Chapter 207

"Okay, no problem, what's the address?" Su Yanrui breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she was mentally allergic. It turned out that she was only from the company. Su Yanrui asked the person on the other end of the phone.

"After hanging up the phone, we will send the address to your mobile phone. Please wait a moment." The girl replied to Su Yanrui, and hung up the phone after waiting for Su Yanrui's answer.

When Su Yanrui received the text message, she felt relieved. Fortunately, the address was not Huo Ze's company, but Su Yanrui didn't know at this time that for people like Huo Ze, industries were everywhere, so how could she know every one of them? , This is also because they were not very good at going out together five years ago, and Su Yanrui didn't know how much money Huo Ze had under his name every day.

After finding the company address, Su Yanrui wrote down how to get by car on a note and carried it with him.

"Ruirui, mom has something to go out for, can you have fun with grandpa at home?" Su Yanrui hugged Su Zirui and said, although she knew her son was sensible, Su Zirui would definitely agree no matter what happened to her, but every time Su Yanrui He was still in the habit of telling Su Zirui before he left, as if it had become a habit.

"Okay, then mom, be careful on the road, Ruirui is waiting for you at home." Su Zirui waved his hand and said something to Su Yanrui, his eyes were full of smiles, without the slightest bit of reluctance, not because Su Zirui didn't want Su Yanrui, but because he knew that Su Yanrui would be back soon Yes, he is not in a hurry at all.

"Yeah." Su Yanrui nodded without saying anything. After telling Su Zirui that he was going out, he turned around and left the villa. After calculating the time, it was just right to go out. If it was later, he might really be late , Su Yanrui has never had the habit of being late.

When he arrived at the place, Su Yanrui walked to the front desk cautiously, and said to the lady at the front desk, "Hi, I'm here for an interview, my name is Su Yanrui."

"Oh, it's you, I have a record here and follow me." The girl at the front desk glanced at her record after seeing Su Yanrui, and finally nodded after confirming that there was Su Yanrui. She is full of smiles and looks like a very talkative girl.

Su Yanrui nodded, and after thanking her, she followed the front desk lady and walked upstairs. The design department is on the sixth floor, and the entire building belongs to the company. Believe it, what kind of life does such a rich person have?

"Hello, please wait here for a moment, our director will be here soon." The lady poured a glass of water for Su Yanrui, turned around and called for someone. The interview location was a small conference room, which seemed to only accommodate about six people. But the decoration is very beautiful, giving people a feeling of comfort and relaxation. At least for now, it seems that Su Yanrui likes this working environment very much.

"You are Su Yanrui, right?" Not long after, she saw a woman in professional attire appearing in front of Su Yanrui, and asked a question, her tone seemed a little uncertain.

"Yes, I am." Su Yanrui nodded hurriedly, stood up from her seat and bowed slightly to this person.

"It's okay, no need, I'm Anna, the director of the design department here." The woman waved her hand and said with a light smile. Maybe it's because she seems to have too strong aura. She looks like a strong professional woman. Su Yanrui had never seen such a woman.