CH 86

At the sound of Su Chi’s words, the hall fell silent.

The crowd had barely recovered from the shock of witnessing the two kissing when they were immediately thrown into the turmoil of a reversal of fortune-what had happened?

How could the situation be turned upside down in an instant?

The tips of Wei Lao Er’s fingers were shaking as he clutched the phone. He didn’t know whether he was angry or scared.

Several others turned pale as they quickly pulled out their phones to try and confirm, but the news they received sent them to the bottom of the barrel: their capital was tied up and the huge companies had turned into empty shells in an instant.

One of them shook so violently that a few drops of sparkling champagne spilled from the glass in his hand.

The guests at the banquet slowly recovered after the initial shock, and then started whispering, “Su Chi is so bold, kissing people in public!”

“You’re still concerned about that! Shouldn’t the focus be on the fact that he’s eaten up all the others?”

“Who just said that Su Chi is too young and doesn’t see things deeply enough?”

“This kind of mentality and tactics, leave alone the younger generation, no one in the previous generation can compare either.”

CRACK! A crisp noise interrupted the surrounding discussion.

Wei Lao Er had picked up a wine glass from the waiter’s tray and smashed it. The transparent glass fell on the smooth ground.

“Su Chi–” His chest rose and fell as if he wanted to say something, but the constant ringing of the phone dissuaded him from doing so.

He gave Su Chi a hateful glare, then turned hastily and walked out of the hall.

On the second-floor balcony with a wide view, Su Huanyi’s eyes fell on the broken wine glass. “Big brother, he smashed our glass.”

Su Chi casually squeezed the back of his hand, “It’s okay, there’s a statement at the entrance that you have to pay ten times the original price for intentional damage.”

Su Chi felt that he must be a little deaf and blind and asked, “Why didn’t I see that?”

Su Chi added: “It’s typed in eight-point font.”

Su Huanyi lamented his treacherous nature, “Just carve a micro engraving next time.”

Wei Lao Er withdrew, and the other rivals could not sit still. They all rushed back to see if there were any remedial measures.

With the departure of these people, the atmosphere eased up.

The guests began to move around again with their glasses in hand, whispering to each other and casting glances at the two men on the second-floor balcony.

Su Chi asked Su Huanyi, “Should we go back to the lounge?”

The eyes from downstairs were so hot that Su Huanyi felt that it was a temperature a salted fish couldn’t bear, so he nodded, “Let’s go back.”

It was just as well that he had something else to ask Su Chi.

The two turned around and headed down the corridor. Su Huanyi’s glance moved around, and he suddenly caught sight of a blank area.

He stopped in his tracks and stared intently.

He finally made out Su Jianchen standing on the steps, five or six metres away from them. His entire body had faded to grey, like an uncoloured sketch against the gorgeous backdrop of the banquet.

Su Huanyi: “….”

He pulled Su Chi and whispered, “Big brother, second brother is almost gone.”

Su Chi also noticed the condition of his second brother. He frowned and opened his mouth to call out, “Second..”

The familiar voice woke up Su Jianchen’s brain, and he slowly turned toward the two men. After a few seconds’ pause, he mumbled, “You guys, aren’t you pure?”

The two: “….”

No, they were already filthy adults.

As the scene fell into silence, Su Yu came through the crowd and put one hand on Su Jianchen’s shoulder, thoughtfully colouring him in.

“Second brother, the world of adults is very complicated.” Su Yu slapped him, “You have to learn to accept.”

Su Jianchen recovered from the slap and suddenly looked at Su Yu, “You already knew they were impure!?”

Su Yu remained silent for two seconds before saying, “I didn’t know.”

Su Jianchen breathed a sigh of relief, “Then it’s okay.”

The other three: “….”

Su Jianchen, who had discovered that his brothers’ feelings had degenerated, was taken away for a drink, while Su Huanyi followed Su Chi back.

The light in the corridor dimmed and all the inquiring eyes were left behind.

Su Huanyi recalled the scene just now, “Second brother is like a fat cow.” Cooked to perfection in one shot.

Su Chi agreed, “The best quality among fat cows.” Not only was it cooked well, but it is also *al dente.

Su Huanyi understood his subtext, “Maybe it’s because he has been exercising a lot. You can see that a free-range chicken is more al dente than a chicken on feed. ”

Because of the remaining brotherly love, the two temporarily stopped discussing how al dente their second brother was.

Within a few steps, they had reached the door of the lounge, but Su Chi opened the door to an empty room.

After entering, the lock clicked shut, shutting out any sound from outside.

Su Chi looked down and straightened his cuffs, his well-defined fingers lining his dark suit. No one would think that this hand had upset the business world ten minutes ago.

