Chapter 477: Betrayal forbearance is recognized as the bearer!

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In the country of waves, the original palace of Cardo has been renovated and become more luxurious.

After shocking the entire ninja world, Qing Yu stayed here all the time, enjoying the life of a 'Tai Shang Huang'.

The backhand he left behind made him no need to hide with Obito, and he could start a new life.

And the little fat man at the time has also become a big fat man now.

However, the changes were great. Not only did he have a somewhat dignified superiority, but his eyes were also full of shrewdness and cunning.

It is estimated that Cardo could never have imagined that the waste son who was least favored by him would actually be the one who resembled him the most in the end.

Even when Aoba saw me again after a long time, I almost thought it was Cardo that **** crawling out of **** again.

But obviously, Cardo was already dead, and the grass on the grave was several meters high.

And although I, Hu Shangshu, have great ambitions, I still don't have the courage of his father to betray Qingyu.

This is of course thanks to Zai Bu Zhan and Bai.

No matter how intimidating and enticing Zaibuzhan and Bai, I even secretly recruited a group of desperate ninjas and planned to assassinate myself, in fact, I wanted to get rid of these two people, but in the end I couldn’t. success.

On the contrary, he was warned by Zaibujian, who was seen to be tricky, and immediately made this guy a lot more honest.

Aoba laughed without saying a word after hearing all the little tricks that Hu Shangshu had secretly done.

Do you really think that the sword of Damocles that he prepared for me Toshishu can be taken off so easily?

Maybe the original little fat man is now a full-fledged 'businessman', but this guy will never understand the real ninja world.

Therefore, with the eyes and thinking of this guy, it is impossible to understand why Zai Zhan He Bai would be so 'loyal' to that person.

The reason is of course the strength gap between the two sides!

Only strength is the most important thing in the ninja world!

And the "loyalty" that never cuts is actually just loyalty to strength, because Qingyu defeated him easily, and he and Bai still need to stay, so he will stay.

But one day, Qing Yu lost to others.

If this fear is broken, then this 'loyalty' will immediately disappear.

So from this aspect, ordinary people like me, Hu Shangshu, who are useless except for being rich, will never be able to get the allegiance of people like Zaibujian in their entire life.

It is this kind of person who is the most despised and despised even if he does not cut it again.

So how could it be possible to 'betray' a real strong man with the arrogance of not cutting it, and instead follow a waste that even he looks down on?

What's more, Zaibuzhan doesn't have much ambition now, getting rid of Wuyin's pursuit and living with Bai is what Zaifuzhan cares about most at the moment.

And this kind of protection is something I can't give him at all.

So the question is, can Qingyu do it?

Before the change, he could not be sure if he didn't cut it, and the condition of staying and agreeing to Qingyu was also because he had no other choice, plus Bai's persuasion.

But if it is now, he will no longer doubt it!

Because the person who gave him a crushing defeat was Konoha's fifth-generation Hokage!

Qingyu made such a big noise, even a relatively closed country like the Land of Waves has heard a lot of news.

The youngest Hokage and the one with the shortest time in office!

At the inauguration ceremony, betrayed out of the village in front of everyone, and then retreated!

These experiences are simply legends within legends!

After hearing about this, almost every rebel and ninja was extremely excited to regard Shinomiya Qingyu as an idol!

Betrayal, which one was not disheartened when he left the village, everyone shouted and killed, and then hid everywhere, for fear of being beheaded by Anbu as soon as he opened his eyes.

But Shinomiya Aoba is different!

Who has seen the shadow club of their own village defect?

And it is still upright, giving up the position of Hokage under the attention of everyone and choosing to be a rebel.

This move is really awesome!

Let countless rebels yearn for it, their blood is boiling, and they can't wait to bow their heads immediately, to go to the sword and fall to the sea of ​​fire for the idol in their hearts, life and death, without even blinking their brows!

It can be said that Qing Yu didn't even know, he accidentally became the bearer that all the rebels and forbearers sincerely recognized.

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

But even the attitude towards him is completely different.

And now everyone is betrayal, no need to worry that Qingyu will sell him if he doesn't cut it.

As for me, Hu Shangshu, as long as this guy doesn't want to die, he won't dare to make any small moves.

. . . . . . . . . .

Sitting on a chair, with red wine in one hand and cigar in the other, Aoba was looking at the sea through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Behind him is Xiang Rin, who is training in a fit of rage, and Ranmaru, who is "instructed" to supervise Xiang Rin's training.

When Aoba appeared again, Ranmaru also made a choice.

So he was brought back to the country of waves with him.

By the way, he also ate a life curry at Granny Sanjiao, which almost made him cry, but he still couldn't trigger the task again, which made him feel a pity.

After careful calculation, it has been about two months since he put down the position of Hokage and chose to be a traitor.

During this time, Obito has not come to him.

At that time, after taking him away from Konoha, Obito originally wanted to arrange him into Akatsuki and replace Orochimaru as 'No'.

But he was rejected.

He has a trumpet that has been deeply infiltrated into Xiao's organization, and if he gets his identity in, wouldn't it increase the risk of exposure for nothing.

Moreover, after he entered the Xiao organization, he would definitely have no privileges, and he would complete those dangerous tasks all day long. What did he want?

It's really too bad.

So Qing Yu parted ways with Obito on the grounds that he still had his own plans.

Of course, he also told Obito when he left that he had secretly controlled the country of waves, and he could come to him at any time if he needed help.

Qing Yu is indeed qualified to talk to Obito Equally now, and he is not afraid of Obito's face.

After all, Qing Yu made it clear that he would stand by his side and help him complete that great plan.

As a qualified helper and know the bottom line, Obito also believes that Qingyu will not betray him easily.

Otherwise, why give up Hokage's position?

Wouldn't it be fragrant to set up another pier by yourself and enjoy a stable life?

Although Obito hopes that Qingyu will continue to be Hokage, and then do things for him as Hokage.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no need to regret it anymore.

So Obito agreed with Aoba's statement and regarded it as his back-up.

In this way, once there is an accident on Xiao's side, he can continue the plan.

After all, Aoba, who even gave up Hokage, had no reason to lie to him.

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