Chapter 464: Finally showing his fangs!

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When Qing Yu walked in from the outside with a calm face, everyone except Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Risari who had been on his side for a long time were shocked!

No one here does not know him!

Even Jiraiya, who has been traveling abroad and tracking the whereabouts of Orochimaru, has heard of this name.

After returning to Konoha, I heard about it countless times!

Just... how old is he?

15 years old!

Is it for showing tenderness? Just like the fourth generation of water shadows? Are you actually getting old?

But how is it possible?

The rumours that I have also heard are not like this!

So he looked at Qingyu very curiously, and Qingyu returned a polite smile, and then calmly took a seat on the other side.


Turning to bed, Xiaochun directly slapped the table with an angry face, "What are you kidding! This is the selection of the future five generations of Hokage, not a child playing the house!"

"Do you think it's a child's play to propose a teenage kid to be Hokage Five?!"

Not only the two elders thought so, but the rest of the observers also agreed.

Although Shinomiya Qingyu has been threatening to be the fifth-generation Hokage since he was very young, to be honest, few people take it seriously, and no one can be Hokage if they want.

Youth was his capital, but in the election of Hokage, it became his shackle.

No one would believe that a thirteen or four-year-old Hokage can lead Konoha to prosperity.

Maybe when he grows up, these people believe that he is a good competitor for the sixth generation of Hokage.

Speaking of one thousand and ten thousand, they all think that Shinomiya Qingyu made the wrong choice at the wrong time.

However, Qing Yu did not get angry with the two old helpers, and stared at his palm without saying a word, as if he had learned some cosmic truth from it.

But he didn't speak, and naturally his "spokesperson" was responsible for helping him to refute.

Uchiha Fuyue first made a gesture to tell the two elders to be calm, and then defended very peacefully, "Is there any rule that Konoha has developed so far, explaining how many people under the age cannot become Hokage?"

"You are arguing! Is there no explicit rule that anyone can be a Hokage? Then why doesn't the consultant bring a baby to run for Hokage? I definitely agree with both hands and feet!"

"The elder's words are serious, and the position of Hokage is naturally not something that everyone can do. Then let us all put aside our prejudice and ignore the issue of age to conduct an assessment."

"First of all, in terms of strength, if you want to become the shadow of a village, having a strong strength is the foundation. Am I right?"

"Do you think this kid has such strength?" Mito Gate Yan said coldly.

This time, it was Uchiha Fuyue's turn to show a surprised expression, "Don't the two elders think so? Let's not talk about how many A-level and S-level dangerous missions Shinomiya Jōnin has completed, and how many enemy fighters have been killed. Joinin. Just a month ago, Shinomiya Joinin defeated Sandyin's Morizuru Ichio 'one-on-one' (biting the accent) and became the hero who saved the village."

"Doesn't it seem to the two of you that such a record is not enough to prove the strength of Shinomiya Jonin?"

Listening to the other people's "sure" whispers, the two old gangsters immediately closed their mouths with ashen faces.

In the face of the real facts, if they doubted Qing Yu's strength again, it would be pure harassment, treating everyone as a fool.

So they can only snort coldly, be regarded as admitting this.

A smile appeared on Uchiha Fuyue's face immediately, and then he chased after the victory: "The two elders mentioned a key word just now, reputation. You are right. If you want to become the shadow of a village, you must be famous in addition to strength. Prestige, so as to convince the public. No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be recognized by others."

"Then in this regard, I don't need to say more about the reputation and prestige of Shinomiya Joinin."

"Because Shigong Shangren has made a lot of contributions to the village, and has also done a lot of good deeds with his own money, people in the village trust Shigong Shangren very much, and the reputation has spread to the entire ninja world. Ye has a 'madman', and even the tailed beast has been 'subdued'!"

"Isn't this level of fame not qualified to sit here? Then I really have to doubt the motives of the two elders. Are you really contributing to Konoha's development?"

The two old gangsters were left speechless by Fuyue!

To make matters worse, the wind direction over the entire meeting had already begun to gravitate towards Shinomiya Aoba.

It is indeed that these examples given by Fuyue are too provocative.

And Jiraiya... To be honest, he is now sitting here entirely because he has his own money, because his past achievements and fame are too amazing, so he is regarded as a 'savior'.

But if you really want to be serious, in the years of Shinomiya Qingyu's rise, there is nothing at all about Jirai, and there are not many children born in the new generation who know who Jirai is!

Moreover, he has left Konoha 'willfully' over the years I haven't seen him come back after several times of Konoha's suffering. Now that the next Hokage is selected, he is back... It will inevitably make people feel a little bit. critical words.

If there is really no other choice, then naturally it's fine, but now I don't mention the age-old topic, just look at other aspects, isn't Shinomiya Qingyu really inferior to Jiraiya?

Everyone has a steel scale in their heart, and they will weigh the pros and cons between the two.

The final conclusion is also very interesting, at least it will no longer be one-sided support!

Then at this time, he didn't speak, and the Hyuga Risari, who seemed to be non-existent, suddenly said, "I also propose that Shinomiya Aoba becomes the fifth-generation Hokage, and the development of Konoha should be looking forward, not immersed in it. in the memories of the past."

As soon as Hinata opened his mouth, it was like adding another firewood to the fire!

One Uchiha, one Hinata, haven't these two guys never dealt with each other?

Why are you suddenly on the same front?

Are you really optimistic about Shinomiya Qingyu, or is there any agreement reached in private?


Many people immediately took a deep breath in their hearts, and seemed to see the difficulty of today's meeting.

The two high-level advisors, Uchiha and Hyuga, together are the platform for Shinomiya Aoba, and the information contained in this has to be thought-provoking.

And this power must not be underestimated!

A guy from a war orphan can get to this point, sitting here, competing for the position of Hokage in an open and fair way, this really makes them not know what to say.

Strength, fame, connections, backstage... This guy is not lacking!

The only weakness that can be attacked is age...

For a time, there was a little more awe and fear in the eyes of others looking at Qing Yu!