With the Su Group as bait, he had created the illusion of the company splitting in response to the opposing pressure…

This was something one couldn’t do without complete certainty and an extraordinary mind.

Su Huanyi finally found the right opportunity to ask, “Big brother, is the core of this reversal the problem of mismatched deadlines?”

Su Chi stopped what he was doing and looked at him, his gaze sliding over the long eyelashes to the straight nose. “Tell me.”

The soft hair on the top of his head waved as Su Huanyi connected his brain waves, “First, you used your rivals’ cash flow to build a capital pool within the Su group. Then you used the left and right to create a maturity mismatch and convert it into your own cash flow. This way, the master switch was completely in big brother’s hands.”

Su Chi brought his eyes down, “That’s quite a professional analysis.”

“….” Su Huanyi’s signal almost broke; his heart thumped, “I…I studied the dictionary and learned. ”

Su Chi then smiled a little and said, “Continue….”

“Mmm… people on the other side of the table were concerned about the direction of our company’s funds throughout the banquet, but it didn’t occur to them that the pool of funds in question had nothing to do with Su Group’s funds.”

“Not to mention the fact that it was their own company’s capital flow that was in trouble.”

Su Chi gave an “mm.”

“So no matter what the other side’s plan was, as long as we cut off the cash flow that their company relies on from behind them, their plan would not move forward,” Su Huanyi continued.

“And it was they who built this pool of capital, which is what Big Brother calls “leveraging power.”

In the whole process, Su Chi didn’t have to do anything. He only had to draw a pie to cut off the other side’s finances while enjoying the pure profits from the other side’s cash flow.

This is what is known as “Ming Xiu plank road, darkness Chencang”.

First, you play a game of *”dark under the light”, then **”empty gloves, white wolf”.

After saying this, Su Huanyi thought back to his brother’s plan and then looked up with emotion, “Is that so, brother?”

“Well said.” A broad palm caressed the top of his head, the strands of hair were pinched and turned in a different direction, and Su Chi concluded in a flat tone, “The other side took the lead in building a lever, and we each stood at opposite ends. According to their plan, today was the best time to pry the lever, but the same applied to us. ”

The principle of leverage is that when the fulcrum is infinitely closer to the other side, all one needs to do is apply a little force to pry the earth apart and turn the world upside down.

They had not been in the lounge for long when there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Qingcheng and Sun Heyu came in from the outside, “Su Huanyi…”

They then saw Su Chi in front of them. Both drew in a cold breath at the same time and gave a slight pause. The shock he had just caused was still lingering in their minds.

Su Huanyi was oblivious to the stagnation of his two friends. He rolled up from being a salted fish on the sofa, squeezing Su Chi, who was next to him, “You’re here!”

Zhou Qingcheng and Sun Heyu: “….”

It turns out that their buddy is the strongest king.

Sun Heyu: “You didn’t come down, so we had to come up here to look for you.” His gaze drifted towards Su Chi. “We didn’t disturb you guys, did we?”

Su Huanyi giggled, “Your polite and formal attitude is really strange to me!”

Sun Heyu gave him a meaningful look: this politeness and restraint are not directed at you.

Probably because he could see how polite they were, Su Chi got up and said, “I’ll go look for my parents.”

Su Huanyi waved at him, “See you later, big brother.”

Su Chi reached out and rubbed his earlobe, “Got it.”

Sun Heyu and Zhou Qingcheng, who had witnessed the whole process, felt disillusioned.

In particular, Zhou Qingcheng. The unattainable, snow-covered pine tree in his mind had collapsed.

The door to the room was gently closed behind them.

Su Chi walked through the corridor to the second-floor balcony. There was a momentary silence in the hall below when he appeared.

Su Jitong was in the hall, and he looked up from the crowd to see his eldest son: the tall figure stood against the lights, like an insurmountable mountain.

Even Su Jitong, who had reached the top of his game, had to sigh that the younger generation was really formidable—fortunately, this younger generation was one of his own.

Su Chi met his eyes, and there was a tacit understanding between father and son.

Yu Xinyan stood beside Su Jitong and waved as Su Chi came down the stairs, “Dad, Mom.”

Su Jitong, “Is it settled?”

Su Chi, “Yes.”

Su Jitong looked at him for a few moments and sighed, “You have a lot of guts.”

Su Chi did not reply. At the next moment, he was patted on the shoulder, and Su Jitong’s solemn expression hid a small pride, “Like me.”

He took Yu Xinyan and they turned to the banquet hall. Yu Xinyan next to him gave him a thoughtful look.

In the lounge.

Su Huanyi sat on the sofa with Zhou Qingcheng and Sun Heyu. After a few months, they met again to form a round table.

