CH 4

4.1 - Junior Brother, Your Character is Collapsing

The air seemed to freeze as Fang Chaozhou’s voice roared out.

Not just the air, but the group of Juniors who were looking for their Senior Brothers and had found their way here, all froze. They had crowded at the entrance of the cave and were contemplating on whether to enter or not. If they went in, they would feel utterly embarrassed but if they didn’t go in, their Junior Brother was going to strip their Second Brother.

In the end, the one who was usually the most courageous yelled, “Quickly, stop the Junior Brother and save Second Brother!”

When Fang Chaozhou was rescued, he looked like he had gone through a fierce battle. His hair was dishevelled, and his collar was wide open. He even had a tooth mark on his face. This was from Xue Danrong, who was literally torn away from Fang Chaozhou while he was desperately biting Fang Chaozhou’s face.

He took out a mirror from the storage ring and looked at the teeth marks on his cheek. He wanted to touch it, but was afraid of the pain. Was his Junior Brother a dog? He bit him too hard.

“Second Brother, are you okay?” While Fang Chaozhou was grimacing in pain, a man had walked over.

Fang Chaozhou looked up to see a handsome face.

The person in front of him was his Fifth Junior Brother, Du Yunxi. He was an expert in the art of ignorance and alchemy. He was also one of the many men who admired Xue Danrong, but their CP was not as popular as him and Xue Danrong.

After all, Fang Chaozhou was enchanted in the later stage of the novel. His character setting was complete and the various twists in the plot were totally abusive. Hence, he had a lot of fans.

“It’s okay.” Fang Chaozhou looked over at Xue Danrong. The man was now lying quietly on the ground, as if nothing happened. A group of Juniors Brothers were standing around him, while guarding him carefully.

“Did you detoxify Junior Brother?” Fang Chaozhou asked.

Du Yunxi frowned, and then shook his head, “No, it’s just temporarily sealed. Right now, the priority is to return to the sect as soon as possible, but there are still seven days before the Secret Realm re-opens.”

Fang Chaozhou felt himself relax a lot as he saw that it wasn’t just him and Xue Danrong in the cave anymore. Anyway, there were plenty of people here who could help Xue Danrong get rid of the poison, and Du Yunxi, who stood in front of him, seemed fine. So, he didn’t have to worry much about Du Yunxi’s words. Hence, he said:

“We’ll just have to get through these next seven days.”

Du Yunxi hummed but didn’t leave. It wasn’t until Fang Chaozhou glanced at him questioningly, that he coughed twice and said, “Second Brother…”

Fang Chaozhou saw the other’s expression, and suddenly felt bad, “Huh?”

Du Yunxi looked around, squatted down, and asked cautiously, “Just now, you said you have a disease of inaction, is it true?”

Fang Chaozhou wanted to say that he lied to Xue Danrong, but then he suddenly realized that the person in front of him could be regarded as one of his rivals in love; and these rivals would, more or less, trip him in the later stage of the novel. And if he lied about his impotence, it would be the same as publicly saying that he was not going to fight for Xue Danrong anymore. After all, even if he wanted to fight, he didn’t have the capital to fight. There was no way that he could papapa with Xue Danrong.

He just got lucky.

As for the issue of his reputation, he was not planning to have a cultivation partner anyway.

After thinking about the pros and cons in that instant, Fang Chaozhou sighed heavily, “I’m sorry, I’ve made Fifth Brother laugh at me. But I do have some unspeakable difficulty in this regard.”

As Fang Chaozhou said this, Du Yunxi’s expression became instantly complicated, and his face held more sympathy. After all, no man would want to have this problem, let alone anyone who would honestly say so.

“Second Senior Brother, why don’t I take a look for you?”

Fang Chaozhou sighed again, “There’s no need for it. I have sought out many famous doctors privately. I suffered this injury half a year ago, when I killed a demon beast. There is no room for recovery. I won’t bother Fifth Brother with it.”

In order to act more like it, he even turned his face away the other way.

Du Yunxi hesitated to speak, but finally raised his hand and patted Fang Chaozhou’s shoulder, leaving behind a bottle of Beauty Pills.

“Second Brother, this is my newly concocted beauty pill. It can heal the wound on your face.”


