Chapter 1959

"What to do then." Ning Yue's mood couldn't help getting excited. "My computer has been stolen. There are many important materials in it. What should I do now?"

The hotel manager's face was calm: "we have made notices and reminders in various places to ask you to take good care of your belongings. Now, we can't help you."

"You are shirking your responsibility!"

"I'm telling the truth."

This manager is obviously a seasoned one. No matter what Ning Yue said, he can handle it easily. Obviously, this is not the first time that such a thing happened. She is really angry.

"Well, you don't have to be so excited," the policeman advised. "We'll investigate. You all come back to the police station with us and make a record first."

By the time we got out of the police station, it was already dark.

The police said they would try their best, but according to Ning Yue's past experience, the hope is very slim.

If they destroy all the data in her computer, they will destroy all her efforts in this period of time.

She can't help but feel sad, squatting on the curb, her face buried between her legs, trying to cry.

Small six just drove by here, saw the figure of Ning Yue, felt familiar with it, waited for a while to confirm it, then called Fu Jin Yan and said, "boss, I see Miss Ning, squatting at the door of the police station and crying, do I want to go up and have a look?"

Fu Jin Yan over there didn't know what to say. Liu immediately said, "OK, no problem. I'll wait."

Ning Yue is really sad in her heart. Recently, nothing goes well. She wants to cry but can't cry. She just feels extremely depressed. She suddenly wants to drink. She looks around her eyes and finds that there is a bar nearby, so she stands up and walks on.

The atmosphere of red lights and wine is very lively.

She sat alone at the bar in the corner and asked for a drink.

Looking at the colorful liquid in front of her, she suddenly took up her glass and drank it up.

Later, it was found that the cocktail was not as strong as expected, so he said to the bartender, "give me a strong one."

"Just a moment."

The bartender has a very good mixing technique. Watching him mixing wine is like a magic show, which attracts many young children to watch.

Ning Yue also stared at him. With his various postures, the world seemed to revolve in front of her.

It's true that if you don't get drunk, everyone will get drunk.

Soon, a glass of strong liquor was sent to her. This time, there was no fancy color. It was packed in a small iced glass and looked like that. The bartender said, "enjoy it slowly."

Ning Yue is now feeling uncomfortable and flustered. She urgently needs to find an outlet to vent her anger and unwillingness. So she has no hesitation in the face of this small glass of liquid in front of her. She is bored again.

It's said that the simpler it is, the purer it is. As expected, alcohol without gorgeous appearance is really fierce. It burns all the way from the throat to the stomach, without any pause.

It's really cool and uncomfortable

Little six just can't stand to go to the toilet next to him. Unexpectedly, when he came back, Ning Yue was already blushing, and he was six or seven points drunk.

He was shocked, and then saw a man come up to talk to Ning Yue.

She put her hand on Ning Yue's shoulder, but she pushed it away mercilessly, but she didn't have the strength. It seemed that she wanted to refuse and welcome. What men liked most was this kind of woman, who thought she played the game of hard to get.

Ning Yue as changeable as clouds and rain, and is very disgusted with the hand on his shoulder. The man beside him is like a peacock with a flower on his face. It is full of disgusting perfume. When he is happy, he feels that his hands are constantly moving and stirring.

"Go away, don't touch me..."

Ning Yue refuses, but the man grins indecently, tugs her off the chair and walks out of the bar.

Ning Yue was so frightened that she knocked over many tables and chairs all the way.

At this time, a strong hand suddenly came out from the side and hit the man with a strong fist.

"Damn it, dare to beat me, see if I don't kill you --" the man knew that he was a rascal at first sight, and he was not convinced after being beaten. When he whistled, a group of men who were hiding in the crowd rushed out and looked like his accomplice.

"The eldest brother --"

"call me --"

Xiaoliu turns around and whispers to Ning Yue, "the boss should be at the door. Run out and find someone to help me."

Ning Yue's mind can't turn around. The only thing she remembers is that he said to run to the door to find someone. So when they started fighting, she ran towards the door with dizziness, but the people in front of her kept shaking. She clearly felt that she was running on a straight road, but she always walked in a variety of strange ways. When she ran to the door, she collided with the people coming in.

If Fu Jinyan didn't catch her quickly, she would have died.Fu Jin Yan grabs Ning Yue's arm, looks at her crimson face and frowns.

Ning Yue has struggled with disgust: "let go of me, don't touch me, don't touch me." Her body is soft and weak.

Fu Jinyan reminds her: "Ning Yue, you can see clearly and see who I am. I'm Fu Jinyan!"

He tightened his strength and tightened her arms. Ning Yue was forced to look up at the cold bloodthirsty man in front of her: "Jin Yan? Ah, Xiao Liu is fighting with people inside. Go to save him quickly. "

Fu Jinyan looks inside, but he doesn't go in. Instead, he grabs Ning Yue and walks out.

Rather Yue blew the wind, the headache was severe, the head slanted, vomited.


Fu Jinyan carries Ning Yue back to the car. Ning Yue frowns all the time, and her face is full of pain. Hearing the sour smell of the car full of strong alcohol, Fu Jinyan mutters a few curses.

Then he made another phone call and drove away.

"Little six Save the sixth...... " Ning Yue is confused. He hasn't forgotten this.

Fu Jin Yan glanced at her displeased, "you'd better think about how to save yourself first."

Ning Yue was very upset, so she kept humming.

Fu Jinyan scolds and scolds, but still pays attention to her condition from time to time. When she finds out that she wants to vomit, she immediately covers her mouth with her hand: "Hey, you are not allowed to vomit in my car, please hold back to me --"

but the voice hasn't fallen, Ning Yue has directly vomited out --

Fu Jinyan has never been as embarrassed as he is at the moment, and in the bottom of his heart, he just hates to raze that bar Well, it's damned to let her drink so much.

Both of them are sour and smelly. Fu Jin said he would like to throw himself into the bleaching powder to bleach them.