Chapter 577: Shift 7 on track ahead of schedule

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Konoha, inside Hokage's office.

At this time, after reading the detailed mission report, Zilai also felt a headache.

Although Sanwei was captured by Akatsuki, it was Yasuo who really made him feel uneasy!

After that time, he had already placed Yasuo's danger at the highest level, and Yasuo's terrifying performance at that time was also worthy of such an evaluation.

But how do you think, that Yasuo really didn't use his real skills!

If Yasuo had used the terrifying 'Ice Escape' ability when dealing with the three tails at that time, maybe everyone including Tsunade would have no chance to return to Konoha.

As a result, Jiraiya had to increase Yasuo's danger level again, at least 3S!

If Tsunade knew that the other party didn't use their real skills at the beginning, or let them retreat under the condition of 'severe water release', it is estimated that they would be very uncomfortable.

But now Jiraiya is not thinking about these, but what exactly is the Xiao organization going to do?

Why do you suddenly show such interest in tailed beasts?

Do you want to use the tailed beast as a weapon of war, secretly provoking disputes, or are you thinking of some other idea?

Is the six-tailed person Zhuri who defected from Kiriyin a smoke bomb released by Kiriyin, or was he really captured by Akatsuki's people?

There are so many mysteries that remain unsolved.

Jiraiya, who originally thought that he would always live a dashing life, since becoming this Hokage, really feels that even his hair is not as dense as before.

I have completely let go of my writing career, not to mention going out to collect materials, and I don't even have time to start writing.

This really made him extremely painful, and he wanted to hand over Hokage's position to Tsunade more than once.

However, Tsunade He was even less interested in the position of Hokage.

Especially after the last failure and the 'cured' hyperphobia by mistake, Tsunade, whose mentality has changed a lot, went directly to the Konoha Hospital to be the director, saying that he wanted to develop wood. Ye's medical system also used this as an excuse to 'cheat' a lot of money from his Hokage.

As it turned out, the funds in Tsunade's hands were either used to buy wine or used as gambling money.

It's useless in the right place anyway.

Even Jirai had to pinch her nose to remind her not to overdo it.

But who would have thought that Tsunade was very plausible, saying that the development of the medical industry was originally developed because of her. To continue to cultivate medical talents, she, the dean, is the most important part. , spend some money to treat yourself, so what?

Strong words!

But after careful inspection, there is nothing wrong with it.

It can be said that Tsunade's contribution must account for more than half of the development of Konoha's medical system.

Without Tsunade's persistence, it's hard to say whether the concept of medical ninja would exist now!

Therefore, Tsunade is not only the pioneer of the Konoha medical system, but also the pioneer at the forefront!

The audience watched the entire Konoha, and one of them counted as one, who dared to say that the medical ninjutsu was stronger than Tsunade?

Not to mention that after Tsunade came back this time, his understanding of medical ninjutsu has also become more profound. Even if he just casually instructs others, they will benefit a lot and greatly accelerate the development of Konoha medical care.

This can be said to be something that no amount of money can buy, because there is only one Tsunade, and it is irreplaceable!

Now that I understand this, I don't feel so dazzling when I look at Tsunade's practice of eating and drinking at public expense, or even gambling with public expense.

No matter which world, everyone will always be extra tolerant to those who have real abilities.

As long as it doesn't touch the bottom line, it can be tolerated.

Then Tsunade inexplicably accepted a closed disciple...

It was none other than Haruno Sakura, who also practiced with Tsunade in the original novel.

This matter has to start from the failure of the seventh shift mission at that time, after returning to Konoha.

Because everyone was hit so hard, Kakashi simply gave everyone a long vacation and stopped accepting tasks for the time being.

And Kakashi himself went to Jirai and reported the specific situation. After all, it was about 'that person', so he had to be cautious!

Then Kakashi took people to the country of waves again, and met Itachi, and saw the letter.

When they brought back Itachi and the letter, Jirai didn't know why he chose to tell Naruto about it.

Naruto and Sasuke were stupid at the time!

Naruto never thought that the mysterious man would be the big brother Qingyu he had always wanted to find!

And Sasuke was even more annoyed, his bald head was actually thanks to that bastard!

No wonder he always felt a faint sense of familiarity. Looking back now, that guy definitely wanted to see him embarrassing!

This made his teeth itch with hatred.

Even Sakura was very surprised. She just went out to do an investigation mission. How could she meet the fifth-generation Hokage who defected?

But after learning the truth of the matter they finally felt some comfort in their hearts.

Just like the professional players from other countries in the previous life lost to an ordinary person playing table tennis in the community, and they were completely abused and could not even get a single point, which would definitely be unacceptable to everyone.

But if this ordinary person was later proved to be Chinese, he would definitely not feel so uncomfortable.

If it is a combination of Chinese people + world champions, then not only will I feel very good, maybe I will be proud of myself, and I will be proud to ask for an autograph and a group photo.

Sometimes failure is not terrible, it still depends on who loses!

Losing to Zayu is called Cai, and losing to the big guy is called normal.

Since the mysterious person behind our club is 'that one', the impact of mission failure is not so unacceptable.

At least Sakura's mentality has become extremely peaceful.

After that, Jiraiya and Naruto had a good in-depth talk, no one knew what they talked about, only that Naruto would follow Jiraiya and start a new practice.

And Itachi also conveyed the words of Aoba in the letter to Sasuke, causing Sasuke, who finally grew stubble, to be furious with all kinds of incompetence.

Finally, with the help of Itachi, Kakashi agreed to help Sasuke with special training for a period of time, and was willing to teach Sasuke his housekeeping skills.

So the seventh class suddenly left Sakura who was no one cared about.

Because Naruto and Sasuke both have a clear goal to pursue and work hard for it, they don't care if Sakura will feel unbalanced.

And Sakura, who felt that her strength was too weak and had been holding her back, was naturally extremely frustrated.

But maybe even God couldn't stand it anymore, so Sakura, who was very distressed, met Tsunade who was drinking outside, and finally Sakura successfully joined Tsunade and started the next stage of life.

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