Ever since Fang Chaozhou had yelled out, he felt that someone had always been watching him, but he couldn’t find out who was looking at him. At the same time, he felt that the attitude of his Brothers and Sisters towards him had subtly changed. Before, they used to look at him with a respectful gaze, but now their gazes have become more pampering.

“Second Brother, just stand behind us. Just leave this demon beast to us.”

“Second Brother, we’ll open up the way for you.”

“Second Brother, be careful and watch your step! Don’t fall down!”

Fang Chaozhou, who had suddenly received so much love and care from his fellow disciples, was overwhelmed for a long while. But after that, he calmly accepted it and even enjoyed it happily. Even now when he was now going to sit on the ground, his Junior Brothers quickly ran over to give him a cushion.

Du Yunxi has been carrying Xue Danrong all day long, as he hadn’t woken up till now. When night fell, they found an open place to rest. Du Yunxi first settled Xue Danrong, before getting up to spray a repellent to repel any beasts. Fang Chaozhou had done almost nothing the whole day. He found a corner, sat down and just as he was about to take out his book, he suddenly felt the light go dark.

He paused, and before he could look up, someone had pressed him down.

Amidst the chaos, Fang Chaozhou heard someone shouting,

“Someone come here! Junior Brother is trying to bully Second Brother again!”

“Save Second Brother!”

Fang Chaozhou, “……”

When Xue Danrong was pulled away from him, his eyes were red, and he was staring intently at Fang Chaozhou, who looked at the coat draped over his body and felt somewhat speechless.

“Second Brother, don’t be afraid. I will protect you. Junior Brother definitely won’t come over and bully you again.” The Junior Brother who gave him his coat, said this while he clenched his fist with a righteous expression on his face.

Fang Chaozhou’s lips twitched, “Thank you.”

“There’s no need to thank me. This is what I should do.” After the Junior Brother said this, he stood in front of Fang Chaozhou resolutely.

4.2 - Junior Brother, Your Character is Collapsing

Du Yunxi had used up all his strength before he was able to calm Xue Danrong down. After Xue Danrong had passed out, Du Yunxi wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at Fang Chaozhou, who was being protected by his Junior brother. He thought for a while and walked over to him.

“Second Brother, what exactly happened to you guys before we found you?”

Even if Xue Danrong still had toxins in his body, he found it strange as Xue Danrong always only pounced on Fang Chaozhou. Just now, Fang Chaozhou was the one who had been the farthest away from Xue Danrong, and yet clearly none of his fellow disciples had seen Xue Danrong move.

Fang Chaozhou also found it strange. When it was only the two of them in the cave, he could say that Xue Danrong had no choice. But now Xue Danrong still looked for him, even when there were a bunch of people with them. So, he told him everything that had happened after he saw Xue Danrong.

When Du Yunxi heard that Fang Chaozhou was also bitten by a snake, his expression changed slightly, “Yesterday I guessed that the snake which Second Brother was telling us about, is the Cloud Crimson snake. In this particular type of snake, the male and female usually stay together and people who are bitten by the male and female snakes will be attracted to each other. Although the poison in your body was sucked out by Junior Brother, I’m afraid that there is still a little residue in Senior Brother’s body. That’s why Junior Brother has been staring at you.”

Fang Chaozhou froze for a moment, “What should I do then?”

Du Yunxi’s expression was also not very good, “I can only wrong Second Brother.”  

At this time, Fang Chaozhou was still too innocent to understand the meaning of Du Yunxi words.

He only understood what he meant, when he was once again pounced upon by Xue Danrong on the second day, and Du Yunxi was blocking the others instead of stopping Xue Danrong.

“Second Brother, I have a way to remove the toxin, but I can only try it when Junior Brother’s poison is at its strongest. So, I have to wrong Second Brother.”

Fang Chaozhou blocked Xue Danrong’s face with one hand, while he firmly grasped his belt with his other hand. He was completely dumbfounded by Du Yunxi’s words, “What?”

Du Yunxi’s expression now looked ugly, as if someone had passed away in his family. After all, anyone who sees the person he admires, pressing down another man and being handsy with him, will not be happy.

“Second Brother, you have to try to stall for time. I’ll try to cleanse the poison now.”

Fang Chaozhou felt like cursing him.

The person who had pounced on him was now acting like a wolf cub, extremely ferocious, and had already bit his face twice. It was so painful that he had to inhale while clenching his teeth, and Du Yunxi actually wanted him to stall for time.

