CH 17

Acting coquettish?! Heaven and earth have a consciousness and all honesty, he didn’t!

Su Huanyi didn’t understand how he was being coquettish, and what did that have to do with glutinous rice snacks?

“Who’s being coquettish?” Su Huanyi wanted to stab him with a finger again.

Su Chi glanced at his poking finger and said, “Are you still denying it?”

“…” Su Huanyi hesitated and retracted his hand. This is fucking coquettish?

Su Chi looked down at him as if considering whether he really didn’t understand or was just pretending.

Su Huanyi immediately stood up straight and put his hands behind his back. He met Su Chi’s examination with clear eyes to prove his innocence.

He secretly wondered whether the white shirt he was wearing had triggered Su Chi’s dusty memory.

At that time, Su Chi had asked him if he liked men. So, did he think he was deliberately acting coquettish?

“You better not be.”

Su Chi took his gaze back and his expression returned to normal. Su Huanyi sighed in relief and followed his steps, “Of course not!”

“That’s good.” Su Chi admonished him, “Don’t act like that in front of others in the future. It’s easy for people to misunderstand. Do you understand? ”

Su Huanyi nodded his head as if pounding garlic, “I understand.”

In fact, he didn’t understand. If he shouldn’t do it in front of others, what about in private?

The two walked out of the distance side by side. Su Chi suddenly said, “We are not real brothers. You’re clear about that, right?”

“Yes.” Su Huanyi didn’t understand why he suddenly said this.

“So it’s not good to make someone misrepresent, especially you.”

Su Huanyi then realised what Su Chi was explaining to him.

Su Huanyi was shocked, and he was a little touched – that is to say, Su Chi was starting to care about his feelings. It seemed that his previous efforts had finally paid off.

Su Huanyi immediately raised a hand as a promise, “I’ll listen to big brother. I won’t do that again in the future.”

Su Chi’s face softened. After those few words, the two walked back to the hall. “I will also find time to talk to third brother.”

Su Huanyi was genuinely pleased and relieved now, “That’s great……”Third brother’s attention is overwhelming.

When they got back to the room, Su Chi went to the bathroom to take a shower. Su Huanyi took off the shirt and hugged it, not knowing where to put it.

He felt that it was not good to just give it back to Su Chi, and he did not dare throw it into the washing machine. Many of the president’s clothes in the novel could only be hand washed.

Su Huanyi first put it on the sofa.

The temperature would turn cooler at the night, so he went back to the bedroom to put on a thin jacket. Not long after he was walking back to the living area, there was a knock on the door of the room.

The door opened and Su Yu pushed his way in from outside.

Su Yu’s hair was still dripping and hanging down wetly. A few drops fell on Su Huanyi’s face. “What’s Third Brother doing here?”

“I’ve just finished showering. I came looking for you. ” Su Yu’s narrow eyes were half-covered by his bangs, and he said playfully, “Why don’t you help Third Brother blow-dry his hair?”

Su Huanyi pursed his lips and exhaled a breath from afar.

Su Yu’s eyes narrowed, “You can use the blow dryer, or use a towel to wipe. Third brother is not picky. ”

Su Huanyi thought about Su Chi’s warning, ” Big brother won’t like it. I can help third brother find a hairdryer. ”

Su Yu suddenly raised his arm and leaned in closer.

They were standing in the lobby, a cramped space with only a small decorative lamp overhead. Su Huanyi’s heel touched the edge of a locker. Su Yu put one arm on the locker, trapping him from going to the side of the living area.

“Why do I get the impression that you and big brother are very close?” Su Yu stared into his eyes.

Su Huanyi saw a droplet of water slide down Su Yu’s brow and the bridge of his nose. The words were full of teasing as always, but there was also a probing meaning to them after careful consideration.

Su Huanyi slightly tilted his head up, “The first thing I see every day is Big Brother.”

Su Yu was inexplicably flooded with a sense of familiarity to what he was getting at.

Su Huanyi, “Baby chick plot.”

Su Yu, “……” Sure enough.

The two were standing close to each other when the bathroom door suddenly clicked open.

The door opened and Su Chi came out with a bath towel over his shoulder. Su Yu turned to look in the direction of the bathroom. At the same time, Su Chi looked over. After scanning their postures, he walked over with a heavy face.

Su Huanyi was so scared he started to babble, “Well, the weather is good today. I think it’s suitable for a walk..…”

“Third brother.”

A deep, cold tone interrupted his nonsense. Su Huanyi then realised that Su Chi had also not dried his hair. The narrow lobby was filled with three men, and the air became stagnant.

