Chapter 1969

However, this makes Fu Jinyan how to calm down, he finally calmed down, but his face is very dignified.

Fu Hanshen and Qin Luo rushed over at the first time after receiving the news. Fu Hanshen immediately squatted down on Fu Jinyan's leg and pressed several times. He was not unconscious.

Qin Luo asked, "how is it? How is Jin Yan? Why can't he stand up?"

Although Fu Hanshen was also worried, he took a little breath after the examination: "the legs are conscious, which means it may not be a structural problem. Let's have an examination first."

Other doctors also agree with Fu Hanshen's view, because their treatment of Fu Jinyan is perfect and beautiful. It should not happen in a reasonable way. Only when the physical reasons are excluded, can they find the reasons in other places.

Ning Yue holds Fu Jin Yan's hand tightly all the time, and comforts him softly: "it doesn't matter, I'll accompany you."

The results of the examination came out very quickly. Fu Jin Yan's leg had no problems. He recovered very well.

Fu Hanshen did the inspection himself, and there will be no mistake in the result. For fear of any omission, Fu Hanshen specially inspected it twice.

"Then why can't Jin Yan stand up?" Qin Luo looked at the inspection report and couldn't believe it. "Is there no inspection?"

"No way. I checked all the spinal nerves to make sure there was no problem." Fu looked at the other doctors. "What do you think, please?"

One of the doctors said, "if it wasn't physical, would it be psychological?"

"Psychological?" Fu Han frowned deeply.

"Yes, just like some patients can wake up, but they are unwilling to wake up. Some patients forget something after waking up. In fact, these memories are not caused by accidents, but they subconsciously want to forget, so they deliberately forget. This is not their physical problem, but their psychological stress response, unwilling to face the past Some things, so choose to sleep or forget. "

Qin Luo looked worried: "do you mean that Jin Yan chose paralysis in order to avoid something? It's impossible. I have nothing to escape. "

Fu Jinyan's situation is obvious to all. It's true that his career is at the peak of the sun. He just graduated from medical school. He has a smooth sailing and a successful family. It seems that there is really nothing to escape.

"What we see are all appearances. People's subconscious mind is the most real idea in people's heart, but it doesn't necessarily show on the surface, which makes people realize that some people seem happy on the surface, but their hearts are actually miserable. Of course, I don't mean Jin Yan is the case, so I think if it's really psychological reasons, it means that there must be you in his heart who don't do it What do you think of the secret pain that people know? "

Qin Luo looks at Fu Hanshen and says, "how do you think of it?"

"Look for Jin Nian and Jia to lean over and have a look." Fu Hanshen quickly made a decision, "they have become excellent psychologists now, and Jin Yan will not defend them, they may be able to easily explore Jin Yan's inner world."

Other doctors also nodded: "yes, it's a good decision to find a psychologist. All we can do is to treat his body, but the psychological reasons should be solved by a psychological expert."


in the ward, Fu Jinyan sat on the bed with great sadness and beat his legs from time to time. Fu Xinghe looked at Fu Jinyan with some fear and was very quiet all the time.

Ning Yue persuades, "Jin Yan, don't do this. You're scaring the children."

Looking at the child blinking black and white eyes, Fu Jin Yan forced himself to calm down, but couldn't help cursing: "these quacks can't even see a car accident well, and they are also known as the best surgical hospital."

Fu Hanshen came to the ward with the examination report. Fu Jinyan immediately asked, "how is it?"

Qin Luo said: "it's OK. The inspection results are out. The recovery is very good. There's no big problem. You can rest assured. This should be temporary. It will be OK in a few days."

Fu Jinyan's suspicious look fell on Fu Hanshen. Fu Hanshen would not lie. All his faces were a little stiff.

Fu Jinyan immediately understood: "these quacks!"

When Fu Hanshen heard this, he immediately scolded: "nonsense, you think you have no problem. That's because you are not good at learning and you haven't reached home yet. Wait a few days and you'll be fine."

With that, Fu Hanshen took charge of himself and left the ward.

Qin Luo sipped his mouth and smiled a smile to comfort Fu Jin: "Jin Yan, your father said it would be OK, so you can stay in the hospital for a few more days, Xinghe, go back with your grandma."

"Good." The child jumped off Ning Yue's leg and climbed onto my Fu Jin Yan's bed. "Dad, I'm back. Would you like to kiss me?"

Children's words, milk, soft and soft, let all the anger seem to disappear in an instant.

Fu Jin Yan restrained the angry expression on his face, and as soon as he put his hands into the bed, he took the child from the ground. Then he gave him a big shout on his small white face, which made the child laugh and the atmosphere in the ward relaxed instantly.After a quarrel between father and son, Qin Luo urged the child to leave.

Ning Yue stood up and said, "I'll see you off."

Qin Luo didn't object either.

Outside the ward, Qin Luo probably explained Fu Jinyan's affairs to Ning Yue.

Ning Yue was shocked when she heard it, because in her impression, Fu Jinyan has always been such a confident, arrogant and even conceited man. Now you say that he has a mental problem, she can't believe it in any way, but the reality is in front of her, and people have to accept that.

Qin Luo said: "I'll come back to Jinnian and Jiaqing together. Just cooperate a little. Jin Yan won't notice."

"I see."

-- Fu Jinyan's stay in hospital had to be lengthened.

Ning Yue is always around him. Life is not boring.

Although Fu Jin Yan can't leave, he can get out of bed or go downstairs for a walk. However, every time he appears, he will surely attract a group of people.

As for his hospitalization, the media has long been uninterested, so now there are not so many reporters in the hospital.

"It's so cool to leave the monkeys alone. Now even those journalists are not interested in me."

"Do you want them to stop people here?"

"That at least shows that they have me in mind. Now... "

Ning Yue nodded: "that means that my agent has failed to perform his duties, and even made the media lose interest in you. When you get better, I promise to arrange your work from the beginning to the end of the year, so that you have no time to sigh."