know what happened, the child was born sensitive. Jinxi was always reluctant to let go of Gu Tianqing's neck. At last, Gu Tianqing promised that she would come back soon after the event. She just let go and let Gu Tianqing leave.

Ran Ran was left here to play with Jinxi, but they all kept it from her and didn't want a child to worry about it.

Qi Jinnian prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Fu Zhongqian would be safe.


search and rescue is a very hard and boring thing, except for the people at the scene, the people outside can not help at all.

Qi Jinnian did not dare to call Gu Tianqing too much, for fear of disturbing them, so he could only wait a long time.

Two days a day passed, but no news came.

The longer the time is, the less likely those missing will be to survive. Qi Jinnian can't help worrying.

This is probably the longest and most distressing week for Qi Jinnian. A week later, Gu Tianqing came back and was very dusty.

But there is no news from Fu Zhongqian.

He certainly didn't have a good rest this week. His eyes were sunken and he looked very tired.

"What's the matter? There's no news, sister Huan."

Gu Tianqing takes off his coat and shakes his head: "she won't come back. She's still there. I'll let shadow take care of her."

"Then you have something to eat first." Qi Jinnian brought out a bowl of steaming noodles from the kitchen and said, "have a good rest again."Gu Tianqing finished eating and took a bath before lying down in bed.

Qi Jinnian is beside quietly, unwilling to think about what to do if something happens, but for such a long time, the probability of the accident is also on the rise, in case something really happens What can I do if I call the old lady Shen Huan --


"every year, where has my mother gone? Why hasn't she come back after such a long time?" Ran Ran is now asking Qi Jinnian this question every day. Qi Jinnian doesn't know how to answer it. He can only tell her that his mother is busy with her work at this time, so he can't take her into consideration and make her behave.

"Then I can call my mother."

"This one will do."

It was not until hearing Shen Huan's voice that Ran Ran Ran showed a relieved smile on his face. He said something to Shen Huan. Ran Ran asked her to take good care of herself and gave her mobile phone to Qi Jinnian.

Qi Jinnian calls from the balcony outside: "sister Huan."

"The year of brocade." Shen Huan's voice sounded tired. Qi Jinnian said, "sister Huan, you should take good care of yourself."

"I know. Please take care of Ran Ran."

"No trouble, Ran Ran is very good, very good to take, I still worry about you."

"I have nothing to worry about." The person Shen Huan really worried about was Fu Zhongqian.

Qi Jinnian also understood that Fu Zhongqian could not be found one day, and Gu Tianqing could not be at ease one day.

For such a long time, all the police and human and material resources that can be sent have been invested without reservation, but there is no news all the time, which makes people frustrated.

"Well, Jinnian, I won't tell you. I'll be busy first. Ran Ran, please."

"Well, it doesn't matter. You take care of yourself."

But paper can't cover fire.