Su Yu slowly leaned back.

“Come with me.” Su Chi dropped the sentence, then turned and walked to his bedroom.

Su Yu gave a soft tsk and turned to follow him.

As the two men left, one after the other, the air in the lobby resumed flowing once again, and Su Huanyi finally relaxed. He retreated to the sofa and collapsed into a ball of cat cake.

Scared…I was scared to death! I thought I was going to die again.

Inside the bedroom, the two men stood face-to-face.

Water droplets from Su Chi’s hair fell on the towel, haloing a cloud of water stains. Some stained his shoulders and made his clothes wet.

“Third, you love to play. I never say you shouldn’t. But you have to also distinguish whom you’re playing with. ”

“What’s wrong with me?” Su Yu put his hands in his pockets and looked out the window at the sea. The seawater was cascading and pushing in from the junction of sea and sky. “It’s just jokes between brothers; why are you being so serious, big brother?”

Su Chi sneered, “Then do you want to give big brother your shirt to wear as well?”

Su Yu: “……”

Su Yu was rendered speechless. He looked out the window in silence. The sound of two breaths was amplified in the quiet bedroom. No one spoke.

The sound of the waves outside the window penetrated faintly through the layer of glass. They have been close brothers since childhood. Even in their silence, they knew what the other was thinking at this moment.

After a long time, Su Chi spoke up, “Third, people change.”

Su Yu looked up and met a pair of eyes as dark as ink. His elder brother was like a father. At that moment, he felt the same majesty as Su Jitong in his brother.

Su Chi said, “It’s time for you to grow up too.”


Su Huanyi was lying on the fleece carpet in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, playing a game on his phone when the two brothers came out of the bedroom.

Su Chi’s face was as usual, but Su Yu hung his head and said nothing. He looked like a large animal that had been disciplined.

Su Chi said, “Third brother, dry your hair.”

Su Huanyi immediately stood up and got a hairdryer and a towel from the bathroom, “Third brother, this is for you to blow dry your hair.” Don’t hold a grudge against me.

Su Yu snorted and swallowed back the “you help me” before taking the hairdryer.

The sound of the blow dryer buzzed through the living room. Su Huanyi saw Su Chi bending down to pick up the shirt on the sofa. He shouted, “Big brother, are you going to wear it? Why don’t I take it and wash it before returning it to you? ”

Su Chi looked up and mouthed, “What?”

“I ……” buzz…

Su Huanyi gave up and took two or three steps closer, almost sticking to Su Chi’s ear, “Big brother, I ……”

Click. The switch was pressed and the sound of blowing stopped.

Su Yu, who was sitting on the sofa, revealed one eye from under his half-dried chestnut bangs. His posture was as cold and arrogant as Su Chi’s when he came out of the bathroom. “What are you doing so close?”

Su Chi: “…”

Su Huanyi: “…”

Su Yu watched Su Chi take a step back, and in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel happy: Heh! I have gotten one back.

The atmosphere between the three of them had taken a subtle turn, and Su Jianchen noticed it during dinner. He kept glancing at Su Huanyi now and then.

Su Huanyi gave Su Chi and Su Yu a piece of grilled fish each and took the opportunity to sip the juice from the tips of his chopsticks to satisfy his craving, before turning his head to find Su Jianchen staring at him again.

Su Huanyi gave Su Jianchen a piece of fish as well, saying, “Second brother, eat too.”

Su Jianchen stared at the place on the fish fillet where the chopsticks had touched it, and his eyebrows tightened. “It’s stained with your saliva.”

Su Huanyi tried to comfort him, “Big brother and third brother have both eaten it.” You are not alone.

Su Chi and Su Yu, who were happily eating: “……”

Su Chi slowly put down his chopsticks, and his icy gaze swept over Su Jianchen and Su Huanyi.

Su Huanyi hurriedly shifted the blame, “You were eating happily before second brother pointed it out.” So I can’t be blamed.

Su Chi: “Are you saying that I shouldn’t blame the maker of the tainted food but the discloser?”

Su Huanyi was flexible, “But you took the initiative to accept it with the knowledge.”

Su Jitong interrupted the debate between the two, “What’s all this nonsense? Haven’t you all eaten bird’s nest quite happily? Is your brother not as good as a bird? ”

The rest, “.…”

Su Jianchen ended up eating the piece of fish. He didn’t dislike it either, he just felt a little awkward. The table was a long rectangle with three people in a row. Su Chi, Su Huanyi, and Su Yu sat in one row. Su Jianchen was sitting with the parents across from them.

