CH 23

The trio fell back into the lift like missiles. Ding! The lift doors slowly closed and went up the floors.

The two people next to him were abducted and didn’t know how to react. “What are you doing?”

“I saw a real big boss that Zhou Qingcheng was talking about.”

Zhou Qingcheng, “Wow, let me go check him out.”

Su Huanyi was stunned and said, “No need to go see, it’s my big brother.”

“…..” The two froze for a few seconds, “What!?”

Inside the room.

The three sat opposite each other in a triangle around a small round table. Su Huanyi had a gloomy face, “The first round table meeting is officially opened!”

Zhou Qingcheng choked, “I think it’s more practical to open a teleportation array and send your big brother straight back.”

Su Huanyi: You don’t understand, he’s a talisman. “My big brother has both physical and magical resistance and is immune to all poisons. ”

As Sun Heyu and Zhou Qingcheng marvelled, “As expected of Su Chi!”

Sun Heyu reassured him, “Actually, you don’t need to be so nervous. Just say you’re here for a visit if you encounter him. ”

Su Huanyi smiled sadly, “When Big Brother told me he was going to Banyan City, my attitude was as calm as a bystander. If he found out in the blink of an eye that I was a participant, guess what he would think about me?”

Sun Heyu understood, “You’re good at digging holes for yourself.”

Su Huanyi wept.

It took half an hour for the three to sneak out of the room, acting suspiciously like a gang of pickpockets.

Su Huanyi was even cautious to the point of dragging the two men down the fire escape.

In the dimly lit corridor, the three fumbled along the wall. The green light of the safety indicator reflected in Sun Heyu’s eyes, and he spoke quietly, “Zhou Qingcheng, why did you book the rooms on the eighteenth floor.”

Zhou Qingcheng slid down against the wall and sidled down, “If you want to change it, change it.”

“But I feel like I’m descending to hell.”


The three slipped out of the hotel without meeting Su Chi and ran to the characteristic ancient street for a big breath of fresh air. Su Huanyi felt guilty, so he bought the two a bowl of taro dumpling milk soup, which they ate as they walked.

After eating the taro dumplings, the three were refreshed.

Sun Heyu threw the bowl away and wiped his hands. His big boss style had already gone, “Let’s take a taxi to meet the agent.”

The appointment was to be held at a teahouse. There were teahouses scattered all over the streets of Banyan City and the locals usually met there with friends and relatives to discuss business.

The largest kun wine agent in Banyan City was named Wu. He was slightly built and around forty years old. The group of people sat in a separate tea room and asked for a pot of cinnamon tea, pouring a small cup of each.

Zhou Qingcheng didn’t know anything about this and leaned back in his chair from the moment he was seated to maintain his style, while Sun Heyu and Su Huanyi agreed to talk in detail.

Agent Wu: “The first batch of Jun sold for around 680. At present, its popularity has not risen, so it’s not as well known as the other brands.”

Zhou Qingcheng played with his mobile phone, Sun Heyu propped up his chin, and Su Huanyi drank tea.

Agent Wu was upset, “We’ve advertised and given prime space, but it’s still not selling well! I suggest we lower the price a little bit first and then raise it back up after the market has opened up. ”

Sun Heyu turned his questioning gaze to Su Huanyi, “What do you think?”

Su Huanyi put down his cup of tea and said, “There’s no need to lower your price.” He asked Agent Wu, “What is the average daily sales volume at each outlet now?”

“Less than ten bottles.”

Su Huanyi nodded to show that he understood. “Then limit the purchase to twenty bottles per day, and no more will be sold.”

Agent Wu seemed to have missed the point, “… what?”

They came out of the teahouse and Su Huanyi watched Agent Wu leave. Zhou Qingcheng said after the person walked away, “He looked at you like you were a rich idiot.”

Su Huanyi nodded in agreement, “But he will still do what I said.”

Zhou Qingcheng sighed, “Although I don’t understand your operation either, I’m playing the game anyway, so I won’t interfere as an amateur.”

Sun Heyu understood a little more than Zhou Qingcheng,

“Don’t worry, you can’t lose money.”

Zhou Qingcheng asked him why, but Sun Heyu half understood, so he looked enigmatic.

Su Huanyi also did not explain. He wanted to use false prosperity and hunger marketing briefly. But to solve the problem, they still need…

He lovingly glanced at Zhou Qingcheng.

Zhou Qingcheng was frightened by his look as if he was about to be plucked.

In the afternoon, the three visited several of the largest sales outlets of Kun wine in Banyan City, and the situation was indeed as Agent Wu had said. Word of mouth had not opened up, but it was carried by the fame of Ling wine, so it was not to the point of stagnation.

Su Huanyi understood, and he was not very worried about this. He even had the heart to explore Su Chi’s movements while making visits.

[Su Huanyi]: “Big brother, where are you? Let me see?”

[Su Chi]: “What do you want?”

[Su Huanyi]: “I’m concerned about big brother’s well being.”

[Su Chi]: “Don’t worry. I’ve been through worse. ”

“…” Su Huanyi had a feeling that he was being connoted again.

But Su Chi still sent him a photo – it looked like the wilderness, like a pending development area.

Su Huanyi was relieved that they were still eight poles away from each other.

At four or five in the afternoon, they finally finished visiting several sales outlets. Their business in Banyan City had come to an end, and the rest of the day was free time.

Dinner was eaten in the commercial centre of the characteristic ancient street.

Su Chi took a photo and posted it in the family group to prove that he was not idle.

Sun Heyu reminded him, “You’d better not post the specialities, otherwise it will be easy to guess that you are in Banyan City.”

Su Huanyi went on alert, “If they ask, I’ll say it’s a high imitation.”