The three were silent for a while before Zhou Qingcheng finally spoke first, “Do you know how long it has been since your big brother blew up the business world?”

Su Huanyi estimated, “Twenty minutes?”

Zhou Qingcheng gave him a deep look and said, “Have you read your friends’ circle?”

Su Huanyi replied honestly, “I haven’t had time yet.” He was busy analyzing his brother’s track record.

The two people on the other side of the table instantly understood, and they sighed: he was busy with his big brother.

“Well, I’ll read it to you.” Zhou Qingcheng said, as he pulled out his mobile phone and swiped the screen, “Listen.”

Su Huanyi cocked his head and listened.

Zhou Qingcheng, “The eldest son of the Su family was so angry that he swallowed half of the business world at a Hongmen banquet !”

Zhou Qingcheng, “A month of dormancy, a night to make a comeback; defying fate and ascending to the altar of God!”

Zhou Qingcheng added, “*Turning his hand into clouds and covering his hand into rain, a new star is rising in the sky!”

Sun Heyu wrapped a magazine scroll and turned to Su Huanyi, who was dumbfounded. He asked him from the side, “What do you think?”

Su Huanyi came back to his senses and savoured it, “It all rhymes well.”

The two: “….”

Zhou Qingcheng dropped his mobile phone, feeling speechless, and said, “Your feelings could be a little more superficial. You don’t know, but in 20 minutes…the story of your brother kissing you in public at the banquet and taking over six companies has spread throughout high society!”

Sun Heyu added, “There are all sorts of versions, both graphic and colourful. Unfortunately, it wasn’t recorded and widely circulated. ”

Su Huanyi thought for a moment, “It’s okay, my elder brother recorded it all.”

The two: “….”

Su Chi is so subjective and dynamic! Sure enough, you can’t mess with him.

The three sighed together at Su Chi’s foresight. Sun Heyu then mentioned the gossip he had just read in his circle of friends.

“Su Chi’s move was so unbelievable that it instantly diluted the shock of your official announcement. I saw someone say, “So what if you’re his adopted brother, even if you’re his biological one….”

Before Su Huanyi could stop his nonsense, he heard a voice next to him that was quicker than his own–

Zhou Qingcheng was so frightened that his hair exploded, and the familiar vertical bars appeared in his eyes again. “What nonsense are you talking about?

Su Huanyi and Sun Heyu: “….”

The banquet went on until 7 or 8 p.m.

People left looking at the Su family with very different eyes from those when they arrived.

Su Chi and Su Huanyi stood at the door to see their guests off. But before they could say anything, the guests would nod their heads and say goodbye, then respectfully send themselves away.

Someone even took a red envelope out of nowhere and stuffed it into their hands, as if they were handing in a letter of thanks, “Be united forever and have a hundred years of a good marriage.” My family has a small business. Please let me go.

Su Chi accepted it with a natural expression, “We will….”

Su Yu and Su Jianchen, who had come out to join in the fun: “….”

Su Huanyi suddenly felt that today’s banquet was really a wedding banquet to his elder brother.

It was close to nine o’clock when all the guests were sent away, so the four brothers went back into the house together.

Su Huanyi was following behind Su Chi when they reached the staircase. Su Jianchen saw this and said consciously, “You should follow us…”

Su Chi raised his eyes and cast a glance at him.

Su Jianchen reacted with a jolt and he changed his words,”… follow our big brother.”

The glance was withdrawn, and Su Chi lifted Su Huanyi to his side with integrity, “Let’s go back.”

Their figures disappeared around the corner of the corridor, and Su Jianchen remained standing in the same place to digest the huge amount of information he had received today. Su Yu patted him, “What’s on your mind, second brother?”

Su Jianchen’s eyes cleared, “They’re not pure anymore.”

Su Yu moved with a start: although his second brother was naive, he occasionally told the truth.

The two went back to Su Chi’s bedroom, and the door closed with a click.

Under the bright light, Su Chi turned his back to Su Huanyi and pulled his collar loose. The raised arms tugged at the shoulder blades of his back, shrugging and spreading beneath his suit.

For a while, no one spoke in the quiet room until the dark suit was resting on the sofa.

Su Huanyi was watching, and Su Chi turned to him.

The loosened collar revealed a thin red underneath that had been tainted by the smell of alcohol, and he looked at Su Huanyi with a deep colour at the bottom of his pupils, “Are you tired?”

Su Huanyi’s heart inexplicably beat faster under Su Chi’s gaze, as if something was about to happen. “I’m okay.”

Today was earth-shattering. It should be his big brother who was tired.

Su Chi pulled his wrist with a slight force, lowering his head to pull the man closer, and his eyes carefully traced his features.

“Then you should know what it means to follow me back.”