Chapter 1788

Of course, Pingyi's hand... Has also been taken out towards the heart of the Lord!

Naturally, the screen can resist the heavy blow of the Lord, but the body retreats, the spirit power in the body surges, and the corners of the mouth exudes light blood!

But the world Lord's hollowed out body can't resist the blow of the screen. This blow... Is fatal to him! The heart has been penetrated. You can see through it before and after!


Equation was shocked and hurried forward to save the world leader. As long as he was treated in time, the world leader could not die! But... How could Pingyi let him really save the lower Lord? The Lord died... At least he said he was worried about leaving!

Panyi wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and immediately came forward to stop the equation. Although he was slightly injured, he still had no problem trying to stop the equation!

The equation was stopped by the screen and fought with it. While fighting, he looked at the situation of the Lord! Seeing that the Lord of the world had turned pale and gradually lost his breath, his heart became more and more anxious, but he was entangled by the screen and couldn't get away from saving people!

He couldn't help looking aside at Xiao Qi who was still fighting against those betrayed ninth order gods and separation sorrow.

"Xiao Qi!"

The equation shouted!

Xiao Qi naturally understood the meaning of the equation. Although they were all fighting, they were also paying close attention to what was happening in the equation. Knowing that he wanted to cure the world leader first, Li Zhaowen began to attract fire after exchanging eyes with Li Zhaowen, so that Xiao Qi could cure the world leader!

Xiao Qi was just able to get away. She was relieved. When she was ready to rush to the world leader to treat him, the road in front of her was stopped by Li Chou!

Although Li Chou's spiritual power is not too strong, magic and hypnosis are really powerful, and this kind of magic is a group attack skill, which often plays a very key role in a very large-scale struggle!

Xiao Qi saw that Li Chou came to stop her. She quickly closed her eyes first and then began to fight with each other! At this time, the spiritual power of sorrow of separation also costs a lot. It can't perform large-scale magic casting, but it's still possible to confuse individuals. Seeing that Xiao Qi wants to save the world leader, he is naturally the first to rush up and stop her. His ability... Is enough to deal with Xiao Qi!

Xiao Qi closed her eyes and lost an official in her senses. Naturally, her strength can't be compared with that of normal times. For a time, she can't get rid of the entanglement of separation worries. It's difficult to reach the world Lord to treat him!

"Brother, I can't get through!"

Xiao Qi shouted anxiously.

While fighting with Pingyi, his heart is full of worry, but he just can't get through to save people, and Pingyi naturally can't let him go to save people!

The battle continued, and the body of the LORD was gradually cold and stiff. Gradually... The best time to treat him was lost!

Fang Cheng really couldn't help it. He sighed helplessly!

Pingyi confronts it. Looking at the frustrated face of the equation on the opposite side, he can't help laughing. He likes to have such an expression on the equation's face. He feels that as long as he can make the equation live less happily, he will be happy for a long time!

"You are frustrated that you failed to save the lower Lord?"

He asked somewhat triumphantly!

The equation stared into his eyes and didn't speak, but the sharpness in his eyes has explained everything!


When Pingyi saw his expression, he was very excited and very happy to laugh. He kept laughing and laughing until everyone couldn't understand!

"I'm so happy!"

After a long time, he finally stopped his smile, stood up straight, looked at the equation, and looked at his slightly decadent face!

"I'm very glad that I brought you your frustration! Ha ha, I finally did something that made you very unhappy. As long as I see you unhappy and depressed, I'll be surprisingly happy..."

After listening to Pingyi's words, the corners of the mouth of the equation were hooked, like ridicule, disdain and helplessness.

"No, you didn't bring my frustration, but... The Lord of the world himself brought it to me! Just in the boundary, he told me something from his heart about him, me and his son! His death is declaring war on you and declaring to you some spirit you don't understand. If he wants to survive, he can do it! But he didn't Yes, he chose to use his last spiritual power to hurt you. This is his last... Taste what he wants! Therefore, my frustration is not from you, but from him... "

Equation turned and looked at the corpse of the Lord not far away, with unspeakable sadness on his face!

"No way! You're lying. I gave you your frustration, I gave you!"

Pingyi couldn't hear what the equation said. He shouted fiercely. The madness and stubbornness on his face were something the equation had never seen before!

"No, you know very well! Maybe you're right. It may be difficult for him to be the leader again. After all... You've already appeared. It's impossible for him to go back to be the leader in peace of mind! But it's OK to continue to live in a hidden mountain forest with his wife and children! But he doesn't have that choice. He chooses to hurt you and lose himself a hundred points. Therefore, he doesn't want to I want to live, not you kill him! And I'm frustrated because I didn't hold him, persuade him or save him. It has nothing to do with you! "

The equation spoke loudly. Everyone heard it clearly, especially the screen. His eyes were burning

"You... Well, I didn't cause your frustration, so I'll let you die and live now. I'll always look at the expression of pain and frustration on your face..."

With that, the screen rushed towards the equation!

For a moment, the two men fought fiercely again, and they couldn't tell the outcome for a moment.

"Hahaha! He's dead, hahaha, he's finally dead..."

On one side, Li Chou gives the task of fighting with Xiao Qi to another ninth level God. Then he turns his head and approaches the place where the world Lord's body is located! Gradually, the world Lord's pale and lifeless face appeared in front of him, and he began to become crazy and excited!

This sorrow of separation is the illegitimate son of the former clan leader of the ghost family. The ghost family is a very huge race. The family is not only rich, but also very powerful. Therefore, every head of the ghost family is very romantic and often flows out, even flowers!

But every leader of the ghost clan has received the education they should receive as a leader since childhood, and one of them is - don't let women outside bear the noble blood of the ghost clan leader! Therefore, every head of the ghost clan will take corresponding measures to prevent that woman from conceiving her own children when she is having an affair outside!, the fastest update of the webnovel!