Sun Heyu, “……”

Zhou Qingcheng’s chopsticks knocked on his bowl again, “Won’t your big brother recognize that hot pot restaurant yesterday?”

“He shouldn’t have, otherwise he would have asked me yesterday.” Su Huanyi put down his chopsticks and folded his hands, “I hope big brother is a man of little knowledge.”

Sun Heyu and Zhou Qingcheng thought he was scared silly.

Banyan City’s nightlife was known to be exciting. The three had finished their business and dinner, so they planned to play in the business district a little later before going back.

Zhou Qingcheng suggested they go to a bar, but Su Huanyi was terrified when he remembered his last cup of wine. He refused sternly. “It will be over if my big brother finds out.”

“He definitely won’t go to a bar. As long as we’re careful when we go back, he won’t know. ”

The alarm bells went off in Su Huanyi’s mind, “Don’t give such bad luck! And I’m afraid he’ll find out in another way. ”

“What way?”

“Social news.”

“….” Zhou Qingcheng couldn’t help but try to guess what had happened when he went home that day.

Sun Heyu checked his phone, “There’s an open-air concert in the next block tonight. Do you want to go and listen? ”

This was a safer option, so Su Huanyi immediately raised his hand in favour! Zhou Qingcheng stared at his taut fingertips and sighed in admiration, “You must be very good at aerobics.”

Su Huanyi, “Thank you, thank you.”

Su Chi’s business trip to Banyan City was to inspect the project in the western suburbs.

In the evening, after dinner, he went back to the hotel. It was already close to eight o’clock. Under the dark sky, the traffic slowly moved forward, and the bright red tail lights lit up the bustling commercial street.

Secretary Xiao Qin was driving, “Mr.Su, if you don’t want to waste your precious time in the car, I suggest you get off and walk back across the square.”

“No, it’s too noisy.” Su Chi took a glance out of the window and saw a huge crowd of people. It was boisterous, and on an improvised stage was a small unknown singer who was singing and dancing.

In the darkness of the sky, limelights swept through the crowd, alternating light and dark. A few strands of standing dark hair were reflected in the light as they swayed in the wind…….


Su Chi sat up straight. Strands of standing hair reflected in the light, swaying in the wind?

Su Chi’s eyes narrowed, and he suddenly said, “Stop, I’ll get off.”

The sound effects from the stage resounded throughout the square, and white light swept over the heads of the rowdy crowd.

Su Huanyi swam through the crowd like a 3-D pinball. His phone vibrated, and he took it out and typed.

Sun Heyu went over to him and said, “What are you doing?”

Su Huanyi didn’t even look up; “Big brother was asking me if I was taking care of myself.”

“Then what did you say?”

“I said we were in a place with beautiful mountains and clear water to recuperate properly.”

Sun Heyu looked up and looked around. The square was crowded and noisy in the dim light. “Where is your mountain and water?”

Su Huangyi drew a circle with his small finger and said, “A mountain of people, a sea of people.”

Sun Heyu admired, “The genius of misdirection.”

Su Huanyi pursed his lips modestly.

Popular songs were sung and danced to on the stage. The audience was mostly young people, all waving and calling.

Su Huanyi happily danced among them for a while, unilaterally treating the concert like a large square dance. The chill of autumn was gradually dispelled, and he warmed up, his forehead slightly sweating.

Sun Heyu couldn’t stay any longer. He felt like he was losing his strength. “Shall we go somewhere else?”

Su Huanyi said, “Yes,” and took out his phone. “Let me take a picture and then we’ll go.”

Click, click, click. He was holding his phone up happily when his WeChat popped up again. It was still Su Chi.

It was the first time his elder brother had contacted him so actively. Does he miss him?

[Su Chi]: “What are you doing now?”

[Su Huanyi]: “Exercising.”

[Su Chi]: “How did you exercise?”

Su Huanyi raised his hands, jumped up and took another picture. When he landed, he was jostled by the crowd from left to right.

[Su Huanyi]: “Stretching, jumping, and moving left and right.”

[Su Chi]: “Oh, it sounds quite fulfilling.”

Su Huanyi felt that his big brother sounded strange, but he couldn’t tell what was strange.

Sun Heyu was already urging him, “Okay, let’s go. This young master’s brain is going to be shaken apart. ”

The image almost took shape in Su Huanyi’s head, and he hurriedly put away his phone. While turning his head, the corner of his eyes suddenly swept up a figure.

He raised his eyes to look.

In the crowd a few metres away, a tall, straight man stood out like a crane. The dark light could not even blur his handsome face.

The limelight flashed by, lingering on his face for less than a second, but it was enough to reflect those glowing eyes.

Su Huanyi almost lost his breath. Damn! It was big brother!

How could big brother come to such an occasion?

Su Huanyi turned to run away as soon as he saw Su Chi. Behind him came the voices of Zhou Qingcheng and Sun Heyu, “Su Huanyi! Where are you going?”

At the same time, Su Chi, who was a few metres away, came towards them through the crowd of people. Su Huanyi could care less about Sun Heyu and Zhou Qingcheng at that moment. He pushed his way through the crowd towards the back of the stage.

The song on the stage reached its climax at that moment, the singer hit a high note, and the audience jumped up and screamed along.

Dang! Not knowing who had squeezed him, Su Huanyi felt a strong force at the back of his shoulder, and he tripped on his feet. He was leaning over and was about to flop down –

“Su Huanyi!” The noise of people was interspersed with the startled shouts of Sun Heyu and Zhou Qingcheng.

A strong arm suddenly caught him by his waist. Su Huanyi’s back was pressed against a warm chest, and a heavy, low pant brushed his ear with anger and fear; “Su Huanyi, why are you hiding?”