“How am I going to stall him, ah? You guys pull him away from me first!”

Du Yunxi immediately said, “No, it’s not the time yet. Only when Junior Brother is next to Second Brother, will the poison be at its strongest.”

Someone beside him said weakly, “But….but Second Brother’s clothes are going to be stripped.”

But then someone else said, “We just have to trust Second and Fifth Brothers, they will be able to heal our Junior Brother.”

In the end, it was still a failure. Well, not exactly a failure, but it can only be said to be half successful. Seeing that Fang Chaozhou’s shirt was torn to pieces, only then did Du Yunxi ask someone to tear Xue Danrong off.

“I’ve already cleansed half of the poison, but there’s still some left. I would still have to wrong Second Brother.”

Fang Chaozhou sat up holding his waist. He felt that he was no longer a happy salted fish.

It turned out that he indeed couldn’t be a happy salted fish anymore. Du Yunxi didn’t knock Xue Danrong unconscious anymore. Although Xue Danrong no longer pounced on Fang Chaozhou from time to time, the rest of the toxin remaining in his body made him super attached to Fang Chaozhou.

Wherever Fang Chaozhou was, Xue Danrong would be there. It was almost as if Xue Danrong was attached to Fang Chaozhou’s hip.

Fang Chaozhou, “……”

He let out a long sigh, looked down at the young man clinging to him, and whispered, “Junior Brother, your character is collapsing. You know that?”

The young man whose brain was controlled by the toxin, made a grunt in his throat and hugged Fang Chaozhou even tighter.


Finally, after seven days, the Secret Realm reopened. Fang Chaozhou quickly hurried back to his sect with his Junior Brothers and Sisters. After seeing his master, he immediately thrusted the human pendant that he was wearing on his body towards him. For these past seven days, Du Yunxi wasn’t able to cleanse the other half of the toxin from Xue Danrong’s body.

“Master, Junior Brother seems to have been poisoned by the Cloud Crimson snake. I hope that Master will be able to heal Junior Brother quickly.”

After saying that, Fang Chaozhou ran away.

It’s now or never. If he didn’t run away now, then he would have to forget his life of being a happy salted fish.

After this incident, Fang Chaozhou not only ran away, but also declared that he would go into seclusion and remained secluded for half a year. Only when he received the summons from his master, did he know that the Tenth-Year Cultivation Conference was about to begin.

“Chaozhou, your ranking in the last conference was pretty good. Are you going to participate this year?” His Master asked.

Fang Chaozhou shook his head decisively.

Master nodded, “Just participate. This time I am going to let twenty disciples from the sect participate.”


Fang Chaozhou, “??”

“No, Master, I…..” Fang Chaozhou wanted to retort, but found that after he had said only a few words, he was placed under a silencing spell.

Master continued, “There are quite a few sects participating this time, and your Junior Brother is participating for the first time. So, you should take care of him on the way.”

Three days later, Fang Chaozhou looked at the group of people not far away. Among them, the most obvious was a young man wearing a snow colored robe with a red border on it. He could already attract everyone’s attention without speaking or making any movements. Even the first thing that Fang Chaozhou saw was that person.

But Fang Chaozhou was sighing in his heart.

Why is it so hard to be a salted fish?

Forget it, let’s just go down the mountain and buy a new storybook.

The good thing was that he didn’t have much contact with his Junior Brother, Xue Danrong, along the way. And even if their eyes met occasionally, Xue Danrong was quick to avert his gaze.

When Fang Chaozhou discovered this fact, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally afraid that Xue Danrong would change his attitude towards him because of the things that happened during those seven days. But now it seems that nothing has changed. Maybe Xue Danrong didn’t even remember those seven days.

They traveled by air for about five days and finally arrived at Xianglian City, where the Cultivation Conference was held.

After Fang Chaozhou changed his clothes at the inn where he was staying, he set off to the local bookstore to buy a new storybook. The books here were really different from those in the small town under the Tianshui Zong Mountain. His eyes lit up and he quickly plunged into the sea of ​​books. He took one copy from the left and another from the right. After a while, he took a small pile of books and was about to go to the counter to check out, when he heard a dull voice rang out.

“Are there any fan scripts of Xue Danrong from Tianshui Zong? It’s best if the CP is Xue Danrong and Moxiu.”