He felt he was unable to blend into the atmosphere across the table.

I only went to take a shower. I don’t know what has changed.

Su Huanyi watched him eat the fish fillet in one bite and then used his chopsticks to give him a shelled shrimp. “Second brother can peel the shells off so there’s no saliva from me.”

Su Chi saw through his intentions and said, “Don’t try to secretly lick the soup off your chopsticks.”

Yu Xinyan was immediately alerted, “Little Yi, you shouldn’t eat shrimp!”

Su Huanyi gave Su Chi a sly look, washed his chopsticks in the tea, and made a “tsk” sound, “Happy?”

The chopsticks were ivory-white, and the jade-white light overhead reflected his white face and red lips. The tender pink tongue curled around the tip of the chopsticks and left crystal water stains on them.

Su Chi got a glimpse and reminded, “Your “bird’s nest” is going to run out.”

Su Huanyi, “…”

After the meal, the group went out for a walk.

The temperature had dropped and the sea breeze was not too strong, so Su Jitong agreed to go for a walk on the beach after seeing that Su Huanyi had on a jacket.

The beach looked gentle under the dusky sky.

The sound of the waves had also slowed down. The setting sun sank to the sea level, and the afterglow of rose red and gold stained a large part of the sky and poured into the sea.

Yu Xinyan walked ahead with Su Jitong on her arm and said in a soft voice to her sons, “Whenever we fought, your father would ask me to go to the beach in the south of the city at that time. At first, I wondered if he was trying to push me into the water……”

Su Jitong said, “What nonsense were you thinking?”

Yu Xinyan smiled, the side of her face reflecting the red glow of the setting sun, “Later, I learned that he was asking me to go to see the sunset at the beach. The sky was so tranquil back then, and once I saw such a beautiful sunset, I wasn’t angry with him at all. ”

Su Yu beside her tutted, “Mom, you lost your anger because the scenery was beautiful, not because you loved Dad?”

Su Jitong then said, “Huh?” He turned to glare at him, “Nonsense.”

Yu Xinyan covered her mouth and laughed. Even Su Jitong couldn’t hold back his smile. The usual cold face showed a smile, and it unexpectedly gave a gentle feeling.

Su Huanyi felt that what Yu Xinyan said was right. In such a warm evening of sea breeze, no one’s heart would fail to soften…

Su Jitong and Yu Xinyan found a place to sit and watch the sea in front of them. Su Huanyi also squatted down in the same place and poked his hand into the soft white sand underneath to draw a heart.

Su Chi, behind him, lowered his head and saw a black head of hair with some strands of hair standing up. His fair neck extended into the collar and the red mole stood out.

This scene was familiar; it had happened on another evening in the car.

Su Huanyi was trimming the edges of a love heart when a man suddenly crouched down beside him. He was so familiar that he didn’t need to turn around to know it was Su Chi, “Big brother.”


The word “Su Chi” was added to the end of the heart.

Su Chi held his breath for half a second. His throat rolled and he was about to reprimand Su Huanyi when he heard the latter whispering, “Love Gioro Su Chi.”

Su Huanyi finished and made himself fall into a fit of giggles.

Su Chi: “…”

The laughter soon caught Su Yu’s attention, and he came over to take a look. His elder brother told him to watch his manners, but he was having a good time himself.

If that was the case, why shouldn’t he push his luck but stay on the borderline of getting beaten up?

Su Yu’s rebellious streak was up again. He squatted down and hooked his shoulders, “Brother, add Third Brother to the list.”

Su Huanyi didn’t mind another member to the “Love Gioro” family. He immediately reached out and added “Su Yu” to the list, then started another round of cackling.

The corners of Su Chi’s mouth twitched, and he added “Su Huanyi” as well.

Su Jianchen stood at the other end, watching the three of them get together. He felt inexplicably uncomfortable as if he didn’t fit in with them.

After a while, Su Huanyi got tired of laughing and got up to go to the shallow beach near the sea to wash the sand off his hands. Just as he reached where the sand was wet, someone suddenly came beside him.

Su Jianchen’s face reflected the afterglow. His outline was straight and heroic, his eyes serious, but he showed some embarrassment at this moment, “Su Huanyi, I don’t hate you, but I don’t forgive you.”

Su Huanyi’s mouth went up, “So?”

Su Jianchen turned and looked at the sandy area he had just left, speaking with difficulty, “Add… add second brother too.”