Chapter 520: Greed is the original sin

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country of waves.

"My lord, that old man in Dazner sent someone a bridge-building plan. Would you like to read it?"

The once cowardly, timid and cowardly little fat man, now in a suit and leather shoes, the mature and stable head of the first company, Naoshu Tou, frowned suddenly after hearing the words.

"That old guy, is it not clear enough that the person I sent last time said that everyone in the country of Wave is living and working in peace and contentment. It's not an exaggeration to say that they don't pick up their belongings and don't close their houses at night. All this is my credit, why are they still not satisfied? Or do you want to build a bridge that will cost the people and money?"

At the end of the day, I, Toshiaki, looked very angry!

"Many business companies have publicly expressed their support and are willing to contribute money. If we don't express our position again, we may lose the trust of the public. Those guys will definitely start a new business and build the bridge aside from us..."

"Hehe, it seems that some people have really forgotten who is the real master of this country!" I Hu Shangshu laughed angrily!

Since taking over the legacy left by his scumbag father, after so many years of development, he has already become the 'recognized' king of the country of waves.

It's just that he has always been walking on thin ice, not enjoying himself as much as his scumbag father, using the power and wealth in his hands to do mischief.

Because he knows that no matter how well he develops the company, 'that person' is the real master of this country!

And he was just a spokesperson, a puppet chosen by 'that person'.

If he is disobedient, with the terrifying strength of 'that person', he can be killed at any time, and then another tool person will take charge of this huge wealth for him.

And the armed forces he has developed are more than enough to deal with ordinary people, but in the eyes of 'that person', they are like a group of ants, and they are not taken seriously at all.

So these years, the country of wave has become better and better, and it is inseparable from the requirements of 'that person'.

After all, in his view, sharing wealth with the people to achieve a win-win situation is really stupid.

But he didn't dare to refuse, and as time went by, he saw all the changes in the country of waves, and 'that person' also told him with facts, who was right.

The better the quality of people's life, the more money they have, the more willing they are to spend, and the more they want to pursue a higher quality of life, and they will work harder and make progress.

This is indeed countless times more brilliant than when Cardo used a whip to force the toiling public to work!

And the more things people need, the more they can make if they monopolize the entire shipping industry.

After such a sum of money was transferred back and forth, it was returned to their hands. Not to mention, it actually produced more wealth, which was simply unbelievable for me, Hu Shangshu.

Now the country of waves has completely developed into a country with a strong commercial atmosphere, and various handicrafts, specialties and other industries have sprung up one after another.

Then, the shipping company of my family is responsible for selling all kinds of goods produced in the country of wave to all parts of the ninja world, and then purchasing various raw materials from various countries, as well as various goods that the people of wave country need to bring back for sale. Lose.

As soon as you go in and out, the money flows.

As the most indispensable link in the entire business chain, the Ihu Shipping Club, which has a complete monopoly on the transportation industry, is simply lying on the ground picking up money with its eyes closed!

Even picking up money is not enough to describe the speed at which they are making money every day, that is, everyone is lining up to throw money into their wallets.

It stands to reason that the living conditions of the people in the country of Bo are countless times more prosperous than when Cardo was in power. I can't find a beggar in the whole country of Bo, because here, only you are not lazy and you can always find a beggar. work to support the family.

What is even more interesting is that when more and more people start doing business, human resources have become a precious resource that is extremely scarce in all walks of life. It is not too easy to make money.

If it weren't for "that lord" not allowing the business of human trafficking, my family Shangshu really wanted to buy some slaves back.

However, it was also under the reminder of "that adult" that I, Shangshu Hu, engaged in the citizenship system and immigration business.

In this way, it not only guarantees the interests of the aborigines, but also gives a chance to those who want to live a prosperous life in the Land of Waves, and also ensures that there are people available after the Land of Waves enters into a high-speed development.

It can be said that the current country of Bo is completely prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

However, once a human being is full, there will always be some 'naive' thoughts.

There are even some people who are so daring that they dare to attack the idea of ​​our household club, which monopolizes the entire transportation industry.

It is nothing more than that the money is too easy to earn, and the benefits are enviable.

There are always people who will take risks, even risking their own lives, for the sake of fascinated eyes.

And these people are also plausible, trying to take a share of this big cake under the slogan of fair competition.

It's just that these people obviously forgot one thing, and that is that the "fairness" they see is actually a scene created by our family club.

In fact, the entire country of waves is still someone's word!

Therefore, our household club just used some small means to make these people bleed and hit a nail.

But there is no shortage of smart people in any age. After discovering their 'stupidity', they gave up the act of vying for food with our family club in the open, and decided to directly break the monopoly of our family club.

So they came up with a good way to use public opinion to incite some people to speed up the development of the country, the slogan of opening up, and want to build a super bridge that directly connects to the land!

As long as there is this bridge, then the detached status of our household club will immediately cease to exist.

Monopoly can also be a joke!

At that time, everyone will earn more, not only will the circulation of commodities be more convenient, but also the human resources needed in the country will be replenished at the fastest speed.

In all fairness, this idea is indeed beneficial to the country and the people, with many benefits.

But the price is the need to sacrifice my family club!

And under the instigation of people with a heart those people who don't know the truth also began to believe that my family club is a blood-sucking worm lying on all the people of the country of waves!

After all, the annual transportation fee is not a small expense, and the business is all up to my family club.


Yes, why!

The fact that the huge wealth from our clubs was used for the construction of the country and used to lend to the public to develop business has all been selectively forgotten by them.

But what they should never forget is that although tigers don't eat people, it doesn't mean they have cut off their sharp claws and teeth!

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